Social Science Casey - The bullied boy that fought back

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I get the whole screw the bully commotion coming out of this, but did Casey(?) really have to jam the bullies head into the cement like that. I felt sick watching it.
Hmmm well obviously you don't know what it's like to just snap after probably years of bullying.

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I wouldnt have had an issue with Casey finishing with a few curb stomps aswell for good measure. What an absolute ****ing ******* that little **** is, picking on the big quiet kid with his mates around him taping it. Deadshits like that need to be killed*

*not a bullied fat kid myself
Anyone got the facebook of the chick that comes over at the end?

Inbox me if so, cheers

yeah, the girl that came across at the end and told them to leave him alone should really be rewarded in someway. I'm sure that reward was not her intent in the situation but anyone who takes actions like that definately deserves something out of it. Stand up person from that :)
Hmmm well obviously you don't know what it's like to just snap after probably years of bullying.

Well true, ive never been a target of bullying and i'm not one to "snap". Based on looks i'd imagine this guy gets a larger dose of bullying than normal, but surely his response cant purely be justified by long term bullying. Then we've got a case of people entitled to their revenge when kids are at an age where the consequences of our actions arnt a primary focus. I just think appluading something of this nature should be reserved for revenge movies rather than real life.
Link to said page?

2 of the first 6 comments call for both boys to be suspended. I don't know why you're trying to nitpick a fault in a comment I made that isn't there. As you know, I'm a narcissist that is always right <3

I get the whole screw the bully commotion coming out of this, but did Casey(?) really have to jam the bullies head into the cement like that. I felt sick watching it.

Agreed, a broken leg or dislocated knee cap is the most damage I would want to see. Ideally pain that hasn't caused any damage that requires treatment other than for pain relief. A cracked skull or some sort of head trauma is going a bit far in my opinion. I don't think Casey intended to throw his head into the concrete. I think he just intended to pick him up to stop the kid moving, and then throw him down to hurt and thus stop him. Where he specifically hurt him I don't think he cared. Casey just wanted to stop him flat in his tracks.

Anyone got the facebook of the chick that comes over at the end?

Inbox me if so, cheers


yeah, the girl that came across at the end and told them to leave him alone should really be rewarded in someway. I'm sure that reward was not her intent in the situation but anyone who takes actions like that definately deserves something out of it. Stand up person from that

It is an attractive quality in a person. 15/16 year old me would approve. I see 94 in your username, meaning you might be 16. If so, it is your GD duty to smash on behalf of all 16 year olds on the board both past and present.

Seriously though, when you see the bully's face at the end of the clip, how much does he typify the bogan feral scum that comes out of the trashiest neighbourhoods of each state in the country? It's not just the way he looks, but the way he acts and his facial expressions too. You can just tell he is destined for a life of failure. Now let's consider his parents. Is it really a failure's fault if they were born into a family of deadbeats? It is in some ways similar to being born in a setting of starvation in Africa. Bad luck is involved.
Not trying to nitpick at all. Just cannot believe anybody could have an issue with what Casey did. The kid's a hero.
yeah, the girl that came across at the end and told them to leave him alone should really be rewarded in someway. I'm sure that reward was not her intent in the situation but anyone who takes actions like that definately deserves something out of it. Stand up person from that :)

Yep definitely needs a reward mate
yeah, the girl that came across at the end and told them to leave him alone should really be rewarded in someway. I'm sure that reward was not her intent in the situation but anyone who takes actions like that definately deserves something out of it. Stand up person from that :)

Yeah, I think you missed what Kipz was going for there.

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I get the whole screw the bully commotion coming out of this, but did Casey(?) really have to jam the bullies head into the cement like that. I felt sick watching it.

Quite simply put; yes.

It's ****ers like that little runt who need to be taught a lesson 2x as hard as what they deal out to the kids they bully. Unfortunately that's the only way halfwits like that learn by recieving some of their own medicine. And for the record he bodyslammed him onto the concrete on his side. Perhaps if this 'bully' is dumb enough to persist with his bullying after this incident, smashing his head onto concrete would be an appropriate form of action.

I don't mean to sound condescending in any way, but what do you expect Casey to do? Walk away and allow the bullies to have their way, after being bullied for probably the hundreth time?

A precedent needed to be set in order to prevent any further bullying from occurring, and if the school wasn't going to step in and help then Casey was well within his rights to react the way he did - especially after getting punched square in the jaw. Under any such circumstance one can reserve the right to act in self defence, and that's what he did.

I'm a looong way off from being a parent, but if Casey was my son this is something i'd be smashing into the mind of the school Principle. If such an incident occurred outside of school and charges were laid, he'd be seen in the eyes of the law as a victim acting in self defence, so why the hell doesn't the school see likewise? Why punish the victim? Why haven't they considered the circumstances behind why he reacted the way he did?

I'd say it's a case of the school suspending him in order to cover up the fact they failed in their duty of care to prevent the bullying from happening in the first place. Poor form. :thumbsdown:
Casey needs to lawyer up and teach those head-up-arse school officials they have an obligation to protect him from bullying and assault.

On that note where are those pro-bono bone head QCs when a true blue aussie citizen is under the pump like Casey here? They're always happy to help a foreign queue jumper who's turfed his papers and kids in the ocean.
As a Kid I used to get Bullied by this little Twerp ( just like the little guy in the vid) Anyway He used to hit me and kick me and once kicked me in my Genitals he would often punch me in my Breasts as well (Which you should never do to a girl EVER). I'm not one for dobbing people in BUT I had enough and all they ever did was "talk" to him so they basically did nothing.

One day while walking to the classroom he came up to me and started calling me names I just walked away he started following me this time called me another name and then spit in my face. He went to punch me in the face and I snapped I kicked him in the Balls pretty hard. Anyway the teacher only saw me kicking him in the Nuts I must have done some real damage as he had to go to the hospital. I got suspended for 3 days The bully copped a days suspension and a months worth of litter duty !:mad:

The little prick had it in for me from the day I started that school, and I was always coming home from school with bruises on me Being a girl I was shit scared of him. My parents were always up there talking to the principal about that idiot.

To this day the only thing I regret about the whole thing is that I didnt do it harder to the little prick .

He never laid a hand on me after that incident he would still persist with the name calling BUT from a distance.

BTW Well done Casey you did the right thing.
I get the whole screw the bully commotion coming out of this, but did Casey(?) really have to jam the bullies head into the cement like that. I felt sick watching it.

Well how do you know that that little arseh*le bully hadnt done similar things to Casey in the Past? I don't condone violence BUT Casey was defending himself. What was he meant to do? Cower in a corner?
I've got a story that goes back about 25 years. In grade 6 we had this big guy who copped a bit. He was a bit overweight and in addition came from a poorer disfunctional family which made him even more of a black sheep.

One lunch time he was sitting on a chair in the playground alone, didn't really have mates, and this other more popular 'jock' type* was teasing him with names and taunting him. The bully knew he had an athletic advantage and could out run the big guy but in a wrestle he could have been in trouble, so he would get up close to the big guy and taunt him with names and quickly back away - catch me if you can type scenario.

Well the end of lunch bell has rang and we've all gone to our courtyard to line up for the teacher to lead us back to class. This is where the fun starts. I should add that the bullied kid had done Taekwondo - I'd been inside his house and he showed off his uniform to me**. These two have actually lined up together with the bully in front of the bullied kid. The bully has this big smug look on his face thinking the teacher is here so he's just gotten away with a whole lunch time of being an utter prick. The order is given to walk into class and we all start walking in single file. Before we get to the door and while the teacher is up front out of view the bullied kid has reached his hand up to the shoulder of the bully and turned him to face him.... SMACK, he's punched him square on the nose and blood has just pissed from the bullies face. Got word later that the nose was broken.

Same result as this case. The bullied kid got suspended and the bully nothing. The teachers treat it as a single incident, they look at the damage and make their decision based on that. Mind you wasn't quite self defence but he did deserve it.

* He became a well known amature league player in the SE, won't give his name away. Half indigenous.
** I befriended him for a bit, nice guy that I am.
Gotta love "Chinese Whispers" in regards to what happened to the Bully:rolleyes:If he had a broken shin and a broken ankle he defiantly wouldnt be walking around like that, thats for sure.

Id say all he copped is a few bruises and embarrassment more than anything.
lol /b/ be maximum trollin


i wonder what his wall looks like, surely he accepted some of them.
Gotta love "Chinese Whispers" in regards to what happened to the Bully:rolleyes:If he had a broken shin and a broken ankle he defiantly wouldnt be walking around like that, thats for sure.

Id say all he copped is a few bruises and embarrassment more than anything.

What do you mean "like that"? He wasn't exactly tap dancing, looked like he had a serious problem.
What do you mean "like that"? He wasn't exactly tap dancing, looked like he had a serious problem.

You would think he wouldnt be able to get up at all or even put any weight on that leg if he had a broken shin Hell I have had a broken shin and it was a heirline fracture and I couldnt for the life of me put any weight at all on that leg He would know if its broken thats for sure I've known footy players who have broke their shin bones and have screamed in pain when trying to put weight on that leg just after their accidents.

That kid would have screaming if that leg was broken same goes for broken ankles.
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