Club disillusionment and the switch

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simba_ I've always thought of the Mancs and the eagles as being very similar - bandwagoning supporters all over the place who have no attachment to the club other than the fact they wanted to follow someone who wins a lot.

That's why it isn't surprising the eagles have a disproportionate amount of fans who throw their toys out of the cot when they aren't winning, 'fans' who give their real supporters a bad name.
I'm not fazed if people change - but i couldn't do it. Couldn't justify it to myself. If you can live with yourself, all the best.
Hi guys.
This may be a bit long winded but here goes.
I'm a Pies fan and have been since birth. Getting older now (24) and I have become a bit disillusioned with Collingwood. I can't work out why this is. I attend every game in Melbourne (where I live), but I just dont feel the excitement like I used to. If we lose it doesn't hurt much it's just like 'meh', and if we win 'that' feeling just isn't there. Maybe seeing us win one flag in my lifetime was enough? I don't know. I also hate what the club has become. Collingwood is nothing but a brand now in many respects. Maybe this is necessary, but I still hate it.
So, what of it?
Well since inception I have followed the Suns closely. This has increased to the stage that just like I don't miss a pies game, I can't miss a Suns game. I have unashamed man crushes on a few players (big pav, goodesy, 'the panther' nicnat, tommahawk) but none moreso than Dion Prestia. I love watching the Suns play, and to be honest, felt more gutted when the Suns lost to the lions than when the pies lost to the hawks. This has prompted me to really analyse where I stand.
I know to most people that switching allegiances is sacrilegious, however you can't help how you feel and analysis is always good. I feel like I'm searching for a tipping point. Maybe I'm just looking for something to hang my hat on in my decision, not sure.
So I put forward the following questions: (in no particular order, and feel free to expand)
Is it so wrong to change teams?
What are some reasons (even a list) to support the Suns?
Has this happened to anyone else?

The reason why is because Collingwood is now shit, so u lost faith.

[/quote]I had similar feelings in 2009 after the hawks won the '08 flag.

That's because the hawks were shit in 09, u lost faith.

Your just like Stanton and Goddard, front runners, u love it when your playing good, u hate it when your shit.

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simba_ I've always thought of the Mancs and the eagles as being very similar - bandwagoning supporters all over the place who have no attachment to the club other than the fact they wanted to follow someone who wins a lot.

That's why it isn't surprising the eagles have a disproportionate amount of fans who throw their toys out of the cot when they aren't winning, 'fans' who give their real supporters a bad name.
I'd say you personally give your club a bad name, you rarely make a post that isn't a river of tears over what West Coast is doing. Did you used to support them and then changed when Freo came in? It would explain your constant agonised whining.
I'd say you personally give your club a bad name, you rarely make a post that isn't a river of tears over what West Coast is doing. Did you used to support them and then changed when Freo came in? It would explain your constant agonised whining.

Nope, my agonised whining comes from having to share a state with a bunch of fairweather eagles fans.

I did have some enjoyable football conversations in 2010 though - oh wait, no I didn't because you would have sworn football didn't exist that year. Everyone wants to talk footy again now though, coincidentally enough.
Nope, my agonised whining comes from having to share a state with a bunch of fairweather eagles fans.

I did have some enjoyable football conversations in 2010 though - oh wait, no I didn't because you would have sworn football didn't exist that year. Everyone's happy to talk footy again now though, coincidentally enough.
I live in Melbourne, so really not something I can comment on, I can imagine a team having success would sting when you barrack for Fremantle though.
I can see where the op is coming from. Makes me think of those comparisons to Man Utd. See, when I imagine the Utd crowds I don't think of thousands of passionate fans all on the same page, I think there are bandwagoners mixed in with daytrippers mixed in with the genuine fans mixed in with the genuine fans who have grown to hate their team. Many of them have gone off to support the amateur version of Utd that I'm pretty sure was started up because of reasons of disenchantment like this. With Collingwood I can picture basically the same thing. It musn't feel like you're a part of the "Collingwood army" anymore, or maybe you are but so many new recruits are just there because it's all the rage. Collingwood fans are notoriously proud and passionate like Port fans so I can imagine how depressing it would be to see the AFL try and push your club as that soulless brand (like the Mancs have become :p - I kept bias out of this post for a while!).

You are right, FC United of Manchester was set up and is owned by disillusioned Scumchester United fans. Mainly due to the American takeover though I think from memory. The fans were forced to sell there shares in the club. The money from the Glazer takeover come in loans secured against the clubs assets. So the club went from fan owned debt free to privately owned in millions of debt. Pretty different to anything we would ever see here.
I'd say you personally give your club a bad name, you rarely make a post that isn't a river of tears over what West Coast is doing. Did you used to support them and then changed when Freo came in? It would explain your constant agonised whining.

He does have something of a point - of the population of casual footy supporters that reside in WA, the lion's share of them go for the Eagles simply because, well, I guess its just the done thing. "I am West Australian and they are the West Australian team, ergo..."

I got my In The Wings membership at the end of '08 and probably started following most seriously during 2010 for whatever deranged reason. I got my Glory membership at the start of the 2011/12 season, with the backdrop of having lost Fowler, having finished second last the season before above a team that was subsequently killed off. I certainly wasn't expecting to see wins, finals victories and a near-run lost Grand Final when I signed up.

Then again I also had posters of May instead of Warne on my wall as a kid, I guess I just have a thing for kicked puppies and underdogs.
I live in Melbourne, so really not something I can comment on, I can imagine a team having success would sting when you barrack for Fremantle though.

Ah, so are you one of those who only chose the eagles because they were a shiny team who won a lot? Is that why you reacted my post?

There's nothing wrong with that in itself I guess, it's just the fact that those types are usually the first ones to mysteriously lose their passion when their team isn't winning.
He does have something of a point - of the population of casual footy supporters that reside in WA, the lion's share of them go for the Eagles simply because, well, I guess its just the done thing. "I am West Australian and they are the West Australian team, ergo..."

I got my In The Wings membership at the end of '08 and probably started following most seriously during 2010 for whatever deranged reason. I got my Glory membership at the start of the 2011/12 season, with the backdrop of having lost Fowler, having finished second last the season before above a team that was subsequently killed off. I certainly wasn't expecting to see wins, finals victories and a near-run lost Grand Final when I signed up.

Then again I also had posters of May instead of Warne on my wall as a kid, I guess I just have a thing for kicked puppies and underdogs.

I'm just having a dig, I'm pretty sure Esti knows that. I grew up over there when it was Eagles or nobody, so I can definitely see the point. I don't think it matters who you go for, as long as thats who you're passionate about, I actually quite like Freo (except on derby day) and I don't have time for people who barrack or switch teams just because they are having a run of success.
Ah, so are you one of those who only chose the eagles because they were a shiny team who won a lot? Is that why you reacted my post?

There's nothing wrong with that in itself I guess, it's just the fact that those types are usually the first ones to mysteriously lose their passion when their team isn't winning.
I was born in '84 so nothing to do with that, my family were split down the middle between Carlton and West Coast for as long as I can remember, I think I made the right choice.
I had a female friend who turned away from North Melbourne at the end of 1995 due to the Wayne Carey groping incident. I tried to talk her around but I understood her point. It's a fine line. If Stephen Milne was a North Melbourne player, I would walk away.

This happens I lived in Melbourne when I was 9 - 11 and supported st kilda, only vaguely followed them over the next 20 years that I was in NZ and when I moved back in 2010 found the whole St Kilda culture loathsome, lived in North Melbourne and grew to like them more and more. I became a member this year (helps that they don't take pokie money too). It's not that I didn't that I don't expect boys to do stupid things it was just the lack of accountability of the team that really put me off, If I had being living in Melbourne the whole time maybe it would be different though.
Since leaving Victoria I have lived in NT for 15 years and Qld for 12 years and would never support anyone except Saints.

Like most on here I gained my football allegiance from my father, who was a life long Saints supporter. I love that continuing link, even though he has passed away last year. I also love that I now share this same link with my three daughters and that I will always also have that, with them.

Of course I am envious of supporters of the ultra successful teams, but am of the opinion that how sweet the victory will be when it finally comes. And as I jokingly tell my girls, real supporters, follow teams like Saints, Bulldogs, Demons and Kangaroos.

Like one club players, one club supporters can look back on a life long association and memories with pride, humour, frustration and all the rest of human emotions, that come with supporting an AFL team.

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Since leaving Victoria I have lived in NT for 15 years and Qld for 12 years and would never support anyone except Saints.

Like most on here I gained my football allegiance from my father, who was a life long Saints supporter. I love that continuing link, even though he has passed away last year. I also love that I now share this same link with my three daughters and that I will always also have that, with them.

Of course I am envious of supporters of the ultra successful teams, but am of the opinion that how sweet the victory will be when it finally comes. And as I jokingly tell my girls, real supporters, follow teams like Saints, Bulldogs, Demons and Kangaroos.

Like one club players, one club supporters can look back on a life long association and memories with pride, humour, frustration and all the rest of human emotions, that come with supporting an AFL team.

Is that safe?
This happens I lived in Melbourne when I was 9 - 11 and supported st kilda, only vaguely followed them over the next 20 years that I was in NZ and when I moved back in 2010 found the whole St Kilda culture loathsome, lived in North Melbourne and grew to like them more and more. I became a member this year (helps that they don't take pokie money too). It's not that I didn't that I don't expect boys to do stupid things it was just the lack of accountability of the team that really put me off, If I had being living in Melbourne the whole time maybe it would be different though.

Most St Kilda supporters were smart enough to see that our so called culture problems back then were mainly a beat up by the gutter trash media, obviously you were too stupid to see that so maybe you're better off supporting North Melbourne where you will fit in better.
I have lived in Melbourne for 2 years of my life. Spent more than half my life in SA and identify with SA. My family are almost entirely SA. My family are also mostly crows fans, including my dad. I generally support the SA teams (Redbacks, Adelaide United, 36ers) in sporting comps. But I was first properly introduced to football when I was living in Melbourne and picked Collingwood as an 8 year old (My dad picked St.Kilda as his "local" team when we lived there, but was still firstly a crows fan). The year was 1998. There were only a few Collingwood supporters at my school (in my year level), it was overwhelmingly Essendon.

I have stuck with Collingwood. Throughout my entire life I've only really known one other person who supported (in the sense that they would watch games) Collingwood. I have seen us play maybe 7 games ever. I have near zero connection to the club, but I still support them.

I don't have any of the "rivalries" ingrained in me though. Carlton are "just another team" as are Essendon. Have hardly met any Carlton or Essendon supporters over here so maybe that has something to do with it. I don't hate any teams in the AFL actually.

2010 was obviously a great year, Heath Shaw's smother is my 2nd favourite sporting moment and favourite from the AFL. In 2011, I went overseas and it became extremely difficult to keep up with the AFL. It was kind of like a "lost season" for me. It's 2012 now and that 2011 "lost season" is doing weird things to me, I care less. It's like there's something missing, maybe I need to watch the 2011 season from the start except the grand final :p But I guess my point is - my link to the club is not as strong as it was because of that "gap". I think it'll come back to me come finals though ;)

I watch most FTA games (which here means a lot of Adelaide and Port games) and I consider myself a "fan" of the game itself. I've found over the course of my life that I develop soft spots for certain teams, they never really stick for more than a couple of seasons though.

I am strangely enough, a Norwood support from a Norwood family in the SANFL (despite going against the family in the AFL). I can't say I pay particular attention to them, except around finals time.
I'll make it less strange for you then mate! Appreciate a lot of the responses. Some of them have really opened up my eyes. Still just finding it difficult to come to grips with.

I intend to reply properly once I've fully digested some of these great replies. I do think it fascinating as to the nature of why we support our clubs, club loyalty, how supporters who have switched are perceived by new and old clubs, an the need to get stuck into a 'traitor'.
I was born in '84 so nothing to do with that, my family were split down the middle between Carlton and West Coast for as long as I can remember, I think I made the right choice.

Bloody oath you did, real sliding doors moment that one. Imagine what sort of a **** wit you would of become had you gone in the other direction.
I'll make it less strange for you then mate! Appreciate a lot of the responses. Some of them have really opened up my eyes. Still just finding it difficult to come to grips with.

I intend to reply properly once I've fully digested some of these great replies. I do think it fascinating as to the nature of why we support our clubs, club loyalty, how supporters who have switched are perceived by new and old clubs, an the need to get stuck into a 'traitor'.

My Dad was a Fitzroy fan all his life until he jumped across to Carlton in the early 90s. At the time my uncle was the club doctor at Carlton and my cousins and I used to often get taken (dragged in my case) in to the rooms to meet players after Blues games. I have a self-inflating sense of pride that I stuck with the Hawks when the rest of my family (bar 1 bulldog) either switched to the Blues or were already Blues.

Christmas in 2002 was wonderful!!

I've never felt the need to get stuck in my Dad as a traitor but I think a fair few of his mates did.
Most St Kilda supporters were smart enough to see that our so called culture problems back then were mainly a beat up by the gutter trash media, obviously you were too stupid to see that so maybe you're better off supporting North Melbourne where you will fit in better.

Idiotic reply from someone who didn't really read the post. And when you grow up you'll realize, no matter how much you love your club, you are not duty bound to defend everything done by every player. Sometimes, on the field and off, they just do some indefensible stuff.

I grew up in NSW so had the chance to choose a club as an adult after I moved to Melbourne. There's a lot to be said for looking and selecting when you've developed your own values and personality and can see the differences between clubs.
Changing allegiences because of the actions of one player or even a group of players sets a strange precedent. Players and coaches and scandals come and go, you might live a long time. If you jump clubs every time something offends you there's a strong chance you'll eventually run out of clubs.
Idiotic reply from someone who didn't really read the post. And when you grow up you'll realize, no matter how much you love your club, you are not duty bound to defend everything done by every player. Sometimes, on the field and off, they just do some indefensible stuff.

I grew up in NSW so had the chance to choose a club as an adult after I moved to Melbourne. There's a lot to be said for looking and selecting when you've developed your own values and personality and can see the differences between clubs.

He said our culture was loathsome which is complete bullshit.

Tell us what horrible things our players did in 2010 that made our culture so loathsome? Lovett was the only player that was charged with a serious crime and he was sacked straight away, he was barely even a St Kilda player anyway having only just arrived there. There was also an incident in NZ with a few players out drinking and breaking a curfew during the 2011 pre-season and they were suspended for 6 weeks.

The disciplinary actions St Kilda took with those incidents would be examples of a good culture not a loathsome culture like your turncoat mate said.

All the Kim Duthie stuff was a massive media beat up, our players did nothing wrong and committed no crimes, one or two of them were just stupid enough to get involved with a lying, attention seeking, psychopathic stalker. Players from other clubs would have done similar stuff on end of season trips but they were just lucky it didn't get into the media.

Changing allegiences because of the actions of one player or even a group of players sets a strange precedent. Players and coaches and scandals come and go, you might live a long time. If you jump clubs every time something offends you there's a strong chance you'll eventually run out of clubs.

Exactly, every club has off field incidents and scandals from time to time, you would be changing clubs just about every year if you jumped off clubs for that kind of stuff.
My family is generally dominated by Essendon and Collingwood.
The old man being Collingwood and the old lady being Essendon.
I was the second born of the family, and my older sister had already been converted to Essendon (she pretends to follow em now)
According to the old man, when i was growing up, he wanted me to follow who i wanted to follow.
I can vaguely remember following the roos for a short period, but then my mother began to insist that i follow the dons.
The old man then pushed the pies onto me, and since then Ive been a pies man.
But I did go through a period of disillusionment with the pies.
Growing up following the pies was a tough time. Didnt play finals from 1994-2002, the constant taunts from opposition supporters, in particular Carlton and Essendon, of which the majority of my friends followed, and who tasted success.
I remember being very close to jumping off the pies ship in the mid 90s. Everytime the pies lost, id get extremely upset, and threatened to follow the Cats or Roos, who of course were strong in the 90s.
But i stayed thick with the pies, and thankfully stuck with em and managed to watch the 2010 premiership first hand, which ill never forget.
I dont think i could ever get that disillusioned that id jump off the pies.

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Club disillusionment and the switch

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