By the end of September, Collingwood could be Premiers and Abbott P.M.

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you work in big business do ya mate? there the only people that benefit from abbott being PM. Lets hope either the cats or bulldogs can do something about the other 1.

You need big business to profit in order to feed small business and unemployed bums.
Insulation - There were warnings about the program which were ignored by those in charge, this led to deaths

Education - Some of the buildings weren't even needed but still got done anyway

Glad we agree about an internet filter

In terms of legal immigration, up to respective party what they do. It's illegal immigration that I want cracked down on.

Mining tax was sold farcially and is still farcial

Health - Maybe WA actually standing up to Federal Govt is a good thing

Ideas - 1000 of the best and brightest minds. Pfft, absolute joke. How many of the ideas were implemented, seriously? Something like 4 wasn't it?

Both parties have powerbrokers but really I'm not impressed with Rudd being knifed as I wanted to be able to do that myself.

I said in 2007 that a Labor govt would be awful. I was right and proven right time and again by incompetents like Rudd, Gillard and Swan.

At the end of the day, it's Australia's choice and if people want to vote based on gender, that's their choice but if people are prepared to forgive a party for numerous stuff ups, well, again, their choice but it doesn't give me confidence in the voting public.

Have you heard of The Age? It's like the Herald Sun, but for grown ups.

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This election will be won by whoever says the least. Abbot is horrendous, trying to get into power with the boats as his major weapon. Gillard puts her foot in it every time she speaks.

Elections need to be fought on the basis of health, education, infrastructure, econimic viability, employment.

NOT xenophobia, hair styles, budgie smugglers and backroom political wars.

This whole campaign is shit with two of the weakest candidates I've ever had the misfortune of having to choose between.

And I hope Collingwood lose the GF by a point. To Hawthorn.
Education - Some of the buildings weren't even needed but still got done anyway

Maybe the schools should have chosen building they did need?

Glad we agree about an internet filter

Howard's idea.

Mining tax was sold farcially and is still farcial

Businesses don't want to be taxed? Shock me.

Ideas - 1000 of the best and brightest minds. Pfft, absolute joke. How many of the ideas were implemented, seriously? Something like 4 wasn't it?

I think you're mixed up on this one.

I said in 2007 that a Labor govt would be awful. I was right and proven right time and again by incompetents like Rudd, Gillard and Swan.

At the end of the day, it's Australia's choice and if people want to vote based on gender, that's their choice but if people are prepared to forgive a party for numerous stuff ups, well, again, their choice but it doesn't give me confidence in the voting public.

Do we need to go through the last Liberal governments countless stuff-ups? Only an idiot would believe one party will be perfect.
Let's not lose perspective here. We are talking about who runs our country. It's not like that means anything against Collingwood winning a flag.
Insulation - There were warnings about the program which were ignored by those in charge, this led to deaths

Education - Some of the buildings weren't even needed but still got done anyway

Glad we agree about an internet filter

In terms of legal immigration, up to respective party what they do. It's illegal immigration that I want cracked down on.

Mining tax was sold farcially and is still farcial

Health - Maybe WA actually standing up to Federal Govt is a good thing

Ideas - 1000 of the best and brightest minds. Pfft, absolute joke. How many of the ideas were implemented, seriously? Something like 4 wasn't it?

Both parties have powerbrokers but really I'm not impressed with Rudd being knifed as I wanted to be able to do that myself.

I said in 2007 that a Labor govt would be awful. I was right and proven right time and again by incompetents like Rudd, Gillard and Swan.

At the end of the day, it's Australia's choice and if people want to vote based on gender, that's their choice but if people are prepared to forgive a party for numerous stuff ups, well, again, their choice but it doesn't give me confidence in the voting public.

Insulation - warnings were indeed glossed over or ignored about many of the rorters of the scheme, but to blame a minister for the deaths? Surely you jest. Put it this way - if there was no scheme, and dodgy insulation folks caused the deaths, would you blame the minister?

Education - you could argue a national broadband network or more highways are not strictly necessary as well but the point of building infrastructure is that it is an investment for the future and instantly create jobs.

Internet - glad you agree the Libs would be bad, if not worse. After all, they are the conservative right-wing party.

Immigration - completely hypocritical of you to mention that you did not support a cut in legal immigration before in your first post and then gloss over Abbott's official policy to halve legal immigration.

Mining tax - do you want me to bombard with loads of statistics showing how Aust's mining industry is relatively well off tax wise? Don't believe what the mining companies are telling you about them being taxed too much (surprise surprise)

Health - you may oppose federalism but it is inevitable. I suppose you want income tax to be given back to the States too. Get with it man.

Ideas - at least some of the ideas are still implemented.

Knifing - glad you agree that both parties practice backstabbing and ruthless leadership coups

The way Rudd backed down on the ETS and made policy on the run was inexcusable, but the Labor govt has done a lot of good things. When the opposition party has gone through three leaders in that time, having their current one call climate change 'bullshit', and Barnaby Joyce having a chance at being in Cabinet, I'm not sure that's the way to go.
Insulation - warnings were indeed glossed over or ignored about many of the rorters of the scheme, but to blame a minister for the deaths? Surely you jest. Put it this way - if there was no scheme, and dodgy insulation folks caused the deaths, would you blame the minister?

Education - you could argue a national broadband network or more highways are not strictly necessary as well but the point of building infrastructure is that it is an investment for the future and instantly create jobs.

Internet - glad you agree the Libs would be bad, if not worse. After all, they are the conservative right-wing party.

Immigration - completely hypocritical of you to mention that you did not support a cut in legal immigration before in your first post and then gloss over Abbott's official policy to halve legal immigration.

Mining tax - do you want me to bombard with loads of statistics showing how Aust's mining industry is relatively well off tax wise? Don't believe what the mining companies are telling you about them being taxed too much (surprise surprise)

Health - you may oppose federalism but it is inevitable. I suppose you want income tax to be given back to the States too. Get with it man.

Ideas - at least some of the ideas are still implemented.

Knifing - glad you agree that both parties practice backstabbing and ruthless leadership coups

The way Rudd backed down on the ETS and made policy on the run was inexcusable, but the Labor govt has done a lot of good things. When the opposition party has gone through three leaders in that time, having their current one call climate change 'bullshit', and Barnaby Joyce having a chance at being in Cabinet, I'm not sure that's the way to go.

Well I guess we agree to disagree.

The irony is that if the govt stuff up, it's those that vote them in that start whinging about it. Absolute hypocrites in my view

I am always of the view that we get the govt we deserve and those that voted Labor in, back in 07 got the govt they deserved. Same view applies this election. If we vote Gillard in, who is the real Gillard and will there be more incompetence? If we vote Abbott in, what will we get from him?

Both not the best options I'll concede but for mine, 3 years of Labor is more than enough.

Now let's focus on the genuine fear of Collingwood winning a Grand Final and all the black and white stuff that will have to be burned
lol as if anyone's actually voting abbott. He's not a realistic alternative prime minister in anybody's mind. It's like when Mark Latham was running for Prime Minister. He wins the popularity votes in the polls, but when election day comes nobody's going to vote for him.

I don't mind the Pies winning the flag though. They're due.

Unless you are in the electorate of Warringah, you can't vote for Abbott. Sh!ts me to tears when people say they are voting for Gillard or Abbott, or there is no way I'm voting for Abbott etc when they don't live in their election.
I agree.

Collingwood winning the flag should be avoided at all costs. If there is ever a time for Demetriou and Anderson to manipulate the competition, now is the time.

Book out AC/DC for the MCG and the book-burning at Etihad on Grand Final day and say that the nearest available venue is in Geelong.
Unless you are in the electorate of Warringah, you can't vote for Abbott. Sh!ts me to tears when people say they are voting for Gillard or Abbott, or there is no way I'm voting for Abbott etc when they don't live in their election.

The way the modern Australian election is, people tend to vote for parties rather than the actual candidate. Since Gillard and Abbott are the endorsed heads of those parties, and the party/coalition with the most House of Representatives seats form government and select their Cabinet, you can actually vote for one of them in a way.

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Yeah people would be hard-pressed to name the Lib and Labor candidate for their seats when it's not election time - then they start putting their name out on leaflets and newsletters (and their party leader's name along with it).

It's how mature democracies tend to evolve over time.
Unless you are in the electorate of Warringah, you can't vote for Abbott. Sh!ts me to tears when people say they are voting for Gillard or Abbott, or there is no way I'm voting for Abbott etc when they don't live in their election.

So your voting independent. Under our electoral system a vote for the party is a vote for the leader of that party, or if you like its an endorsement of the parties choice of leader.
Insulation - blame the dodgy tradesmen, do you blame Gillard if the schools infrastructure program causes injury to someone?
Education revolution - big infrastructure program -> lessening the effect of a recession
Internet filter - bad bad idea - but the Libs would do the same thing and it was a policy of Howard in 2007
Immigration - Abbott also plans on cutting legal immigration by half
Mining tax - the way it was sold was farcical, but mining companies are relatively undertaxed compared to other OECD countries and tax reform in this area is much needed
Health takeover - only WA has not committed and we're a backward state that will eventually bend over to Cth money anyway.
Ideas summit - taking democracy out to the people is a bad idea?
Knifing of Rudd by powerbrokers - how did you think Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott became Opposition leader?

The ignorance, it's......astounding
One of them, we'd have to live with for years and the other we'd get over quickly.

Imagine if the Pies win the GF. We'd never hear the end of it. "A new dynasty". "Pies the greatest ever".
Does anyone else find this ironic coming from a Cats supporter?
looks like approx 1/2 of our voting population currently disagree with you...but their all idiots eh?:rolleyes:

If you are an accurate representative of them, then they probably are all idiots.

You should have to pass a spelling test before you're allowed to enter the polling booth.
Collingwood premiers and a conservative government... It's like we're heading back to the 1950's ;)
Should the unthinkable happen, in both cases, I will somehow force my way into Abbot's office, make him declare war on America, Russia and China, and get this country nuked to oblivion because clearly It's not working anymore.
Nice rebuttal.

Well if your justification of that shitty education program is that "it lessens the recession" then I don't really need to rebut do I, you're doing all the work for me.

Throwing buckets of cash into the street would help lessen the recession, but you don't see people doing it do you?

Goose :thumbsdown:
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