News Clarko in strife again

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AFL Statement
The AFL this week made inquiries into an incident involving North Melbourne Senior Coach Alastair Clarkson during Saturday afternoon’s match in Hobart.

The AFL was made aware of the alleged comments by a match day official post-game who heard the comments, with the AFLIU following up the report.

Clarkson has admitted to loudly swearing and using inappropriate language while standing near the umpires and officials’ bench in response to an umpiring decision during the third quarter.

After talking to match officials, the AFL was not able to be comfortably satisfied that Clarkson’s swearing was directed towards a specific person or persons and in particular an AFL match official or officials and as such no finding of a breach of AFL Rules has been made.
Because I believe poor behaviour should be punished, and Clarkson has had favourable decisions lately, I suspect because the AFL is scared of him.

Clarksons excuse was beyond straw house, it was something a child would say.
No - you believe vapid accusation and incorrect association should be punished - and when it’s not, you blame the AFL.

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Hard to believe there are so many people calling for Clarkson to be suspended, or even sacked for swearing when only a handful of people heard it, yet there aren't the same calls for Brad/Chris Scott and many other coaches to be suspended when they get caught on camera doing the same thing where hundreds of thousands of viewers know full well what has been said, including children.
Because I believe poor behaviour should be punished, and Clarkson has had favourable decisions lately, I suspect because the AFL is scared of him.

Clarksons excuse was beyond straw house, it was something a child would say.
I appreciate the discussion…but your ‘need’ to win is starting to undermine your position.

I would simply ask ‘what bad behaviour has gone unpunished?’

You know it’s a shallow ledger except for the U9s indiscretion - don’t tie your wagon to a blind horse. 😉
Time to lock the thread, mods.

Clarko exonerated. Again.
Can you link me to another time Clarko was exonerated please?
Hard to believe there are so many people calling for Clarkson to be suspended, or even sacked for swearing when only a handful of people heard it, yet there aren't the same calls for Brad/Chris Scott and many other coaches to be suspended when they get caught on camera doing the same thing where hundreds of thousands of viewers know full well what has been said, including children.
There's a clear defined difference between swearing in a coaches box, and swearing in a way that gave people the impression he was swearing at match officials, who were nearby. Stop downplaying it. He (or who ever wrote his statement) admits it's a bad look.
I’m not convinced he's washed up - and every Sat night in King street says the world is angry as he is.

I’m sure he is trying, it’s not an easy life leaving dents everywhere you go - but that ole dog is actually not as bad as people want him to be. 😉

I'm genuinely surprised that you think an AFL coach should have the same standards as a random punk on King St on a Saturday night.
If directed at the umpire or an individual, yes, it should be deemed an offence with repercussions/punishment. This is simply because it would be to the detriment of the professionalism of the league if this behaviour became a regular occurrence and/or is otherwise tolerated.

What I don't get is the vitriol with which people in here are condemning Clarkson. Granted, he seems to be a particularly emotional and at times angry individual, but come on! The hypocrisy in here! Like none of you have sworn at someone, a boss, a colleague, a stranger in line or on the road?

A lot of people like being offended on behalf of others, or otherwise, like to castigate people in positions of relative power or those who have had success. Also with the homophobic stuff, like none of you have used homophobic slurs in your life? I heard it all the time growing up as a gay bloke, at school, on the field, on site from workmates. Hypocrites.

This doesn't make it right...but spare the world your faux outrage.

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Hard to believe there are so many people calling for Clarkson to be suspended, or even sacked for swearing when only a handful of people heard it, yet there aren't the same calls for Brad/Chris Scott and many other coaches to be suspended when they get caught on camera doing the same thing where hundreds of thousands of viewers know full well what has been said, including children.

This is correct i would draw the line if he deliberately walked or pointed towards the umpire and started remonstrating in a aggressive manner.

Longmire goes ballistic in the box every week towards poor Coxy with no doubt expletives galore being shouted.

Hard to believe such a non-incident got so much traffic.
To all you ****ing campaigners wanting to hang Clarko for a couple of expletives.
middle fingers idgaf GIF by Nick Cannon
Can you link me to another time Clarko was exonerated please?

There's a clear defined difference between swearing in a coaches box, and swearing in a way that gave people the impression he was swearing at match officials, who were nearby. Stop downplaying it. He (or who ever wrote his statement) admits it's a bad look.
Not downplaying it, just pointing out that in the heat of battle all coaches swear and it is extremely difficult to know and understand the intentions of the coach at the time, unless they get visibly aggressive, and there is no mention of Clarkson getting out of his seat, pointing or looking at any official in an aggressive manner, so to make the assumption that he was swearing at a match official is every bit as ludicrous as making a similar assumption when the camera focuses on a coach swearing while in the coaches box.
Not sure anyone gives a shout about your family.

This is a high profile AFL coach who is directing abuse specifically at an umpire. The exact thing the AFL has been attempting to stamp out.

The fact is Clarko has had so many chances and got off easy. Ask the AFL players who copped suspensions for using derogatory gay terms while Clarko got a slap on the wrist.

Some poster questioned the AFL’s lack of sympathy when it comes to Clarko’s mental health, yet forgets about the mental health of those Clarko attacks and verbally abuses.

The guy is finished. A terrible role model these days and represents all that is wrong with the North Melbourne Football Club.
Spot on exact. Would be good if north fans would concur with this summary of the current state of Ali C’s mental state.

He now belongs in the ancient history books of great coaches who burnt out and faded away.

I mean let’s face it, not even Malthouse punched a hole in the wall no matter how enraged he was with our pathetic umpires at league level.
Not downplaying it, just pointing out that in the heat of battle all coaches swear and it is extremely difficult to know and understand the intentions of the coach at the time, unless they get visibly aggressive, and there is no mention of Clarkson getting out of his seat, pointing or looking at any official in an aggressive manner, so to make the assumption that he was swearing at a match official is every bit as ludicrous as making a similar assumption when the camera focuses on a coach swearing while in the coaches box.
Wake up and realise the times there are a changing’

You just can’t have that shit going on in modern times.

Only unhinged, feral idiots abuse others in public.

Let alone on national Tv.
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Interesting the North supporters celebrating.
Would have thought they wouldn't have minded an 0-11 coach having a break and allowing an assistant to maybe win you a game.

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I'm confident you wouldn't as a general rule.

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