D4 Section Ammos pt 1 (2005-2007)

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Re: D4 Section Ammos

spy1 said:
My humblest apologies to you Twirly. I was under the false belief it was posted by that serial pest Arvosjunior. I don't know who your source was but it was public for anyone to see as a tongue in cheek post on Eltham's forum.
As to my loyalties, you would be right, if you were not wrong. I can promise on all that is sacred to me, I am not a 'Crazy Hawks' supporter. I'll even narrow it down for you a little. I will be completely impartial as I frequent the canteen regularly this Saturday at Scammel Reserve.

Who are you spy1 to call me a serial pest??

I wear my heart on my sleeve and I like to say what I want. It's not my fault that certain players in our ones aren't up to scratch with playing footy. All I can say is that I will be playing in the early game on Saturday and after we smash powerhouse like we did in the semi finals then I will get on here and tell you what I really think of you.......

You must be a fat sack of s.hit who'll enjoy scoffing down those hot chips and donuts that they have at oakleigh. I'll expect to see someone who looks like the marshmellow man waddling his fat ass back and forth to the canteen all day.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

a little bit of leverage said:
We like your mum a bit wet as well King Turtle.

Said as 'a little bit of leverage' got a little bit of leverage on his tweeny weeny little knob with his tweesers.

That sort of ****e is nothing more than muck raking.

A little bit of leverage - time for you to take up 'leap frog' down at your local 'mens club'. YMCA style.

Re: D4 Section Ammos

arvosjunior said:
Who are you spy1 to call me a serial pest??

I wear my heart on my sleeve and I like to say what I want. It's not my fault that certain players in our ones aren't up to scratch with playing footy. All I can say is that I will be playing in the early game on Saturday and after we smash powerhouse like we did in the semi finals then I will get on here and tell you what I really think of you.......

You must be a fat sack of s.hit who'll enjoy scoffing down those hot chips and donuts that they have at oakleigh. I'll expect to see someone who looks like the marshmellow man waddling his fat ass back and forth to the canteen all day.

See previous post re 'A little bit of leverage' & apply same to this tool 'Arvojunior'.

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Re: D4 Section Ammos

InFineForm said:
See previous post re 'A little bit of leverage' & apply same to this tool 'Arvojunior'.

Here, here! It is clear that a little bit of leverage has no friends, too much time and a severe case of A.D.D.

Most people on here like Jp chinaman, spy1, king_cobra, etc etc like talking footy (and doing less work at work i suspect).

You have to remember football is played for fun, especially at our level. Come finals time, it is great to win, disppointing to lose. Everyone is trying their best, sometimes it isn't good enough.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

InFineForm is exactly that "In Fine Form" ATM. Spot on with that Little Bit of Leverage comment, bagging someone's mum is just not on! But as for Avrosjunior I think he's just having a crack and those comments were a bit harsh.

I'll be coming out to Scammell Reserve to see how the Turtles 2's go on Saturday, Chipper has been talking him self up for way too long now and I'll have to see if he puts his money where his mouth his?

I may have to join the Tux shop possie Saturday also by the sounds of things, I played there this season and had a salad roll which was great, but may have to upgade to the hot dogs and donuts for a final.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

haha, good old D4 section, i hav 2 ask the question, y is it that u guyz r either involved or play in a section this embarrasing, works out 2 b DiV 7.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

ReD bLuE + GoLd said:
haha, good old D4 section, i hav 2 ask the question, y is it that u guyz r either involved or play in a section this embarrasing, works out 2 b DiV 7.

This section is very competitive, and the higher finishing teams display exellent skill levels. It wouldn't matter if there were 100 sections, someone has to play in the bottom section. Having played in higher grade ammos before there is not alot of difference in the speed of the game or skills used, rather clubs that are in lower grades are poorly managed and have no 'feeder' junior teams, as well as lack of finance (sponsorship or otherwise). I suggest you go and pay your ten dollars on saturday and enjoy two well fought out games. Where petty little free kicks aren't given like in the A.F.L.
If idiots keep posting s***e on here i will soon be giving everyone a w****r rating.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

vegemite said:
Lout, The Power House players have been placing their energies into getting their pride back and they've done a fair bit to achieve that on the field with one more hurdle to conquer. From what I hear, the sledging on the sidelines from Power House supporters was in response to unwarranted and unprovoked sledging from Eltham who were down and out at the time - would you respond if you were the leading side and were copping it from a side about to go out in straight sets? - I think so. What's wrong with a bit of sledging anyway. It's great to see the passion.

Geezus a bloke goes to work and all hell breaks loose (and I fall 2 pages behind). Vegemite, from where I was standing, nice and warm under cover, there was some sledging, but the Powerhouse supporters seemed to take great delight in directing their replies to one incident, and they seemed to take great pride in such a heartless act!

Tip for the weekend tuckshop crew....... STAY AWAY FROM THE PIES!! They were mushy and microwaved. The chips are worth the wait, though there is only Pepsi to wash em down with.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

king_turtle said:
This section is very competitive, and the higher finishing teams display exellent skill levels. It wouldn't matter if there were 100 sections, someone has to play in the bottom section. Having played in higher grade ammos before there is not alot of difference in the speed of the game or skills used, rather clubs that are in lower grades are poorly managed and have no 'feeder' junior teams, as well as lack of finance (sponsorship or otherwise). I suggest you go and pay your ten dollars on saturday and enjoy two well fought out games. Where petty little free kicks aren't given like in the A.F.L.
If idiots keep posting s***e on here i will soon be giving everyone a w****r rating.

haha, what are u m8 an old retiree whos havin a run in a d4 section. you cant tell me that the like of d4 even compares a little to that of a,b and c section. someone has to be in those lower levels??
Usually the crap ones m8, thats y there in the lowest division, because they can't compete against higher ranked sides.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

If I was to be verbally attacked by a serious poster I would be either upset or angry.

I would certainly try to defend myself.

But when someone of Arvosjunior lack of credability tries to incite me I won't give them the credit of replying.
This forum is full of people who enjoy friendly banter. I am more than happy to engage them at anytime in intelligent exchanges of our respective views.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

arvosjunior said:
Who are you spy1 to call me a serial pest??

I wear my heart on my sleeve and I like to say what I want. It's not my fault that certain players in our ones aren't up to scratch with playing footy. All I can say is that I will be playing in the early game on Saturday and after we smash powerhouse like we did in the semi finals then I will get on here and tell you what I really think of you.......

You must be a fat sack of s.hit who'll enjoy scoffing down those hot chips and donuts that they have at oakleigh. I'll expect to see someone who looks like the marshmellow man waddling his fat ass back and forth to the canteen all day.

Hopefully this is the last post by arvosjunior....

As pointed out by more than one regular poster (with no allegiance to Eltham Collegians) it has been made clear that arvosjunior is not a member/player with the turtles. I don't know what his motivation is (feel free to let us know) but arvosjunior is masquerading as a turtle and making controversial statements about other D4 clubs and their players. Arvosjunior if you have a deep dislike of the turtles, just express your opinions without feeling the need to pretend that you play at the club. Again, for the record - you made it clear that you weren't a member of the turtles when you posted on the D3 thread weeks ago, talking about an incident involving blokes from D3 clubs that no-one at our club would know.
Full credit to Powerhouse and Hawthorn over the last two weeks, the turtles were beaten by better sides. No excuses.
As for the comment about the winner of the GF bringing the cup to our wake, I reckon the winners will have better things to do - like celebrating.
Hopefully the D4 thread can return to some intelligent footy talk or at least good natured banter, without the low grade rubbish we have had recently.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

ReD bLuE + GoLd said:
haha, what are u m8 an old retiree whos havin a run in a d4 section. you cant tell me that the like of d4 even compares a little to that of a,b and c section. someone has to be in those lower levels??
Usually the crap ones m8, thats y there in the lowest division, because they can't compete against higher ranked sides.

The question begs asking; so what the flip are you doing here in the D4 thread?

Did you think, mistakenly, that a lower grade of footy equated to a lower IQ?
Sorry buddy, try the Southern Footy League thread. You might find someone there who has drunk enough during games, killing off an extensive amount of brain cells, to communicate at your level.

I know of one team in the 7th div of VAFA that played a grudge match practice game this season. The opposition, who had sworn to wipe the floor with the ammos team, got their tales run off. That losing team played in the EFL div4 grand final last Sunday.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

arvosjunior said:
Who are you spy1 to call me a serial pest??

I wear my heart on my sleeve and I like to say what I want. It's not my fault that certain players in our ones aren't up to scratch with playing footy. All I can say is that I will be playing in the early game on Saturday and after we smash powerhouse like we did in the semi finals then I will get on here and tell you what I really think of you.......

You must be a fat sack of s.hit who'll enjoy scoffing down those hot chips and donuts that they have at oakleigh. I'll expect to see someone who looks like the marshmellow man waddling his fat ass back and forth to the canteen all day.
Well done 'arvosjunior'!

Spy1 was very generous in his reply. Serial pest? rodent?
Piddle around on Saturday and plenty to accommodate u by the canteen on Saturday!

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Re: D4 Section Ammos

ReD bLuE + GoLd said:
haha, what are u m8 an old retiree whos havin a run in a d4 section. you cant tell me that the like of d4 even compares a little to that of a,b and c section. someone has to be in those lower levels??
Usually the crap ones m8, thats y there in the lowest division, because they can't compete against higher ranked sides.
ReDbLue + Gold

Thick as a 'b'rick remark.
Curious as to the make up of the A, B and C Sections for that matter.
Brown paper bags, under the counter, club officials signing off on toilet paper that they 'don't' pay players.
Therein shoots the credibility of the VAFA and your club!
Re: D4 Section Ammos

a little bit of leverage said:
King Turtle,

I will apologise for everyone to see for making some unjustified remarks about your mother, I am sure she is quite a lovely lady who is well respected.

Yeah, let's keep remarks about peoples mothers and sisters off this thread and where they belong.....in World Cup Finals.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Yes I do agree with you spy1.

The forecast looks sensational for Saturday last time I checked, fine and sunny for a top of 20 degrees. You couldn't ask for a better day for a Granny at this time of year!!!
Re: D4 Section Ammos

ReD bLuE + GoLd said:
haha, good old D4 section, i hav 2 ask the question, y is it that u guyz r either involved or play in a section this embarrasing, works out 2 b DiV 7.

Oh my what a big man u must be that u feel the need to jump on a lower grades thread and bag them, do u also like to pick on disabled people 2. The only thing embarrasing is the sad life u must have to feel the need make urself feel better by picking on someone who is not as "good" as urself. Everybody needs to find there level just because im not as skillful as some doesnt mean that i shouldnt be able to play the game. There is alot of people involved in D4 playing and otherwise that have a lot of passion for the game. Like i said before i might be as "good" as u are but i know i play for all the right reasons with a heart that i would back against most playing the game.

Its F*** wits like yourself that put many a kid off playing the game so why dont u just grow up a p*** off back to where u came.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Just ignore him.

Anyway, back to the footy this weekend...Forecast by leverage suggest a nice day, this should see a nice cracking, high scoring game..up and down the ground...with everything that a GF should be...don't worry too much about the canteen boys, bring your own food like me, I'll be sitting behind the goals cheering Danno on with my bowl of Fried Rice and GongBao Chicken...hahaha...

Let's keep up the good banter and leave out mums, sisters...and the like...Go Hawks.:thumbsu:
Re: D4 Section Ammos

King_Cobra said:
Oh my what a big man u must be that u feel the need to jump on a lower grades thread and bag them, do u also like to pick on disabled people 2. The only thing embarrasing is the sad life u must have to feel the need make urself feel better by picking on someone who is not as "good" as urself. Everybody needs to find there level just because im not as skillful as some doesnt mean that i shouldnt be able to play the game. There is alot of people involved in D4 playing and otherwise that have a lot of passion for the game. Like i said before i might be as "good" as u are but i know i play for all the right reasons with a heart that i would back against most playing the game.

Its F*** wits like yourself that put many a kid off playing the game so why dont u just grow up a p*** off back to where u came.

Well, i may ask you something, where did you pull that quote from "with a heart that i would back against most playing the game". In a game of football, i think you may need skill to be good, a copout like that regarding to the size of your heart just shows that you are obviously not 'talented' and refer to comparing your heart size to your opponents rather than your actual ability at football?

Sorry mate, but i think even an 'arvojunior' with a 'sad life' would be happier getting his dinner cooked for him during the night, than running around in D4 section. Just hopefully theres enough trees in Australia, after all the D4 section is printed off last. (Would hate for that not to be printed off)
Re: D4 Section Ammos

ReD bLuE + GoLd said:
Well, i may ask you something, where did you pull that quote from "with a heart that i would back against most playing the game". In a game of football, i think you may need skill to be good, a copout like that regarding to the size of your heart just shows that you are obviously not 'talented' and refer to comparing your heart size to your opponents rather than your actual ability at football?

Sorry mate, but i think even an 'arvojunior' with a 'sad life' would be happier getting his dinner cooked for him during the night, than running around in D4 section. Just hopefully theres enough trees in Australia, after all the D4 section is printed off last. (Would hate for that not to be printed off)

Red, Blue and gold, Can you identify yourself and your club so that we can come to your presentation night and bow to you. You are obviously a better person than we are, and earn a shipload of money from playing football at the highest level. Congratulations on being such a superstar.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

ReD bLuE + GoLd said:
Well, i may ask you something, where did you pull that quote from "with a heart that i would back against most playing the game". In a game of football, i think you may need skill to be good, a copout like that regarding to the size of your heart just shows that you are obviously not 'talented' and refer to comparing your heart size to your opponents rather than your actual ability at football?

Sorry mate, but i think even an 'arvojunior' with a 'sad life' would be happier getting his dinner cooked for him during the night, than running around in D4 section. Just hopefully theres enough trees in Australia, after all the D4 section is printed off last. (Would hate for that not to be printed off)

If you have a look in the record, you will find that the Club 18 & the Under 19's both come after D4.....

I think the only paper bag this bloke would recieve would be one with s**t in that was set on fire on his front door step. He would be stupid enough to stomp it out at the same time. Not one filled with cash under the table
Re: D4 Section Ammos

a little bit of leverage said:
If you have a look in the record, you will find that the Club 18 & the Under 19's both come after D4.....

I think the only paper bag this bloke would recieve would be one with s**t in that was set on fire on his front door step. He would be stupid enough to stomp it out at the same time. Not one filled with cash under the table

You may say i would be stupid enough to 'stomp the **** out', however you don't no weather i am stupid or not. However you blokes have already proven yourself, playing in D4 that is lol, what a joke.

That would be nice if you could bow to me at my clubs presentation night, just wondering...do clubs in D4 have presentation nights, or are all the retirees getting tucked into bed, with their pension inn their pockets??
Re: D4 Section Ammos

ReD bLuE + GoLd said:
You may say i would be stupid enough to 'stomp the **** out', however you don't no weather i am stupid or not. However you blokes have already proven yourself, playing in D4 that is lol, what a joke.

That would be nice if you could bow to me at my clubs presentation night, just wondering...do clubs in D4 have presentation nights, or are all the retirees getting tucked into bed, with their pension inn their pockets??

I’m pretty sure that your lack of grammatical ability is enough for forum uses to make a decision on whether you are stupid or not. In regards to your comment about D4 being made up of retirees, the average age of our club is around 24-25, pretty lucky to be retiring at that age.

If you had any idea you would realise that we play footy for the love of the game and to spend time with our mates (I understand if you don’t get the latter reason)

Before you get upon your high horse to slag our league, get your facts right and run a quick spell check over your comments, you lousy flog.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Just giving my selections for Saturday.

Eltham in the 2nds
Hawthorn in the 1sts

Sorry Powerhouse, good luck in D3 (or should I say Division 6)
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