Cousins Screwed over????

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No the media did, the cops talk so much shit, probably beat him with the phonebook treatment (it's real i know) for 6 hours for fun.

Maybe hawthorn was diverting attention and someone working for them planted them?

Why else would he be smiling as he went to the cops car
he couldn't believe it....

he was smiling cause he was wacked off his brain should consider buying some of the same batch to get yourself thru the next year now that you've lost Judd & party boy
The reports I heard said it was an unmarked Organised Crime Squad that pulled him over, so he was being targeted if this is true

There was no traffic charge laid either.

He certainly isn't a kingpin though, I'd say more like some political point scoring in the WA Police.

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Why would he smile if he feared everything he loves is about to leave him??

He obviously thinks he was innocent.

Your utterly deillusional, if he was innocent how come he wouldnt have a drug test? Surely he has nothing to hide. Look mate, his got drugs, his broken the law. The law forces certain consequences to be enforced upon people who dont abide by it. He has not been done hard by, your trying to convince yourself that his innocent when his obviously a criminal and should be treated accordingly by everyone including you.
The reports I heard said it was an unmarked Organised Crime Squad that pulled him over, so he was being targeted if this is true

There was no traffic charge laid either.

He certainly isn't a kingpin though, I'd say more like some political point scoring in the WA Police.
could be using him (no pun intended) to get to gang members or to his dealer????

Partically they think they were involved in Mainwaring's death
Why waste your time and money following him?

He was a marked man for no reason really, not a 'big fish' in the underworld.

I think cousins although having done wrong is possibly hard done by.

Perhaps they planted the drugs? Why search his car for 2 hours, surely everything is searched within 30 minutes?

Why was he held 6 hours with no charges?
gotta ask the question though

HOW were the newscrews able to be there at the time???
Unbelivable, first it is viagra now he was set up by the police. It was in the main street just around lunch time and everyone coming out spotted him and the the media was alerted. Mark Reddings said it was a couple of hours before he got the call. Get a grip, how does it go. ONCE A USER (LOSER) ALWAYS A USER (LOSER).

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Your uncle is a cop makes you an expert? BWAAHAHA!!

Okay, riddle me this Batman...
Because he wasn't charged for a whole 5 hours after they initially picked him up means what??

I'd also like to blame a lot more people but it can wait.
Go on, get it off your chest. You've already made yourself look like an idiot you might as well finish yourself off.
Unbelivable, first it is viagra now he was set up by the police. It was in the main street just around lunch time and everyone coming out spotted him and the the media was alerted. Mark Reddings said it was a couple of hours before he got the call. Get a grip, how does it go. ONCE A USER (LOSER) ALWAYS A USER (LOSER).
And you chose that to be your first post
Why waste your time and money following him?

He was a marked man for no reason really, not a 'big fish' in the underworld.

I think cousins although having done wrong is possibly hard done by.

Perhaps they planted the drugs? Why search his car for 2 hours, surely everything is searched within 30 minutes?

Why was he held 6 hours with no charges?

Oh dear! :eek:
they were obviously targeting him to make an example and doing it all in public to humiliate him. Seems a bit over the top if they were follwing him trying to catch him in the act he's not a dealer or anything. He's been charged with possesion whats the punishment for that, a fine?

and how do u know he's not a dealer? at m old work id see him and kizon and mercanti having regular lunches together - think they were chatting about the weather? dont make statements you cant support
My fellow eagles supporters don't try back me up .. i will go this alone.

As for you surfsup .... i never suggested i was all knowledgeable about cops just because my uncle is one?

Also ... I heard ben cousins has had his phone tapped ... by VIC police !!1 :eek:

When they found out who the dealer was they set up a tag to take him down.

Maybe bens knows more then any of us on this one.

I reckon Dean Jones planted the drugs because its a Victorian Conspiracy! Did i really read that the OP thought they probably planted the drugs on him.
Why waste your time and money following him?

He was a marked man for no reason really, not a 'big fish' in the underworld.

I think cousins although having done wrong is possibly hard done by.

Perhaps they planted the drugs? Why search his car for 2 hours, surely everything is searched within 30 minutes?

Why was he held 6 hours with no charges?

Please stop embarrassing us West Coast supporters!! :eek::eek:
Your utterly deillusional, if he was innocent how come he wouldnt have a drug test? Surely he has nothing to hide. Look mate, his got drugs, his broken the law. The law forces certain consequences to be enforced upon people who dont abide by it. He has not been done hard by, your trying to convince yourself that his innocent when his obviously a criminal and should be treated accordingly by everyone including you.
Everyone hates the cops.

I'm 100% clean and i'd never take a blood test just to piss them off. Maybe he couldn't believe how ridiculous they were being so he flat refused to go along hoping they'd give up the act?

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Cousins Screwed over????

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