MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

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Sep 7, 2005
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This sort of stuff is awful, Murphy already ruled out for ANZAC Day and has a history of concussion.

Will go straight to the tribunal - under the guidelines he is looking at 4+ (intentional, severe impact, high contact).


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This sort of stuff is awful, Murphy already ruled out for ANZAC Day and has a history of concussion.

Will go straight to the tribunal - under the guidelines he is looking at 4+ (intentional, severe impact, high contact).

Obviously if Murphy was concussed from the hit, Caminiti will still be looking at a few weeks (even though he is retaliating to being hit by Murphy), but not sure why Ralphy is suggesting that Murphy's history of concussion should have any outcome on the grading/penalty.
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Murphy throws the first then falls like he’s been shot. Typical hysteria due to it being Collingwood
I love seeing you melt down over Collingwood's victory in multiple threads lol.

The footage is inconclusive for mine, but if it's true that Murphy is concussed and unable to play next week then it was clearly high impact to the head. Considering it was off the ball then Caminiti will probably cop a decent suspension, the primary school "but he started it!" logic aside.
Well, he ****ed around and found out.

He took a cowardly cheap shot when the other bloke wasn't looking then dropped to his knees to what would have otherwise been a chest strike. What does he expect?

I'm sure Caminiti will get weeks and rightly so however Murphy isn't innocent and needs to cop a fair whack as well.
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Well, he ****ed around and found out.,

He took a cheap shot and hit Hammer when he wasn't looking then dropped to his knees to what would have been a chest strike.

What does he expect?
Murphys action should be looked at too.

There's never an excuse for swinging and knocking someone out/giving them a concussion.
I love seeing you melt down over Collingwood's victory in multiple threads lol.

The footage is inconclusive for mine, but if it's true that Murphy is concussed and unable to play next week then it was clearly high impact to the head. Considering it was off the ball then Caminiti will probably cop a decent suspension, the primary school "but he started it!" logic aside.
Caminti will get weeks but there won't be any great sympathy for Murphy, concussion aside of course. He certainly started it, Caminti finished it. Any comparisons to Gaff are ridiculous.
Not a huge amount of difference between this and Gaff/Brayshaw imo.
Wasn't Gaff's a punch? I thought Caminiti's was a forearm shove, maybe elbow from the limited vision. And not too dissimilar to Murphy's own dog shot on Caminiti (the difference being that Murphy went low so he copped it on the chin instead of the midriff). I'm sure Caminiti will cop weeks, but a bit of balance wouldn't go astray would it?
Wasn't Gaff's a punch? I thought Caminiti's was a forearm shove, maybe elbow from the limited vision. And not too dissimilar to Murphy's own dog shot on Caminiti (the difference being that Murphy went low so he copped it on the chin instead of the midriff). I'm sure Caminiti will cop weeks, but a bit of balance wouldn't go astray would it?
I have already said that Murphy should be looked at for his swing.

One doesn't excuse the other, regardless of which side of the fence you're on, and if you swing at a guy (an action that regardless of what happens beforehand is inexcusable) and concuss them, you are going to be in some strife.

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And not that this has any bearing on the case, but hard to have too much sympathy for Murphy the way he carried on after the incident and then when shaking hands after the game. If he was a completely innocent victim in this then fair enough, but he was the instigator.

Lol wtf? He did an open palm gentle hit to the chest, zero damage done, that happens literally a hundred times every game. Why shouldn't he carry on? Concussions are extremely ****ing serious, especially with his history it could be career threatening. How do you STILL not understand this?
Well, he ****ed around and found out.,

He took a cowardly cheap shot and hit Hammer when he wasn't looking then dropped to his knees to what would have been a chest strike.

What does he expect?

If Hammer was the one who fell to the ground and was concussed this would be another story altogether only 10 x worse. I think Murphy needs to accept some responsibility for this.

Those hits happen 1000 times a game. Very rarely do players retaliate like Caminiti.

Don’t think it’s on the same level as Gaff or Bugg but still deserves an extended break.
Personally I hate the shots off the ball. Murphy should get 1-2, Caminiti should get 5-6.

Shouldn’t be that much separation between the two. I’d go 2 for Murphy and 3 maybe 4 for Caminti
I love seeing you melt down over Collingwood's victory in multiple threads lol.

The footage is inconclusive for mine, but if it's true that Murphy is concussed and unable to play next week then it was clearly high impact to the head. Considering it was off the ball then Caminiti will probably cop a decent suspension, the primary school "but he started it!" logic aside.

Off the ball but clearly Murphy started and knew contact was coming. If he hadn’t of lowered himself it would have been in the chest.
Lol wtf? He did an open palm gentle hit to the chest, zero damage done, that happens literally a hundred times every game. Why shouldn't he carry on? Concussions are extremely ******* serious, especially with his history it could be career threatening. How do you STILL not understand this?
I acknowledge that Caminiti will do time. But surely you don't think Murphy is innocent in this? And I think his was more forceful than a "gentle" hit. If Murphy didn't duck, would Caminiti's hit been so serious either? If Caminiti punched Murphy in the face after the Murphy hit I would agree with you.
Off the ball but clearly Murphy started and knew contact was coming. If he hadn’t of lowered himself it would have been in the chest.
Oh, the perfect legal defence of “he started it.” Second only to “she shouldn’t have been wearing that outfit.”

Genius legal mind you are.
I acknowledge that Caminiti will do time. But surely you don't think Murphy is innocent in this? And I think his was more forceful than a "gentle" hit. If Murphy didn't duck, would Caminiti's hit been so serious either? If Caminiti punched Murphy in the face after the Murphy hit I would agree with you.

Being whacked in the chest is no excuse to smack someone in the head. If it was a genuine mistake then he still has to wear it, like Gaff.

Also it looks to me like Murphy "DUCKED" because the Saints player whacked him in the stomach, then followed up with his other hand to the head.

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