D1 2009 - Part 2

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Terriffic win by Rupo yesterday, Coach Kerr is a smart, shrewd operator and has the boys focussed at the right time of the year. The Werribee players were terrific and fought it out right to the end. My only disappointment for the day was the behaviour of certain elements of the Werribee crowd who really need to learn how to conduct themselves. I'm all for vocal support, but please leave the F & C's at home. From the beer swilling non finals participating reserves at the Buckley St end of the ground, to the 'lady' on the clubrooms balcony, the grey headed gent on the trainers bench, the runner in the old green VAFA shirt and unfortunately, the coaches box that degenerated during the last quarter. Your passion is admirable and we all love emotion in footy but please remember that there are people there to enjoy the spectacle for what it is and we can well do without that kind of conduct in the VAFA. Respect is a huge word in footy and your club really needs to work hard to earn this from opposition clubs. I'm sure I will cop a whack for this, but so be it....

No whack from me. Spot on infact. Although, those in glass houses should not throw stones if Rupo still allow those old farts near the scoreboard to still attend their games? They have foul mouths and should have been moved on (i havent been there this season so am only hoping)
Well done Rupo. Were a kick away from B Grade a few years back, so should not be in C. Will be tough to beat in C Grade if they keep the side together.

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I got the VAFA SMS which said Fitzroy 19.16.130 d Whitefriars 8.4.52
NOBs also whacked Friars in the 2s, 12.13.85 to 3.4.22

Pretty lop-sided results, and obviously an awful day for Whitefriars.

Saw a little bit of the game, the friars were a shadow of what i expected. They would be deeply disappointed. On the other hand Fitzroy put together a side strength wise significantly better than we have seen at Ruppppo. If the Werribee boys were watching they are in for some headaches next week. Will be a cracker of a game.

Having been to alot of AFL games this year i am afraid to say language with the "F" and "C" is ripe in our community. It is hard today to challenge people about this without the possibility of retaliation. We all need to take responsibility, unfortunately i have also seen a few examples of alcohol consumption at the VAFA this year. It appears harmless enough but it is not what the VAFA is about. Clubs need to take a stronger stance.
Pleased to report no such issues out at Central Reserve yesterday with both teams, their coaching staff and supporters well behaved throughout the game.

Frankly, without giving too much away, the key to the Roys success was relentless pressure on the ball carrier which meant the Friars structure spread/run/handball gameplan never really flowed. To their credit, the Friars actually won the clearances around the ground (though not from centre breaks), which would suggest they were able to get the ball out with the first couple of handballs. However, when the 3rd or 4th didn't hit the target, we caught them on the rebound and scored heavily as a result.

Oh, and it also helps having a full-forward who clunks everything and bags 8 snags in his debut senior final!

You're right KB, it should be a ripper at The Pit on Saturday. Can't recall having too many positive trips out there in the past 18 seasons. About time for that to change I hope.
No whack from me. Spot on infact. Although, those in glass houses should not throw stones if Rupo still allow those old farts near the scoreboard to still attend their games? They have foul mouths and should have been moved on (i havent been there this season so am only hoping)
Well done Rupo. Were a kick away from B Grade a few years back, so should not be in C. Will be tough to beat in C Grade if they keep the side together.

now all of this i find very interesting. i was standing on the clubrooms balcony with all the other supports and yes both rupo and the bees were very vocal but not once from a "lady" did i hear the "f" or "c" words used. from the men yes, the women no!
im from neither team but yet week in and week out you all sit there and bag werribee supporters as if they are scape goats for your poor supporters. yes all clubs have their good and bad supporters but at the end of the day they are all passionate about the same thing, the game. if you dont like whats being said that move away. there are several spots around all grounds where you can stand if you dont like whats being said. And that goes for all clubs supporters who complain.
one thing to the rupo supports that i found very amusing with their comments about the so called "baby" of the team. number 15 is not 16 years old as you all state, he is actually older than that and if you want to complain that he is getting ruffed up like ALL players on the field by the opposition then dont put the him out there. If he is too precious to play then send him back to auskick. Now saying all of that, by the look of things on saturday, he can handle himself with the big boys so stop whinging.
I was standing next to the vocal female supporters, and at no time did they drop the F or C words. They are very passionate about football and proud of their sons / partners performances. They are one eyed Werribee supporters, and they are great people to have on your side.
one thing to the rupo supports that i found very amusing with their comments about the so called "baby" of the team. number 15 is not 16 years old as you all state, he is actually older than that and if you want to complain that he is getting ruffed up like ALL players on the field by the opposition then dont put the him out there. If he is too precious to play then send him back to auskick. Now saying all of that, by the look of things on saturday, he can handle himself with the big boys so stop whinging.[/quote]

You're right! He has actually turned 17. We were more amused about the fact that #25 tried to rough him up after he had just kicked his third while the ball was in the middle of the ground and they were standing in the goal square. They found it pretty funny when our CHF came down to remonstrate that he pulled his head in pretty quickly. Had a bad day #25. Not only did he have a few kicked on him from the youngest and smallest bloke on the ground but the oldest bloke chipped in for one on him too! The Fitzroy smalls will be shaking in their boots lining up on him next week - (with excitement!)
one thing to the rupo supports that i found very amusing with their comments about the so called "baby" of the team. number 15 is not 16 years old as you all state, he is actually older than that and if you want to complain that he is getting ruffed up like ALL players on the field by the opposition then dont put the him out there. If he is too precious to play then send him back to auskick. Now saying all of that, by the look of things on saturday, he can handle himself with the big boys so stop whinging.

You're right! He has actually turned 17. We were more amused about the fact that #25 tried to rough him up after he had just kicked his third while the ball was in the middle of the ground and they were standing in the goal square. They found it pretty funny when our CHF came down to remonstrate that he pulled his head in pretty quickly. Had a bad day #25. Not only did he have a few kicked on him from the youngest and smallest bloke on the ground but the oldest bloke chipped in for one on him too! The Fitzroy smalls will be shaking in their boots lining up on him next week - (with excitement!)[/quote]

for #25 pitty last time he played against fitzroy the player he played on barely touched the ball and considering he got a nasty kidney injury after the vic game. supporters of all clubs should just admire him for playing in the first place. good on him for kicking 3 he hung out for them to be passed to him so well done. im sure the team that play them in the gf will be playing on him instead of letting him get a bit of run.
both times the bees have played roys there has been good match ups so i doubt they will be shaking in their boots with excitement. for the roys player who plays with his elbows and bites (quote from rupos brennan which i overheard on sat) he should be the one he should be shaking in his boots, no players from any team will take that kind of behaviour. maybe he should be focusing on the game rather than the player!!
i only watched the first half of the werribee v rupo game and i thought #25 for werribee was one of best on (for the bee's), from what i had seen IMO. Got alot of it down back.

Looking forward to the replay in a few weeks, pretty well matched sides i think.

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You're right! He has actually turned 17. We were more amused about the fact that #25 tried to rough him up after he had just kicked his third while the ball was in the middle of the ground and they were standing in the goal square. They found it pretty funny when our CHF came down to remonstrate that he pulled his head in pretty quickly. Had a bad day #25. Not only did he have a few kicked on him from the youngest and smallest bloke on the ground but the oldest bloke chipped in for one on him too! The Fitzroy smalls will be shaking in their boots lining up on him next week - (with excitement!)

for #25 pitty last time he played against fitzroy the player he played on barely touched the ball and considering he got a nasty kidney injury after the vic game. supporters of all clubs should just admire him for playing in the first place. good on him for kicking 3 he hung out for them to be passed to him so well done. im sure the team that play them in the gf will be playing on him instead of letting him get a bit of run.
both times the bees have played roys there has been good match ups so i doubt they will be shaking in their boots with excitement. for the roys player who plays with his elbows and bites (quote from rupos brennan which i overheard on sat) he should be the one he should be shaking in his boots, no players from any team will take that kind of behaviour. maybe he should be focusing on the game rather than the player!![/quote]

What the hell are you smokin?

Nathan Addamo is #25, and he didn't play the first time against Fitzroy due to his nasty injury. The second time around at Soldiers, he played 2s. Get your facts right before posting rubbish inciting opposition supporters. You're an embarassment to Werribee.

Saw a little bit of the game, the friars were a shadow of what i expected. They would be deeply disappointed. On the other hand Fitzroy put together a side strength wise significantly better than we have seen at Ruppppo. If the Werribee boys were watching they are in for some headaches next week. Will be a cracker of a game.

Having been to alot of AFL games this year i am afraid to say language with the "F" and "C" is ripe in our community. It is hard today to challenge people about this without the possibility of retaliation. We all need to take responsibility, unfortunately i have also seen a few examples of alcohol consumption at the VAFA this year. It appears harmless enough but it is not what the VAFA is about. Clubs need to take a stronger stance.

Whoa what was that car wreck yesterday? Friars should have called the stewards in to swab the Roy Boys! They were simply sensational and never gave us a chance to get up and running. For a team that had previously kicked 4 & 6 goals against us Fitzroy looked a completely different lot! #3 was great but got fair supply from the Fitzroy on ballers, well done to them. If they play like that on Saturday they will give Werribee a real test!!

Flag is wide open!
He was probably the guy in the pale green jacket up on the driveway behind the point post. Yammering away at full volume in true feralspeak against Rupo and the umps all day, yet couldn't even manage a polite handclap when the Tiges scored a gutsy goal at the far end. Some supporter. Couldn't have been from Werribee, must've been a plant!
No whack from me. Spot on infact. Although, those in glass houses should not throw stones if Rupo still allow those old farts near the scoreboard to still attend their games? They have foul mouths and should have been moved on (i havent been there this season so am only hoping)
Well done Rupo. Were a kick away from B Grade a few years back, so should not be in C. Will be tough to beat in C Grade if they keep the side together.

Octo, It is true that the boys on the hill (who did remarkably resemble the old blokes in the bleeches in the muppets) were reknown for some witty banter throughout a game. One thing for certain, expletives were not in their repertoire ;).
The Friars had an old fashioned shocker of a day, where nothing went right. They were well below their worst performance of the year. Nothing can be taken away from Fitzroy though, who were simply awesome.

If the Roy boys play like they did on Sunday over the next two weeks, they WILL win the GF by an absolute mile - both Werribee and Ruppo may be very unlucky this year..
Congrats to NOBS Maggos coach, John Rushey Rush and partner Katrina on the birth of Miller Grace, born Sunday night after the game.

From reports mum dad and little Miller are all doing well.
Congrats John.
wow what a weekend
a great game of footy sat with ruppoo doing what they have done all year ,were hard at the footy and did what they had to do to win the game,

Fizroy on sunday were simply super they went after whitefriars engine room and blew them away, they worked hard were accountable and played great footy, what abt dullard, he is a star

will be at the prelim this week to see what should be a great game

Fizroy, who 5 weeks ago werent even in it , now...all of a sudden with nothing to lose, a massive amount of momentum and confidence behind them , and a win last time they met
Werribees , who 5 weeks ago were almost certainties to play in the GF at least , now ... jeez theylooked pretty sore after a physically tough game of footy on sat, and all of a sudden in a fight to the death to reach the GF , and must be feeling the pressure of the expected top 2 finish

long way to come to go out in straight sets

it will be a cracker
wow what a weekend
a great game of footy sat with ruppoo doing what they have done all year ,were hard at the footy and did what they had to do to win the game,

Fizroy on sunday were simply super they went after whitefriars engine room and blew them away, they worked hard were accountable and played great footy, what abt dullard, he is a star

will be at the prelim this week to see what should be a great game

Fizroy, who 5 weeks ago werent even in it , now...all of a sudden with nothing to lose, a massive amount of momentum and confidence behind them , and a win last time they met
Werribees , who 5 weeks ago were almost certainties to play in the GF at least , now ... jeez theylooked pretty sore after a physically tough game of footy on sat, and all of a sudden in a fight to the death to reach the GF , and must be feeling the pressure of the expected top 2 finish

long way to come to go out in straight sets

it will be a cracker

Very good streetwise,

Down to three ( Rupo already there ) Pre lim day, we have been there before, the pressure the young bees will face will be so much more then last week, so much from a club point of view riding on this result and to go out in staright sets would be very dissapointing, haven't heard from WEST, this week, so maybe the pressure already starting to build ??

Scoreboard suggests the roys were simply brilliant and will serve it right up to the bees, Dullard, Biggs, Mckay and big rosco the keys,

The VAFA comp is alive and well,

Shall deliver my tip and a little more detail later in the week.
Jack, what went wrong ??? I thought you guys were a good thing.
The Friars got a good old fashioned towel up Lemms from a pretty slick Fitzroy unit, strengthened by the inclusions of 3 very good midfielders in Dullard, Biggs and Keleher, their key backman O'Reilly and very handy stallwart Jimmy Taylor. Their pressure was terrific, but added to that, the Friars had a day to forget, Barry Crockeresq, after a very good season. I am sure they will re-group and be back in with a strong chance of promotion again in 2010 as they are a terrific club.

Looking forward to this weeks game between the Suburban Boys. Should be a beauty. On Sunday's form Fitzroy will give themselves a big chance, but I wouldn't be writing off the Boys from the Bees. Let's hope it's a great contest after contest, after contest, after contest, that goes right down to the wire.

Good luck to both sides.:)
I made the trip down on sunday to watch what i though would be a crakcer. Was surely mistaken!
The roys boys looked very impressive and it was obvious just wanted it more and went in harder against a friar outfit who looked well underdone with some key players missing.

Can someone fill me in, where was 23, 32 and 11. May have been a different story had they played. No doubting Roys were better in that day though with #3 outstanding.
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