Politics Climate Change Paradox (cont in part 2)

Should we act now, or wait for a unified global approach

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Just when you start to despair that we have a entire generation brainswashed and addicted to Groupthink, up comes a champion - someone unafraid to take a contrary opinion and stand up to the mob.

Remember the name; JOANNE TRAN - an inspirational future leader.

Here's her article published in the Daily Telegraph ......

Hundreds of thousands of school students around the world will be skipping school on Friday as part of a protest organised by activist group School Strike for Climate.

One of the group’s many justifications for encouraging minors to skip school is to “save our future from climate-wrecking projects”.

Many of the students who are being targeted by the group to not attend school are from Australia. Many are my classmates.

But I am one of the millions of school kids around the world and in Australia who will be not be marching today, and who instead choose to attend school.

“Why? Don’t you care about the environment?” many school pals and others have asked me.

Well, consider this an open letter to both my schoolmates and the organisers of the protest about why I won’t be missing out on a day of my education to join them.

The School Strike for Climate claims that its goal is to send a message to the government to “save our future”.

However the group’s real mission is to advance a progressive policy agenda against an innocent group of children.

The group’s website, created by the activists (many of whom are adults and come from partisan backgrounds) tries to justify their encouragement of kids to skip school by saying that there needs to be urgent action to move Australia beyond fossil fuel projects such as the Carmichael Coal mine targeted by #StopAdani activists to get the job done of moving us to “100 per cent renewable energy for all”.

At one time I, too, would have implicitly accepted this proposition at face value.

This began to change once I READ MORE WIDELY ON THE TOPIC and was exposed to new ideas after taking economics as one of my HSC subjects.

Economics was the first-ever subject where my classmates and I no longer heard lines including “coal/mining is terrible and will be the end of us”.

These type of complaints are stock standard within a school system where the curriculum skews obviously to the left.

For the first time in my school career, I started to hear about how important commodities such as coal, iron ore and LNG are to Australian industry and our nation’s output.

In our strong and stable economy, more than 51 per cent of our total exports came from commodities, delivering Australia’s second-largest trade surplus on record.

How could a country such as ours, benefiting immensely from the prosperity brought by exporting our natural resources to the rest of the world — including its poorest — forget that this is why we have such an enviable standard of living?

Public revenue from mining and taxes generated by the goods produced through the electricity and energy generated from our resources, has allowed us to deliver world-class public healthcare and education.

Yet these activists describe the very projects that built our nation, and which millions of us directly or indirectly depend on for our livelihoods, as “wrecking projects”.

They do this while asking children to opt out of the education that they once benefited from, in order to protest the very things that helped create it.

The lack of knowledge and failure to acknowledge these basic facts among the children stepping out to protest is what scares me the most, and it should scare you too.

It is this ignorance, due to no fault of their own besides the failure of our education system to expose them to the ideas they need to understand the world, that makes them the perfect political pawns for activists and their agendas.

A great education is a holistic one. An education that features both sides of the argument.

It should not have taken me 11 years of schooling to finally have taken a class that even acknowledges the importance of the mining sector to Australian life and its contribution to the world.

Unfortunately, economics is not taken by the vast majority of students.

In fact, I would argue that it is one of the less popular subjects among those offered.

This means that many students will reach the age where they will vote in hopes for a better future, without a full understanding of what is important for the strong economy needed for that.

Worse yet, those of us who speak our mind are increasingly intimidated into silence by the mob who have fallen prey to an agenda sold by activists and enabled by the very system that is supposed to prepare us for our futures.


There may yet be hope:thumbsu:
Omfg, they found someone to rim corporate bum.Why does one student puppet ,who has no knowlege of science or common sense, get a full page article? The answer of course is vested interests from coal mining.She will go down in history as an unfortunate pawn, who sold out future generations to get her picture in a Murdoch newspaper. WTF is wrong with you cromyzone,do you seriously not understand the climate change emergency, or do you base your 'beliefs' on your hatred of the left.Hatred of the left should not effect your reading of facts and figures provided by scientists. Just because you hate certain groups doesn't mean you have to take a contrary position. Why don't you make your own mind up based on evidence.If you have no evidence it's just fake news mate.
If we think the climate is heading South now wait until both Labor and the Libs get their extra 10 million Australians. Madness.

Water is less important than "diversity and inclusion".


Climate change and a rising population mean that England is facing the 'jaws of death', where demand for water could surpass the supply available in the next 25 years.

Sir James Bevan, 59, chief executive of the Environment Agency, said that the UK could have a water shortage by 2044.

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Right wingers have a very ambivalent relationship with freedom of speech/expression. They're extremely sensitive and fragile about the topic.
If you try and limit their hate speech they howl in outrage at PC gone mad. But when kids express concern for the future of our environment, they howl in outrage at the injustice of people being able to freely express their opinion. And they want them punished for it.
Wingnuts are dumb as shit. They're so easily manipulated by their overlords into completely contradictory opinions, but don't have the intelligence to see the irony. Don't they realise that their irrational fears are being exploited to trick them into voting/acting against their own and our nation's interests?
Water is less important than "diversity and inclusion".


Climate change and a rising population mean that England is facing the 'jaws of death', where demand for water could surpass the supply available in the next 25 years.

Sir James Bevan, 59, chief executive of the Environment Agency, said that the UK could have a water shortage by 2044.
I can't envision a modern technologically advanced society running out of water, surely by mid this century the ingenuity of the human race would have devised an economical efficient means to turn abundant sea water into potable/irrigation water.
I can't envision a modern technologically advanced society running out of water, surely by mid this century the ingenuity of the human race would have devised an economical efficient means to turn abundant sea water into potable/irrigation water.
Desal is pretty energy expensive and the excess salt is harmful to surrounding environments.
Right wingers have a very ambivalent relationship with freedom of speech/expression. They're extremely sensitive and fragile about the topic.
If you try and limit their hate speech they howl in outrage at PC gone mad. But when kids express concern for the future of our environment, they howl in outrage at the injustice of people being able to freely express their opinion. And they want them punished for it?

And left wingers are not? I could easily argue the opposite and the Lefts inability to find common ground.

Maybe if kids spent more time in school and not on their iPhones they would start to understand why the world heading where it’s is.
I can't envision a modern technologically advanced society running out of water, surely by mid this century the ingenuity of the human race would have devised an economical efficient means to turn abundant sea water into potable/irrigation water.
We are not running out of water it’s just with population growth we have not kept up to date with construction of water storage! There hasn’t been any dam built in Australia for decades for starters
I can't envision a modern technologically advanced society running out of water, surely by mid this century the ingenuity of the human race would have devised an economical efficient means to turn abundant sea water into potable/irrigation water.
The Israelis have been investing heavily in desal research for over a decade and for all the hype, they have only really made marginal gains.

It's not cheap, either in terms of energy, maintenance or outlay. Water recycling is better, but faces public pushback.

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Right wingers have a very ambivalent relationship with freedom of speech/expression. They're extremely sensitive and fragile about the topic.
If you try and limit their hate speech they howl in outrage at PC gone mad. But when kids express concern for the future of our environment, they howl in outrage at the injustice of people being able to freely express their opinion. And they want them punished for it.
Wingnuts are dumb as shit. They're so easily manipulated by their overlords into completely contradictory opinions, but don't have the intelligence to see the irony. Don't they realise that their irrational fears are being exploited to trick them into voting/acting against their own and our nation's interests?
Right wingers have a very ambivalent relationship with freedom of speech/expression. They're extremely sensitive and fragile about the topic.
If you try and limit their hate speech they howl in outrage at PC gone mad. But when kids express concern for the future of our environment, they howl in outrage at the injustice of people being able to freely express their opinion. And they want them punished for it.
Wingnuts are dumb as shit. They're so easily manipulated by their overlords into completely contradictory opinions, but don't have the intelligence to see the irony. Don't they realise that their irrational fears are being exploited to trick them into voting/acting against their own and our nation's interests?

Not all conservatives are stupid, but as a whole they tend to be markedly stupider than progressives. Hence why the negative Youtube comments on Shorten's budget reply are full of spelling mistakes.
Lol, keep the propaganda coming!! Funny how people have fallen under the spell of the criminally liable coal lobby and their political minions.The losers posting pro-coal propaganda are a disgrace imo.You either do it because you have a vested interest in coal profits or because people are blind ideological idiots.
What's your point here? I see no plastic or coal in this picture.Does this prove climate change doesn't exist? Or is this another cheap point made by supporters of the criminal coal lobby?
The point here is these millennial pricks 'jump up and down about the "environment" and leave "our" environment in a trashy state. And if you cant see plastic in that picture your are blind....not to mention wood {Did you know the stuff that comes from a tree?}:oops:
Lol, keep the propaganda coming!! Funny how people have fallen under the spell of the criminally liable coal lobby and their political minions.The losers posting pro-coal propaganda are a disgrace imo.You either do it because you have a vested interest in coal profits or because people are blind ideological idiots.
Dont try and tell Socrates2 there is any plastic in this photograph FFS.
What's your point here? Are you saying because some protesters left rubbish that climate change doesn't exist or are you saying climate change doesn't exist because all the protesters are hypocrites.How does that photo change the universal agreement on Co2 emmissions.Alot of you posters are going to look extra crazy/ silly when these threads get bumped in 10 years because they look silly now.So tell me what does this photo prove and how do you benefit from the coal industry?
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