Politics Climate Change Paradox (cont in part 2)

Should we act now, or wait for a unified global approach

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The following graphic will have no impact on the climate change deniers. Hopefully it will of the realists.

Another 'crackpot denier'.

Dr. Rex J. Fleming is a mathematician with a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from the U. of Michigan. He has over 50 years of experience as a scientist and manager in weather and climate research. He has published peer reviewed scientific papers from 1971 to 2018. He has represented the Unites States of America at several international science meetings, including as the Chief Delegate at the First United States Ocean Climate Delegation to the People’s Republic of China in 1982. He was awarded the Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award (1980) for outstanding achievement in directing the U.S. role in the Global Weather Experiment (FGGE). He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (1982) for contributions to atmospheric science. From his retired position as a consultant in the aerospace business he has used his own funds to carry out research on climate issues. He has an important paper on the chaos associated with the large scale instability of the atmosphere and a book on combining the Stochastic Dynamic Equations with the Monte Carlo approach to investigate nonlinear systems in more detail.​
The Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award (1980) for outstanding achievement in directing U.S. role in Global Weather Experiment (FGGE)​
Elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (1982) for contributions to atmospheric science​
Elected as a recipient of the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (2019)​


Scientists fiddled with the data — ocean data, atmospheric data, put their temperature sensors too close to cities. Motivated wanting to keep their funding and get ahead in organisations such as the American Meteorology Society, American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science - which will not allow discussion from any skeptical point of view.

He thinks that most of the recent changes in the climate are due to periodic solar activity which modulates galactic cosmic rays causing changes in cloud production. As per Henrik Svensmark. CO2 is not a significant driver of climate change.

Svensmark another 'denier'.

Henrik Svensmark (born 1958) is a physicist and a senior researcher in the Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics Division of the National Space Institute (DTU Space) in Lyngby, Denmark. In 1987, he obtained a PhD from the Technical University of Denmark and has held postdoctoral positions in physics at three other organizations: the University of California, Berkeley, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, and the Niels Bohr Institute. Henrik Svensmark presently leads the Sun–Climate Research group at DTU Space.​

Scientists fiddled with the data — ocean data, atmospheric data, put their temperature sensors too close to cities. Motivated wanting to keep their funding and get ahead in organisations such as the American Meteorology Society, American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science - which will not allow discussion from any skeptical point of view.
Except they didn’t. It is crackpot nonsense.

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The lack of understanding in this thread about what constitutes scientific method vs what religious dogma or indoctrination is proves the utter shite that our education has become since Howard took power. I must give the libs credit, taking away billions of dollars of resources for our public education system has certainly paid dividends for their coal crony buddies.
While I am not entirely convinced that things can be changed by a whim or a personal opinion, I am always thinking of it
and waste management and 'stuff' we all have is a recurring theme.. is that relevant to this thread?
Point being that I don't want to accelerate something that could be easy to arrest, nor do I want to run and scurry through
my life changing things that are entirely unproductive and useless in regards to time and money..

Paradox indeed... btw... dots are cheap hey.. :)
Look at the debacle with Morrison in the pacific. Australia will continue to prioritise coal as a primary energy source as long as we have a liberal government.

You’d think by now the deniers and conspiracy theorists would realise technology and science is the reason we are where we are today and not chasing one another with sharpened rocks like cavemen.
Look at the debacle with Morrison in the pacific. Australia will continue to prioritise coal as a primary energy source as long as we have a liberal government.

You’d think by now the deniers and conspiracy theorists would realise technology and science is the reason we are where we are today and not chasing one another with sharpened rocks like cavemen.

Yes but they see most things in profit & loss on the annual balance sheet. Its the long term they seem to ignore.
Science is only useful to the political RW in its capacity to make a buck.
Thats why The Libs push specific/business research ( trying to pick winners) over general/fundamental research, where most of the real knowledge are made over time with peer reviewed papers.

Linking of Smoking & cancer took many years & had to withstand attacks by vested interests (aided by the money hungry & immoral side of the legal fraternity). Climate change ditto.

Never stand between short term money interests & the RW of politics.
If we could find a sustainable and safe way to reduce the waste then it would be a great option

two issues:

1) to have enough waste to warrant a waste facility.

Globally there is circa 240,000 tons of waste after 60 plus years. By tonnage, that is one ship's cargo.

By volume, it's 19 times more dense than water at ~19/t per m3. That's 50 x 50 x 5 m warehouse for the entire world.

2) the waste from gen 3 reactors can be used in gen 4 fast breeders

There will be waste from Gen 4 but again we probably need to wait 200 - 1,000 years before we have enough waste to justify a facility
Latest CSIRO report comparing the projected costs of various tuype sof power generations, Nuclear is just more expensive than renewables.

Why punt on a untested technology with massive development costs, massive development times and unresolved issues around waste?

I thought we were moving to low CO2 power generation to reduce CO2. It is proven that solar and wind can't achieve that, so do we choose failure or success?

Can you point to a single jurisdiction on the planet, that has a renewables strategy, that deliver 40-70g per kwhr, that doesn't rely upon hydro or nuclear? You'd probably struggle to find one that get within 5 times worse. Germany is likely to be 10-15 times worse than that in 2035 after blowing $1.5 trillion.

All of the US's waste would fit into a storage facility 6m X 35m X 15. That's tiny and given the "waste" can be reused in gen 4 reactor, this will shrink again to a small fraction of that.
I thought we were moving to low CO2 power generation to reduce CO2. It is proven that solar and wind can't achieve that, so do we choose failure or success?

Can you point to a single jurisdiction on the planet, that has a renewables strategy, that deliver 40-70g per kwhr, that doesn't rely upon hydro or nuclear? You'd probably struggle to find one that get within 5 times worse. Germany is likely to be 10-15 times worse than that in 2035 after blowing $1.5 trillion.

All of the US's waste would fit into a storage facility 6m X 35m X 15. That's tiny and given the "waste" can be reused in gen 4 reactor, this will shrink again to a small fraction of that.

untested unproven very expensive technologies that are projected to cost more than over clean alternatives.
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