Werewolf Discworld Werewolf

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MC Bad Genius

No, not THAT MC Bad Genius. The other one.
Apr 15, 2008
AFL Club
“Nothing but stars, scattered across the blackness as though the Creator had smashed the windshield of his car and hadn't bothered to stop to sweep up the pieces. This is the gulf between universes, the chill deeps of space that contain nothing but the occasional random molecule, a few lost comets and …

... but a circle of blackness shifts slightly, the eye reconsiders perspective, and what was apparently the awesome distance of interstellar wossname becomes a world under darkness, its stars the lights of what will charitably be called civilization.

For, as the world tumbles lazily, it is revealed as the Discworld — flat, circular, and carried through space on the back of four elephants who stand on the back of Great A'tuin, the only turtle ever to feature on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, a turtle ten thousand miles long, dusted with the frost of dead comets, meteor-pocked, albedo-eyed. No one knows the reason for all this, but it's probably quantum.”


Welcome to Discworld Werewolf!

I’ve spent hours and hours trying to design a Discworld-themed game that is both lots of fun, but also a potential introduction to what is an incredible series of books. Wherever possible I’ve tried to use descriptions from the books themselves, as Terry Pratchett is a far better writer than I am and it would be an injustice not to use them. Anything in quotation marks is from the great man himself. Everything else is my nonsensical ramblings.

This game is set in the Discworld’s largest city, Ankh-Morpork:

“Poets have tried to describe Ankh-Morpork. They have failed. Perhaps it's the sheer zestful vitality of the place, or maybe it's just that a city with a million inhabitants and no sewers is rather robust for poets, who prefer daffodils and no wonder. So let's just say that Ankh-Morpork is as full of life as an old cheese on a hot day, as loud as a curse in a cathedral, as bright as an oil slick, as colourful as a bruise and as full of activity, industry, bustle and sheer exuberant busyness as a dead dog on a termite mound.”

The Patrician has gone missing and left a power vacuum in the city and a young upstart from the Assassin’s Guild has been rifling through the Guild Museum to find an artefact that offers so much power it was ordered to be destroyed. While the Wizards of the Unseen University are generally averse to political machinations, the power found by the Assassins could render their whole profession redundant and they won’t stand for it. Especially the Dean or “Two-chair” as he’s known. He won’t stand for anything except thirds from the University’s nightly buffet.

It’s up to the much-maligned City Watch and the rest of Ankh-Morpork to end the conflict and save the city from itself ...

Roles will be randomly assigned to all players. Roles will be communicated before the start of Night 1 via PM (Private Message), except for Ankh-Morpork Citizens (Villagers), who won’t be notified of their role.

The Ankh-Morpork Citizens must identify and kill all the Unseen University (Mafia), Assassin’s Guild (Werewolves) and The Luggage (Serial Killer) before these players can kill enough players to satisfy their own win condition.

Each day will consist of two phases, starting with Night 1:

Night phase (9pm – 8am AEDT)
Players with night actions will nominate the targets of these actions via PM during this phase. These actions must be bolded and clearly stated to be valid. Actions will not be accepted after 8am whether or not deadline has been announced in the game thread.

Day phase (8am – 9pm AEDT)
After the results of night actions have been announced, all players will publicly vote to lynch one player during this phase. Votes will not be accepted after 9pm whether or not deadline has been announced in the game thread.

The player with the most votes by the time of the deadline will be lynched and their role revealed in the game thread. In the event of a tied lynch, there will be a multi-lynch i.e. all the leading vote-getters will be lynched.


Votes must be in the game thread and must bold the player being voted. Tagging the moderator is optional, but is quite helpful for tracking votes. You do not have to provide a reason for your vote for it to be valid.


  • Any communication about this particular game of Werewolf outside of the game thread, except for those that have an allocated PM group
  • Any deleting or editing posts from the game thread
  • Posting screenshots of BigFooty of any kind in the game thread
  • Directly quoting any PMs from myself as the game moderator in the game thread

Just to re-iterate outside the spoiler tags: FAILURE TO VOTE IN ANY DAY PHASE WILL RESULT IN A MODKILL

Depending on how many players sign up, the number of roles and powers might increase/decrease. Any changes to the role list will be updated in this post and announced in the thread. More contextual details about the background of each character will be added in over the next couple of days.

Unseen University (Mafia)
Get to kill a player of their choice each Night Phase, undertaken by the lowest ranking faction member.
  • Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully (Godfather) - Night immune to kills; seers as if he was a Citizen (Villager); gets one seer each Night Phase.
  • Dean Of Pentacles (Intimidator) - Chooses a player each Night Phase and chooses who they must vote for in the following Day Phase.
  • The Librarian (Roleblocker) - Chooses a player each Night Phase and blocks their overnight action (if they have one); cannot choose the same player on consecutive nights.
  • The Bursar (Goon) - No additional powers.
WIN CONDITION – Eliminate the Assassin’s Guild (Werewolves), the Luggage (Serial Killer) and equal or outnumber the People of Ankh-Morpork (Villagers).

Assassin’s Guild (Werewolves)
Get to kill a player of their choice each Night Phase, undertaken by the lowest ranking faction member.
  • Lord Downey (Alpha Wolf) - Night immune to kills; seers as if he was a Citizen (Villager); gets one seer each Night Phase.
  • Mr Teatime (Cub) - If killed, the Assassin’s Guild (Werewolves) get an extra kill in the next Night Phase.
  • Mr Winvoe (Manipulative Wolf) - Chooses a player each Night Phase and secretly changes their vote in the following Day Phase to a player of their choice.
  • Edward d’Eath (Wolf) - No additional powers.
WIN CONDITION – Eliminate the Unseen University (Mafia), the Luggage (Serial Killer) and equal or outnumber the People of Ankh-Morpork (Villagers).

  • Luggage (Serial Killer) - Night immune to kills; seers as if he was Citizen (Villager); gets to kill a player of their choice each Night Phase.
WIN CONDITION – Make it to the final 5 players of the game.

People of Ankh-Morpork (Village)
  • Rincewind (JOAT … kind of) - Can choose to kill, protect or roleblock a player of their choice each Night Phase, but either the action or the target will be randomised; cannot choose the same action or target on consecutive nights
  • Captain Sam Vimes (Vigilante) - Gets to kill a player of his choice each Night Phase.
  • Lance-Constable Carrot Ironfoundersson (Follower) - Can choose a player each Night Phase and find out what night action they performed, but not who they targeted.
  • Corporal Angua von Überwald (Tracker) - Can choose a player each Night Phase and find out who they targeted with a night action, but not the action itself.
  • Dr John Lawn (Doctor) - Can choose a player each Night Phase to protect from kill actions; cannot choose the same player on consecutive nights.
  • Thomas Silverfish (Bomb) - If killed during a Night Phase, blows up and kills the person that targeted them; if lynched during a Day Phase, blows up and kills a random player who voted for them.
  • Lord Havelock Vetinari (Mayor) - Their lynch vote will be worth TWO votes every Day Phase.
  • Sergeant Fred Colon (City Watch/Flog) and Corporal Nobby Nobbs (City Watch/Flog) - Share a PM; each Night Phase must recruit another person (who retains their original role and win condition) to join their PM; if no choice is made, a random player will join their PM.
  • Citizens (Villagers) - Everyone else without a role.
WIN CONDITION – Eliminate Unseen University (Mafia), Assassins (Werewolves) and the Luggage (Serial Killer).

  1. Hatchy1992
  2. ZergMinion - died Night 3
  4. NinjaSwan - died Night 1
  5. omgfridge - died day 1
  6. DERO - died Night 2
  7. SaintBilly - died Night 1
  8. jmoo wan
  9. Barrybran
  10. NaturalDisaster
  11. croweater 41
  12. SM - died Night 1
  13. Lingua Ignota - dead Day3
  14. Smeg Head
  15. fumbler
  16. Grand Uncle Horace - died Night 3
  17. Itsmyshow - died Day 2
  18. The Half Back - died Day 3
  19. RU_ - died Night 1
  20. The Filth Wizard
  21. MannumPower
  22. Mister M - died Night 2
  23. Dingster
  24. Chipmunk - died Night 2
  25. boncer34 - died Night 3

PhasePlayer KilledRoleKilled By
Night 1SaintBillyCitizen (Villager)Unseen University (Mafia)
NinjaSwanRincewind (JOAT ... kind of)Assassins Guild (Werewolves)
RU_Captain Sam Vimes (Vigilante)The Luggage (Serial Killer)
SMThe Librarian (Roleblocker)Sam Vimes (Vigilante)
Day 1omgfridgeThe Bursar (Goon)Lynch
Night 2DEROCitizen (Villager)Unseen University (Mafia)
Mister MDean Of Pentacles (Intimidator)Assassins Guild (Werewolves)
ChipmunkLord Vetinari (Mayor)The Luggage (Serial Killer)
Day 2ItsmyshowLord Downey (Alpha Wolf)Lynch
Night 3Grand Uncle HoraceLance-Constable Carrot Ironfoundersson (Follower)Unseen University (Mafia)
ZergMinionCorporal Nobby Nobbs (City Watch/Flog)Assassins Guild (Werewolves)
boncer34Corporal Angua von Überwald (Tracker)The Luggage (Serial Killer)
Day 3Lingua IgnotaCitizen (Villager)Lynch
The Half BackCitizen (Villager)Moderator
Night 4

The game will start with Night 1 on Sunday night. Just reply to thread with "In" if you want to play before 7pm on Sunday.
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“Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot one, and there’ll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland? In fifty years’, thirty years’, ten years’ time the world will be very nearly back on its old course. History always has a great weight of inertia.”


You in?
“He hated weapons, and not just because they'd so often been aimed at him. You got into more trouble if you had a weapon. People shot you instantly if they thought you were going to shoot them. But if you were unarmed, they often stopped to talk. Admittedly, they tended to say things like, "You'll never guess what we're going to do to you, pal," but that took time. And Rincewind could do a lot with a few more seconds. He could use them to live longer in.”

Elton Johns Wig
Far Kern

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“When he was a boy he'd read books about great military campaigns, and visited the museums and looked with patriotic pride at the paintings of famous cavalry charges, last stands and glorious victories. It had come as rather a shock, when he later began to participate in some of these, to find that the painters had unaccountably left out the intestines. Perhaps they just weren't very good at them.”


You in?
“It wasn't by eliminating the impossible that you got at the truth, however improbable; it was by the much harder process of eliminating the possibilities. You worked away, patiently asking questions and looking hard at things. You walked and talked, and in your heart you just hoped like hell that some bugger's nerve'd crack and he'd give himself up.”

Mister M

You in?

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Werewolf Discworld Werewolf

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