Debt Demolition Opt Out option

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Senior List
Jun 18, 2008
AFL Club
This is probably best posted here.

I had a mate tell me during the week that he was in the process of renewing his Kangaroos membership when he saw on the form that $25 extra will automatically be added to the total as part of the debt demolition.

He had to choose to opt out of this 'donation' or the money will be deducted from his account.

Additionally, he imagines that many people could easily miss the details regarding this issue on the form and then get a shock when reading their next statement. Understandably he was not happy.

Is this correct, and if so how do Kangaroo's members feel about it?

If true, sounds a little underhanded for mine. North's supporters probably give more than their fair share when compared to those of other clubs and tactics such as the above are disrespectful and damaging to the member/club relationship.
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

Nothing wrong with information at all, if your "mate" spotted it then it was obviously clear. It's also well highlighted in the covering letter with the renewal.

If a member doesn't want to contribute less than $2.50/month all they have to do is tick a box, ring up or jump online to the membership site.
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

I would think that a supporter and member would go to great means to help the club they love and so $25 is not a great sacrifice especially given that membership costs less this year.

The club would probably reason that people are more likely to give if they don't have to do anything extra in terms of paperwork/phone calls/email. And it is mentioned on the form if you elect not to read it then thats not the clubs problem.

James has said all along that you're not forced to donate if you don't want to then you can opt out but he would probably expect (as I do) that $25 is not a big deal individually

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Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

Fair enough.

As a member he is not happy about the process.

James has said all along that you're not forced to donate if you don't want to then you can opt out but he would probably expect (as I do) that $25 is not a big deal individually

Why not just add $25 to the membership then?

The club would probably reason that people are more likely to give if they don't have to do anything extra in terms of paperwork/phone calls/email. And it is mentioned on the form if you elect not to read it then thats not the clubs problem.

Sounds sneaky to me.

Imagine if you got your gym membership or something similar in the mail and it had a similar set-up. "We will add $$ to your membership to assist in our renovations unless you tick this box...".
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

Fair enough.

As a member he is not happy about the process.

Why not just add $25 to the membership then?

Sounds sneaky to me.

Imagine if you got your gym membership or something similar in the mail and it had a similar set-up. "We will add $$ to your membership to assist in our renovations unless you tick this box...".

Poor member (literally)

By adding 25 to the membership it may scare away those that can not afford it. By making it an option it allows people to opt out.

You don't support a gym, nor do you watch the gym play on a weekly basis, your analogy is pathetic at best.
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

Whilst I will happily pay the extra $25, if true, it does sound a little sneaky.
It reminds me of a case in first year Business Law (Contracts). Acceptance by silence. In the precedent case Readers Digest sent out subscribers records and if they didn't choose to return them then RD assumed they wanted them, a contract was formed, and the subscribers were charged. RD lost as there is no offer and acceptance.
I'm sure someone on here will know the case and the law much better then I do? I also assume those at the club are also around the legislation far better then me?
Things have most likely changed since I did Business law 1 in 1987?
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

Whilst I will happily pay the extra $25, if true, it does sound a little sneaky.
It reminds me of a case in first year Business Law (Contracts). Acceptance by silence. In the precedent case Readers Digest sent out subscribers records and if they didn't choose to return them then RD assumed they wanted them, a contract was formed, and the subscribers were charged. RD lost as there is no offer and acceptance.
I'm sure someone on here will know the case and the law much better then I do? I also assume those at the club are also around the legislation far better then me?
Things have most likely changed since I did Business law 1 in 1987?

Rule is still there.

And if someone is charged, who didn't want to pay the extra $25, they could easily get out of it. The thing here is you're helping out a club, whereas RD used it as a money making scheme.

Magazines, books and all other subscriptions seize to do business in this manner.
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

Personally, I think it is a mistake. It may mean that more people put in their $25 this year, but it may also mean that some who did not notice the default "opt in position" might never be members again.
There is an inherent trust risk in taking people's money without explicit consent, even if it is legally binding (I'm no lawyer, but BoozeNasty has raised an interesting precedent). Even if not seen as sneaky by most, it wil be by some (and probably be put as proof of a total lack of integrity by Caro and her ilk).
I also haven't seen a renewal form yet, so am unsure how clear it is made that it is not just membership but another $25 on top of that.
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

Whilst I will happily pay the extra $25, if true, it does sound a little sneaky.
It reminds me of a case in first year Business Law (Contracts). Acceptance by silence. In the precedent case Readers Digest sent out subscribers records and if they didn't choose to return them then RD assumed they wanted them, a contract was formed, and the subscribers were charged. RD lost as there is no offer and acceptance.
I'm sure someone on here will know the case and the law much better then I do? I also assume those at the club are also around the legislation far better then me?
Things have most likely changed since I did Business law 1 in 1987?

My rudimentary understanding is that the offer is that of membership and acceptance is signing up as a member. The $25 is a condition (or something similar) that, as long as it is made clear relative to how onerous/unusual it is, is acceptable.
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

There is nothing untoward about an "opting out" process, it's a pretty common way companies do business, especially with regards to rolling arrangements. Not only did I get information in the mail which was very clear, I also received emails as well keeping me informed of how this donation will work. I think it is a brilliant idea which will be easier to administer. The cheaper to organise, the more profit you make towards the debt.

Top job by the club, up with the times and I am also pretty sure this process was ratified by the members anyway this year.

Unfortunately the OP is trying put a sordid spin on this by implying that it was all in fine print. It was nothing of the sort.

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Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

Unfortunately the OP is trying put a sordid spin on this by implying that it was all in fine print. It was nothing of the sort.

As pointed out by others OP is most likely has no idea what is going on and is just trying to create a stir...

Lock, close, delete or merge thread with the other debt reduction thread we have :thumbsu:
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

I might get stick for this but I will say it anyway, I believe the option should be to opt in rather than have to ring up and opt out.

I will donate to the club I would love to help, but my sons 4 and 6 year old members (we don't have a family membership cause my wife don't want one) got a letter to for the donation and so I have to ring up the club for them not to be a part of the donation package.

So I certainly in the category that it should have been our choice first to let the donations happen.
You can't be forced to make a donation. It's a contradiction in terms.

If the $25 is compulsory it would be part of the membership fee and the club will lose 10% to the government. That would be pretty dumb.

The OP is a troll.
You can't be forced to make a donation. It's a contradiction in terms.

If the $25 is compulsory it would be part of the membership fee and the club will lose 10% to the government. That would be pretty dumb.

The OP is a troll.
I think we are all aware that it is not forced, even the OP would know that, it is just the way it has been done. Yes when I first got the letter my thoughts were the same as the OP even though I would donate anyhow.
I think we are all aware that it is not forced, even the OP would know that, it is just the way it has been done. Yes when I first got the letter my thoughts were the same as the OP even though I would donate anyhow.

Who appointed you spokesman for the other posters? The OP obviously has no clue- see post #4 and neither does the poster who brought up readers digest.

Your attitude annoys me. I'll donate my money but I'll whinge and whine like an EH diff on a public forum first.
Isn't this $25 chsrge or opt out option only there for true roo members? These are the most loyal of members and shouldn't have a problem with it. I know I don't.
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

I might get stick for this but I will say it anyway, I believe the option should be to opt in rather than have to ring up and opt out.

I will donate to the club I would love to help, but my sons 4 and 6 year old members (we don't have a family membership cause my wife don't want one) got a letter to for the donation and so I have to ring up the club for them not to be a part of the donation package.

So I certainly in the category that it should have been our choice first to let the donations happen.

The only problem is nobody would opt in, people are lazy. When it's the other way round, people's laziness will be a blessing.
Re: Membership renewal sneakiness?

The only problem is nobody would opt in, people are lazy. When it's the other way round, people's laziness will be a blessing.

Well said. People saying they would happily opt in, but then moan about having to opt out some family members confuse me. Would the two actions not take the same amount of time out of your life? Can you not see the benefits on a massive scale that Liam boy has pointed out?

Liam's post exemplifies a great deal of us. I am much more comfortable with the do nothing if agree approach, frankly, it's one less thing I have to worry about.

Well done to the admin, and well done to all those who'll find some extra cash.

Mods, please delete or merge this thread. I can't believe there is even negativity surrounding this, to promote it is another thing all together. :thumbsdown:
l dont have a problem with this as its only 2.50 per month but because we also have Troo Roo memberships for our 6 grandchildren we had to ring up the club and opt out of their membership contibutions. Also l notice that North have elected to revert back to monthly direct debits for the Syd Barker Night again...its nice to see some sanity has prevailed as not everyone can afford a lump sum amount.
The OP is a troll.

Yes, OP is a bottom-feeding douchebag who should be carded into oblivion for starting a troll thread on an opposition board. If he genuinely intended to contribute to discussion on the subject in a respectful manner, he would have simply added his cool story (bro) to the existing thread on the debt demolition campaign. Instead - attention-whoring master of subterfuge that he be - the OP tried to hoodwink us with his outrageously crafty (read: f***ing lame) use of a question mark on the end of his troll thread title.

(Would have got away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling Norf fans.)
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