Classy Pies Fans at it again

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I suppose when a club has as many supporters as Collingwood has there a bound to be a few bad apples. Other clubs have them too but just not as many
LOL, do people on this site actually go to games? This type of crap happens every week, every venue, every team. Sure it's ordinary behaviour but the fact it made the news is laughable. As for Dave Hughes the social commentator:rolleyes:

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So should Geelong fans follow the lead of Collingwood fans and punch out the father of an opposition player on the way out of the ground after a nine goal win? Maybe we should punch out a fast food vendor after losing a final. Is that the way we're supposed to interact with opposition fans? :rolleyes:

As for Geelong having a more tragic grand final history than Collingwood, we've been in 14 grand finals for 7 wins (ie. 50%). Collingwood have been in 40 for 14 wins (35%), not to mention being in the history books for being on the wrong end of the greatest comeback in a grand final. But don't let the facts get in the way of anything, will you?

add to that I bet he has not been to Geelong for a very long time( if at all). The Pies have not played there since 1999 and only 3 times in the 90's. Its a very different ground today.
add to that I bet he has not been to Geelong for a very long time( if at all). The Pies have not played there since 1999 and only 3 times in the 90's. Its a very different ground today.
and who's fault is it we don't play there? Opposition teams bleat about Collingwood getting 18 home games at the g in language about Eddie befitting the 'elders of zion'. Here is the reason BECAUSE YOUR CLUB WANTS TO.
You know this story and other issues in standing area will eventually lead to a ban on standing at the footy:thumbsdown: I can see it happening pretty soon!
What the ???

Suddenly every second football supporter is a another Neil Mitchell moral crusader who walks a perfect existance !! I wonder if there is an over riding number of supporters who have left the couch to get to the game now that the team they gave slight interest to not so long are riding high and have found the game experience differs from the couch version ?? With a sports dedicated radio stations taking talkback about anything, many internet sites , tabloids all looking to break the big story of the week all not scared to make mountains out of molehills this moral high ground isnt going to fit under the roof at the dome for much longer !!.......cant wait for the today/tonight expose !!........maybe some consultants should be brought in ....or a royal commission
What the ???

Suddenly every second football supporter is a another Neil Mitchell moral crusader who walks a perfect existance !! I wonder if there is an over riding number of supporters who have left the couch to get to the game now that the team they gave slight interest to not so long are riding high and have found the game experience differs from the couch version ?? With a sports dedicated radio stations taking talkback about anything, many internet sites , tabloids all looking to break the big story of the week all not scared to make mountains out of molehills this moral high ground isnt going to fit under the roof at the dome for much longer !!.......cant wait for the today/tonight expose !!........maybe some consultants should be brought in ....or a royal commission

Two questions bragg ...

Would you participate in the organised sledging of Ablett Jnr over the tragic death of Alisha Horan ?

Would you do it on the day you took your Mum to the footy ?
Grog squads are shocking. Richmond ones start fights on a weekly basis, and have a habit of being behind the opponents cheer squad.

Only difference is that this is Collingwood. Richmond dont sell papers unless it involves cousins

Cue Caroline Wilsons article on how she is "utterly Disgusted" by this "pathetic display"

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As long as papers continue to be sold to mindless pie haters such as JohnD, who I'm sure has the Herald Sun 'voteline" on his speed dial, these kinds of articles singling out pies fans in terms of wider issues will exist.

I wouldn't take part in what was sang, and don't really support it but as others have said if it's kept to the verbals, there is no real problem with it.

A supporter behind me at the telstra dome in 2007 called Didak a "murdering a***hole" in his first game back. I'm sure milne and montagna have copped some unjustified stuff too. There are footy fans/cricket fans/rugby fans and fans of other things besides sport that would do it.

When we call this chant "organised" does it simply mean one person started it and a bunch of soaks joined in? Hardly sounds complicated enough for Collingwood's Poet Lauriet to turn out.

As for the "f**k you pussycats" tom jones chant, im just dissapointed i didn't think of that one first!
Just as everyone thinks that GA Sr gave heroin to a young girl, which resulted in her death.
Well that is true however that a Snr issue not Jnr.... Why should that be relevant to him.Guess the idiots cant think up anything smarter

Protect them from what? People singing? My God man, if you think people need protecting from that, then you'd be better off at the ballet than the footy.

...MY GOD MAN.........Have you been under a rock...protect the general public from being abused, bashed and intimidated when they just want to go to a game of football.

I dont care if some foul mouthed bogans wearing their club colours (what ever colours) want to sing go for it, however not every one of the 60k crowd was a bunch of Bogans.

Try explaining to a 10 year old or a 6 year old for that matter why they are calling their idols a rapist, murderer, drug dealer or what ever, try telling them that its ok for that bloke to bleeding from being bashed as its only the footy. They will get turned off the game if they dont (or their parents more the point) dont feel safe going to a game.

I dont give a toss hearing this rubbish at the footy as the idiots are only there intimidate others around them....Brave tossers aren't they. The footy isnt just there for them to sink piss and get into a fight, go to king street to do that, its there for the 95% that want to watch the game.
Well that is true however that a Snr issue not Jnr.... Why should that be relevant to him.Guess the idiots cant think up anything smarter

...MY GOD MAN.........Have you been under a rock...protect the general public from being abused, bashed and intimidated when they just want to go to a game of football.

I dont care if some foul mouthed bogans wearing their club colours (what ever colours) want to sing go for it, however not every one of the 60k crowd was a bunch of Bogans.

Try explaining to a 10 year old or a 6 year old for that matter why they are calling their idols a rapist, murderer, drug dealer or what ever, try telling them that its ok for that bloke to bleeding from being bashed as its only the footy. They will get turned off the game if they dont (or their parents more the point) dont feel safe going to a game.

I dont give a toss hearing this rubbish at the footy as the idiots are only there intimidate others around them....Brave tossers aren't they. The footy isnt just there for them to sink piss and get into a fight, go to king street to do that, its there for the 95% that want to watch the game.[/quote]

Good post.

I am tired of hearing that if I am not a beer swilling, foul mouthed, vocal thug then I should stay away from the footy.

I have been attending footy games for over twenty years and it's only in the last 5 or so that I have started to feel uncomfortable going.

Can someone tell me why that is
Let's not make this a Collingwood issue. I've seen plenty of idiots at the footy in all colours, including Geelong. One has to ask...where is the security?
Kick the idiots out after a warning if they don't tone it down. Simple.
I take my kids to the footy to be entertained, and although I expect a few choice words to fly about, sustained profanity is unacceptable in a public place.
Whatever club is involved, Grog Squads..the problem is the grog.

Same as the nightclubs, there is an element who just wish to drink a heap, and simply display bawdy, boozy unsocial behavior as a result. I recall it was back in 1982 when a young father was killed by a king hit i think at Princes Park. The AFL then decided to ban bringing alcohol into the ground for that reason. They now have the two-can or cup limit, but still a small element just wish to turn a footy game into a booze session.

It is pretty clear that when you get a group of people in any area who get totally sloshed, and perhaps some of these 'Grog Squad' members tank up before going to games first, there is a strong chance of trouble of some sort. People's inhibitions reduce when drunk, their sense of social responsibility pretty much disappears. I cannot imagine it would be much fun sitting as an opposition fan near a group like that. And i am sure that as several posters including John D have mentioned, it would be hardly the environment to take a family to.

If you want to get totally sloshed, just do everyone a favour and watch it at home on the big screen with your mates. Saves a lot of trouble for everyone. Most people actually go to the footy to watch the game!
Well that is true however that a Snr issue not Jnr.... Why should that be relevant to him.Guess the idiots cant think up anything smarter

...MY GOD MAN.........Have you been under a rock...protect the general public from being abused, bashed and intimidated when they just want to go to a game of football.

I dont care if some foul mouthed bogans wearing their club colours (what ever colours) want to sing go for it, however not every one of the 60k crowd was a bunch of Bogans.

Try explaining to a 10 year old or a 6 year old for that matter why they are calling their idols a rapist, murderer, drug dealer or what ever, try telling them that its ok for that bloke to bleeding from being bashed as its only the footy. They will get turned off the game if they dont (or their parents more the point) dont feel safe going to a game.

I dont give a toss hearing this rubbish at the footy as the idiots are only there intimidate others around them....Brave tossers aren't they. The footy isnt just there for them to sink piss and get into a fight, go to king street to do that, its there for the 95% that want to watch the game.[/quote]

Good post.

I am tired of hearing that if I am not a beer swilling, foul mouthed, vocal thug then I should stay away from the footy.

I have been attending footy games for over twenty years and it's only in the last 5 or so that I have started to feel uncomfortable going.

Can someone tell me why that is

Excellent post. I am lookng forward to the footy on Friday night, and then again I am not. Collingwood matches bring out the gooses in both sets of fan bases at the Gabba. Some years I have been, its feral for both sides. A night match, a bit of alcohol and they let rip. Shameful really. I have seen fans ripping into kids for supporting the opposition. Not nice behavour, and its not just a bit of fun either guys. Its hurtful for a young girl to be abused in this manner at the football.

I see The Gabba has an sms this number if you are experieincing any problem at a game. I wonder if that may create more problems than what its worth though.
It's not relevant. But relevance isn't a requirement of sledging, so your observation isn't relevant either.

Speaking of relevance... What does any of this have to do with my post in the context in which it was posted?

But relevance make it a far better sledge/comment otherwise its just purile dribble from a moron...bit like a lot of the post on Big Footy
An absolute abomination of a story.

Page three.

Are you kidding me?

These guys make plenty of noise, which IS what's needed, and are no different from the Tiges, Dons, etal. They are value and often make a game more enjoyable.

Cannot believe how low the Sun continue to go in looking for Collingwood stories to dredge. Very sad that one of our two major newspapers goes this way (and the other goes on an absolute crusade re the North Melb thing, but that's an entirely different issue). Newspapers change opinions and set agendas. They need to be very careful.
Just another of the litany of incidents that reinforces peoples views on Collingwood supporters..they have so many anti social low lifes amongst them that it must embarrass the decent Pies fans out there.

Obviously dear old Blues_Man prefers to sit at home, on the couch, with a remote in hand. The riff raff these days...

...cut it out, mate. Carlton have supporters who are far worse than these guys (as do the Pies). Far worse. Wonder if you've ever noticed them?

Have you seen these Pies fans in the Ponny before? With your own eyes and listened yourself? You'll find that they are rarely embarrassing.
I'd lay money that there wouldn't be an article in the paper dedicated to it either.

But of course the Sun continues to bring up the name of Millane every single time a Pies player transgresses.

Taz/Jonno in 2006.

Dids/Heater in 2008.

Millane, again, got a run. Why do that? Why stoop so low? And then swing around and publish a story such as this on PAGE THREE.

Wonder if Eddie will say anything?

If it was Richmond's fans I'm sure there would be an article on Eddie that is.

Why would he write anything on a non-issue?

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Classy Pies Fans at it again

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