D3 Division 3 - 2012

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Cant believe we have another practice weekend before the real stuff.....longest pre-season ever or am I just getting old?
I believe that Power House and South Melbourne are playing a practice matches this weekend coming up, but not to sure which ground its going to be played on power house or south melbourne, does anyone out their know?
Ummmm.... says more about you and your dad! rather than crowds numbers in the ammos?

"I think you'll find that if a bloke has a choice of a vafa game or any other league both with in walking distance they will choose the other game because at least he will get a choice on whether he can have a beer or not."

Blatantly incorrect statement the VAFA is proof that this is incoorect!! If it were correect the VAFA wouldn't exit??

the average bloke who lives in between an ammo's club and a regional (EFL / NFL etc) club and wants to go down to the footy on the weekend and has no tie with either club will more likely go to the club that serves a beer.

there are many other factors I'm sure, but you can't deny that ammo's would get bigger crowds and more atmosphere if you could drink at games.

i respect the league and the choice to keep it dry until after the game. it is a point of difference that may attract some people to bring their kids down for a look.

however personally, when i played in the old DVFL i actually loved the crowd banter and a bit of abuse even if i was on the end of it. it makes the game more interesting and gets everyone fired up.

i don't regret where i play footy now, and have a great time and can also see the benefits of VAFA's no alcohol policy, but i do think the clubs and league could be stonger and more financially sound if they could open the bar during games.

blokes who play in the 2's every week would love it, nothing better than celebrating a win in the 2's with your mates than sitting back to support the 1's with a couple beers.

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the average bloke who lives in between an ammo's club and a regional (EFL / NFL etc) club and wants to go down to the footy on the weekend and has no tie with either club will more likely go to the club that serves a beer.

there are many other factors I'm sure, but you can't deny that ammo's would get bigger crowds and more atmosphere if you could drink at games.

i respect the league and the choice to keep it dry until after the game. it is a point of difference that may attract some people to bring their kids down for a look.

however personally, when i played in the old DVFL i actually loved the crowd banter and a bit of abuse even if i was on the end of it. it makes the game more interesting and gets everyone fired up.

i don't regret where i play footy now, and have a great time and can also see the benefits of VAFA's no alcohol policy, but i do think the clubs and league could be stonger and more financially sound if they could open the bar during games.

blokes who play in the 2's every week would love it, nothing better than celebrating a win in the 2's with your mates than sitting back to support the 1's with a couple beers.

Mitch, totally agree with the crowd banter coming from the country it was always funny to listen to some of the dross from over the fence by half time in the seniors!

Maybe clubs need to interact with the community more to attract more supporter (not say that is easy either, just a thought), the VAFA approach obviously has it good points hence the strength of the league!
so your saying there is something wrong with my old man cause he doesnt want to come see my club play? he worked his arse off for years as a single father so i had everything i needed growing up, sat has always been his day where he walked down to the footy had a couple of beers relaxed with the other parents of the juniors & enjoyed life.

i dont expect him to come down to watch me every week as i am no good, now because he chooses to go watch a much higher standard of footy to get away from it all & have a couple of beers, does that make him a drunk? doesnt that make him a bad person? what are you trying to say? i bet you would never insinuate these things to my face!

You missed my point (although maybe not made well given the smacking I got).

Plenty of people won't come to the footy due to beer not being served (including my brothers) I understand that and that is fine, but the Ammos proves that just as many people are happy to watch the footy without having a beer (it's doesn't make it right eitherway) I just don’t think that clubs should always use it as the reason for poor crowd numbers.

At a pervious club it was very interesting to see the improvement in crowd numbers when 1. We started winning and 2. We recruited boys from the DVFL who then brought their extended families down.

Maybe its as much about the clubs themselves??
Absolutely spot on with your observations mitch fc
The VAFA lives in the dark ages.
Surely double standards exist when the VAFA can happily sanction "luncheons" at home games for clubs and the clubs then serve alcohol, generally with no major repercussions.
These "luncheons" usually attract former club identities and players who love nothing more than catching up with their mates, both past and present, and enjoy a few drinks together.This then provides improved attendance/numbers at games, increased tangible support for the club whilst providing much needed revenue "over the bar" and keeps people involved who would not otherwise choose to be there.
This should apply to all games, not a few limited occasions over a season.
How many clubs in the VAFA would you seriously expect that would not
be responsible in respect to the serving of alcohol??
The clubs that transgress could be efficently identified and denied the ongoing privilige
if they offend.
You would anticipate that most clubs would police responsbile serving of alcohol and control their supporters, etc. based on how the vast majority of clubs conduct themselves presently.
We need to change with the times, not be dictated to by the VAFA for some isolated past negative experiences and empower some trust and faith in their member clubs and administrators in respect to this issue.
Cosmo 21 comments that "just as many people are happy to watch the footy without having a beer". Are you for real??
You must have been around this competition for about five minutes with that insight!!
"The people" you have commented on would represent a small minority in comparison to the vast improvement in increased numbers and attendance at games that would follow with the availability of alcohol.
The reality is that alcohol is served at the elite level of AFL games and just about every other competiton in the land!
It does not have to be represented as a "beer orgy" during VAFA games.
Many wives and girfriends of players would love to socilaize whilst games are in progress and enjoy a glass of wine, etc together.
Club supporters relish the opportunity to enjoy "a few quiet ones" whilst watching suburban football and their team in action.
You should also seriously consider the fragility of ongoing survival for many clubs with increased rents for grounds and rooms and the ever increasing threat of other competitons who have a greater viability with the income stream that alcohol sales provides.
It s not "the ogre" or pitfall for the competition that many represent it as!
Bridie O'Reillys?
Isn't that the home ground for Powder House and Abort Park?
With the amount of Irish players in these two lakeside clubs its like a suburb of Dublin.
More likely to be Gaelic clubs in the future than footy clubs.
Spot the Aussie.
How about we ask EVERY D3 player to meet at a pub .... non sponsor specific - to have a beer at a certain date - and all proceeds go to the 'we wanna get on the piss' campaign?

To be honest I have played from A grade to D3 in the past 25 years. Not a having a beer during 2 - 4.30 on a Saturday means SFA people. I have played in the ( formally known) DVFL and have enjoyed the atmosphere. But feel the ammos is a better gig!

It's about involving the supporters in luncheons, functions, sponsorship.... that will get people involved. they will wait 2.5 hours for a beer if they love the club....trust me.

Chump ....... P.S my shout!!
With a bit over a week to go until round 1, lets shift the focus from the beers onto the footy! Who is everyones tips to get off on the right foot and start with a "W" next to their name??

Aquinas OC vs St Francis Xavier
Elsternwick AFC vs Richmond Central
Ivanhoe vs Albert Park
Hawthorn AFC vs UHS-VU
Power House vs Yarra Valley
Kew vs Old Westbourne
With a bit over a week to go until round 1, lets shift the focus from the beers onto the footy! Who is everyones tips to get off on the right foot and start with a "W" next to their name??

Aquinas OC vs St Francis Xavier
Elsternwick AFC vs Richmond Central
Ivanhoe vs Albert Park
Hawthorn AFC vs UHS-VU
Power House vs Yarra Valley
Kew vs Old Westbourne

Aquinas OC vs St Francis Xavier - SFX to get the win away from home 1pt
Elsternwick AFC vs Richmond Central - Elsternwick by a few at home
Ivanhoe vs Albert Park - Ivanhoe easliy
Hawthorn AFC vs UHS-VU - Hawthorn
Power House vs Yarra Valley - Yarra Valley by plenty
Kew vs Old Westbourne - Interesting games with plenty of questions around about both teams!! Kew at Home
I'm all for 'we wanna get on the piss' campaign" Chump.
Respect your comments, however, I feel there must be a solution somewhere in the middle. Maybe drinks at halftime for a limited session to keep the Reserve players at the ground, etc.

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Aquinas OC vs St Francis Xavier - SFX to get the win away from home 1pt
Elsternwick AFC vs Richmond Central - Elsternwick by a few at home
Ivanhoe vs Albert Park - Ivanhoe easliy
Hawthorn AFC vs UHS-VU - Hawthorn
Power House vs Yarra Valley - Yarra Valley by plenty
Kew vs Old Westbourne - Interesting games with plenty of questions around about both teams!! Kew at Home

Aquinas by thirty three points. SFX carsick for the first half.
Elsternwick by 25 points. Centrals overhyped like their Richmond AFL brothers
Ivanhoe by 49 points. Will prove formidable at home this season
Hawthorn to prevail by 28 points. UHS-VU to leave with tails between their legs on the slow dirive back to the Zoo
Yarra Valley will prevail like the attendance at grape grazing day - huge numbers - may have to get a bigger scoreboard to account for the volume of Yarra goals - 73 points
Old Westbourne - will bring western suburbs aggression to the Kew cuties- will not be pretty - 38 points to the Oldies
Absolutely spot on with your observations mitch fc
The VAFA lives in the dark ages.
Surely double standards exist when the VAFA can happily sanction "luncheons" at home games for clubs and the clubs then serve alcohol, generally with no major repercussions.
These "luncheons" usually attract former club identities and players who love nothing more than catching up with their mates, both past and present, and enjoy a few drinks together.This then provides improved attendance/numbers at games, increased tangible support for the club whilst providing much needed revenue "over the bar" and keeps people involved who would not otherwise choose to be there.
This should apply to all games, not a few limited occasions over a season.
How many clubs in the VAFA would you seriously expect that would not
be responsible in respect to the serving of alcohol??
The clubs that transgress could be efficently identified and denied the ongoing privilige
if they offend.
You would anticipate that most clubs would police responsbile serving of alcohol and control their supporters, etc. based on how the vast majority of clubs conduct themselves presently.
We need to change with the times, not be dictated to by the VAFA for some isolated past negative experiences and empower some trust and faith in their member clubs and administrators in respect to this issue.
Cosmo 21 comments that "just as many people are happy to watch the footy without having a beer". Are you for real??
You must have been around this competition for about five minutes with that insight!!
"The people" you have commented on would represent a small minority in comparison to the vast improvement in increased numbers and attendance at games that would follow with the availability of alcohol.
The reality is that alcohol is served at the elite level of AFL games and just about every other competiton in the land!
It does not have to be represented as a "beer orgy" during VAFA games.
Many wives and girfriends of players would love to socilaize whilst games are in progress and enjoy a glass of wine, etc together.
Club supporters relish the opportunity to enjoy "a few quiet ones" whilst watching suburban football and their team in action.
You should also seriously consider the fragility of ongoing survival for many clubs with increased rents for grounds and rooms and the ever increasing threat of other competitons who have a greater viability with the income stream that alcohol sales provides.
It s not "the ogre" or pitfall for the competition that many represent it as!

Boys, interesting debate here on the pro's and con's about alcohol at the games. I fully agree with the Ammo's stance on the no alcohol at games for one reason and one reason only - it only takes one idiot to ruin the day for everyone!!
The majority of us could quite easily go to the footy, have a few beers and thoroughly enjoy the day and probably add to the atmosphere. The problem lies with those few idiots who will drink too much and really make the place uncomfortable for families and kids. I know I would have second thoughts coming again if I had my kids there.
I don't agree that you need alcohol to create an atmosphere. If you saw the Mazenod v De La games back in the late 90's and early 2000's, there was atmosphere a plenty with about 5000 watching the first game they played against each other in A Grade. Now days, go and watch the De La v Xavs games where they would regularly get around 4000 people - plently of friendly banter between the supporters and a cracking game of football on most occasions.
One of the great thing about the Ammo's is the movement between grades with four new teams coming into each grade from year to year. I guess that is also one of the problems as you cannot generate the real rivalries that you get in other comps where the movement is alot less.
The Ammo HQ gets bagged for alot of things but they doing something right as they have about 10 clubs a year wanting to enter the comp. Take the good and the bad boys, as it is the best run comp in the state.
Great topic though boys, better than the usual sh*t that gets posted.
Boys, interesting debate here on the pro's and con's about alcohol at the games. I fully agree with the Ammo's stance on the no alcohol at games for one reason and one reason only - it only takes one idiot to ruin the day for everyone!!
The majority of us could quite easily go to the footy, have a few beers and thoroughly enjoy the day and probably add to the atmosphere. The problem lies with those few idiots who will drink too much and really make the place uncomfortable for families and kids. I know I would have second thoughts coming again if I had my kids there.
I don't agree that you need alcohol to create an atmosphere. If you saw the Mazenod v De La games back in the late 90's and early 2000's, there was atmosphere a plenty with about 5000 watching the first game they played against each other in A Grade. Now days, go and watch the De La v Xavs games where they would regularly get around 4000 people - plently of friendly banter between the supporters and a cracking game of football on most occasions.
One of the great thing about the Ammo's is the movement between grades with four new teams coming into each grade from year to year. I guess that is also one of the problems as you cannot generate the real rivalries that you get in other comps where the movement is alot less.
The Ammo HQ gets bagged for alot of things but they doing something right as they have about 10 clubs a year wanting to enter the comp. Take the good and the bad boys, as it is the best run comp in the state.
Great topic though boys, better than the usual sh*t that gets posted.

Gee, things are really slipping on here if we are now starting to sound intellectual! :eek:
Your comments are valid and have a degree of acceptance from me.
I just believe there must be some form of compromise in all of this.
Aquinas OC vs St Francis Xavier - SFX to get the win away from home 1pt
Elsternwick AFC vs Richmond Central - Elsternwick by a few at home
Ivanhoe vs Albert Park - Ivanhoe easliy
Hawthorn AFC vs UHS-VU - Hawthorn
Power House vs Yarra Valley - Yarra Valley by plenty
Kew vs Old Westbourne - Interesting games with plenty of questions around about both teams!! Kew at Home

What?.......ur membership is cancelled ...and move out of the area !!!...bloody silverspoon lemon head surfie type
Enough with the long posts you would be journalists.....say something and get off.....BTW kimduthie......Richmond Centrals will be fine.....im feeling a lot of hate from you directed at the Centrals and would like to know why?
What?.......ur membership is cancelled ...and move out of the area !!!...bloody silverspoon lemon head surfie type

Elsternwick at home! If it was at KB I'd go the otherway... (obviously just guessing). Dont think we will win Friday night either...
Enough with the long posts you would be journalists.....say something and get off.....BTW kimduthie......Richmond Centrals will be fine.....im feeling a lot of hate from you directed at the Centrals and would like to know why?

One very big absence for RC in round 1 though Rabs. Hopefully the defence can cope without him better than they did in the GF last year. I heard you say his absence with a broken leg cost RC the flag... haha!

Snakes should get up in round 1!:thumbsu:
Boys, interesting debate here on the pro's and con's about alcohol at the games. I fully agree with the Ammo's stance on the no alcohol at games for one reason and one reason only - it only takes one idiot to ruin the day for everyone!!
The majority of us could quite easily go to the footy, have a few beers and thoroughly enjoy the day and probably add to the atmosphere. The problem lies with those few idiots who will drink too much and really make the place uncomfortable for families and kids. I know I would have second thoughts coming again if I had my kids there.
I don't agree that you need alcohol to create an atmosphere. If you saw the Mazenod v De La games back in the late 90's and early 2000's, there was atmosphere a plenty with about 5000 watching the first game they played against each other in A Grade. Now days, go and watch the De La v Xavs games where they would regularly get around 4000 people - plently of friendly banter between the supporters and a cracking game of football on most occasions.
One of the great thing about the Ammo's is the movement between grades with four new teams coming into each grade from year to year. I guess that is also one of the problems as you cannot generate the real rivalries that you get in other comps where the movement is alot less.
The Ammo HQ gets bagged for alot of things but they doing something right as they have about 10 clubs a year wanting to enter the comp. Take the good and the bad boys, as it is the best run comp in the state.
Great topic though boys, better than the usual sh*t that gets posted.

Obviously premier divisions are going to attract a higher number of spectators but my argument is more applicable to us lower division dwellers.
With a bit over a week to go until round 1, lets shift the focus from the beers onto the footy! Who is everyones tips to get off on the right foot and start with a "W" next to their name??

Aquinas OC vs St Francis Xavier
Elsternwick AFC vs Richmond Central
Ivanhoe vs Albert Park
Hawthorn AFC vs UHS-VU
Power House vs Yarra Valley
Kew vs Old Westbourne

Aquinas OC vs St Francis Xavier
last season there was 2 divs between them have to go with the easterns
Elsternwick AFC vs Richmond Central
hard to beat on the postage stamp
Ivanhoe vs Albert Park
will take the 1st step to promotion
Hawthorn AFC vs UHS-VU
no watts, no higgs, no gorringe no johnson, no kirk, no vultures
Power House vs Yarra Valley
will win every game untill when it matters, no burside or edo will hurt the house unless they have picked up a few from kerry & cork who played the odd game of union & know how to kick an oval ball
Kew vs Old Westbourne
purely on that they have had alot of clearances in
Enough with the long posts you would be journalists.....say something and get off.....BTW kimduthie......Richmond Centrals will be fine.....im feeling a lot of hate from you directed at the Centrals and would like to know why?

It must be the pre-season pressure and nerves together with the deluded publicity machine down at Centrals that you borrowed from your AFL namesakes.:confused:
Relax, no hate here my friend.:mad:
I think Centrals are a terrfic club and having enjoyed their hospitality in the past would hazard to say "fine gentlemen" as well.:thumbsu:
It's called "taking the piss". Friendly banter amongst the punters from D3.
No need to be overly sensitive,
I have already had a crack at "alcohol at games", the Irish invasion of D3 clubs, and so forth.:rolleyes:
Do not worry, I will get to everyone once the season starts.:p
The fact that your club got promoted and played in a grand final is note worthy.
However, once you step in to the cauldron of D3 and the very very serious posters on here, be prepared for anything!!
Genuine best endeavours for the season for the Centrals.:D
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