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Bentleigh said:
Browns fitness has nothing to do with the matter.

I think it does. The elite players can gut it out. Brown has the fitness to go on the ball for 5 minutes then sit in the pocket with his hands on his hips catching his breath. Even on the flank he struggles for fitness. It is a weakness of his and has done nothing to improve it. Bad work ethic if you ask me.

That is why he will never be a permanent Captian.
corporal said:
Probably not the best thread to start on the Doggies board especially after we just beat them

Relevence? :rolleyes:

Most of the discussion has been OK what I have read.

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ErnieSigley said:
Not sure what your on about. I said elite players win games against good teams not just the dud ones.

McCloed at least double the player Brown will ever be.

I agree when you talk about elite players I think of players like McCloud, Voss, Hird, Buckley etc. Brown does not even get close to that catergory at all and never will be.
Then again, Voss, Hird and such played in champion teams in their time.

I think Brown has alot of Johnson/West about him in that respect.
You are never going to get an unbiased response from Bulldogs supporters about Brown (so you are just trolling from my viewpoint). For my part I always thought Brown was a two edged sword, beautiful skills, kicks freakish goals but inconsistant and selfish and a bad influence on those around him. Good luck to Richmond (you paid and will pay dearly for him) and it gives others a chance to stand up at the Dogs.
simmo_b said:
You are never going to get an unbiased response from Bulldogs supporters about Brown (so you are just trolling from my viewpoint). For my part I always thought Brown was a two edged sword, beautiful skills, kicks freakish goals but inconsistant and selfish and a bad influence on those around him. Good luck to Richmond (you paid and will pay dearly for him) and it gives others a chance to stand up at the Dogs.

I wasnt trying to troll, actully rather intersting and I do beleive most people gave a fair responce.

What do you mean we are going to pay? Money wise? Actully we are in danger of not paying the min salary cap (90/92% i think). With a few kids comming though this will change of the next couple years.
Bentleigh said:
I wasnt trying to troll, actully rather intersting and I do beleive most people gave a fair responce.

What do you mean we are going to pay? Money wise? Actully we are in danger of not paying the min salary cap (90/92% i think). With a few kids comming though this will change of the next couple years.

I do think you are paying a high (money) price for a very clever small forward, you will need to be cashed up in the next few years to hold onto your younger boys. But I really think the biggest danger for the Tiges is the bad example he sets. I am sure that he set back the development of some of our younger players because of his selfishness. Young players gravitate to Brown because of his charisma but he dosn't have the work ethic required to mentor young stars.
simmo_b said:
I do think you are paying a high (money) price for a very clever small forward, you will need to be cashed up in the next few years to hold onto your younger boys. But I really think the biggest danger for the Tiges is the bad example he sets. I am sure that he set back the development of some of our younger players because of his selfishness. Young players gravitate to Brown because of his charisma but he dosn't have the work ethic required to mentor young stars.
could not agree with you more simmo. perfectly put.
I for one miss Nathan Brown in a bulldogs jumper... Someone on our side that could kick the ball through the 2 middle sticks!
ashonline said:
I for one miss Nathan Brown in a bulldogs jumper... Someone on our side that could kick the ball through the 2 middle sticks!

Actually, he was still only a 50/50 shot at goal. He kicked as many goals as he did behinds. Difference was, he had over a 100 shots of goal.

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Borgsta said:
and you would still be wrong. Why do you keep coming back with this argument, get over it mate.

Because I feel the Doggies are a strongish side.

Adds a star like Brown to the mix and they'd make the 8.
i cant get why richmond who lost about 2mill last year pays brown/wallet/simoonds so much they are on about 2 mill between them

will bent looks like you would ahve some one ro blame if your club folds
Bentleigh said:
Because I feel the Doggies are a strongish side.

Adds a star like Brown to the mix and they'd make the 8.

As has been said numerous times though, adding Brown wouldnt fix the problems that the side has.
Borgsta said:
As has been said numerous times though, adding Brown wouldnt fix the problems that the side has.

It wouldnt fix the problems but it would utterly enhance the side.
Borgsta said:
Hell yeah, with Brown we would have been 8-0 this year.
well we had 2 options
keep brown pay him $700,00
or keep Gilbee, gio and R Murphy who where all near being out of contract
if it was up to me id keep Gilbee, gio and R Murphy
Borgsta said:
Hell yeah, with Brown we would have been 8-0 this year.

8-0, no.


Add Brown to the current forward line and it looks amounst the most potent in the league.

well we had 2 options
keep brown pay him $700,00
or keep Gilbee, gio and R Murphy who where all near being out of contract
if it was up to me id keep Gilbee, gio and R Murphy


Brown is on nothing like 700k and your list is too poor to be having salary cap troubles.
Bentleigh said:
8-0, no.


Add Brown to the current forward line and it looks amounst the most potent in the league.


Brown is on nothing like 700k and your list is too poor to be having salary cap troubles.

Bent lee....go back to your board and stay there. I and I would think most others have had enough discussion about Nathan Brown. Of course he is a great player. We would have loved him to stay, but he didn't. Be decided to go to Richmond so he could walk to training and play in finals. So far he has done neither. You might want to focus on the last 14 rounds as they have been typically difficult for you guys. This year you have a chance to prove the world wrong and make the finals for the third time in 20 plus years. Focus on that. Get over the fact Brown was once a Bulldog. He is not the type of charcter that most of us admire. Loyality, commitment and freindship make the world go round. Respect is earnt, and although most of us here on this board respect his footy ability not many of us respect him as a person. He clearly declared he would stay a Bulldog on a number of occasions. He broke the footy clubs trust and walked away when the club needed him the most. That doesn't earn you respect. It may get you a better paying position, that is fine if that is what your focus is.......but most peolpe measure other attirtubes ahead of personal wealth.

Now go away and don't raise the Brown subject again when your only intention is to gloat that you have him....
Bentleigh said:
Brown is on nothing like 700k and your list is too poor to be having salary cap troubles.

Posting at 1:30am? Time to get off the caffine tablets mate.
Bentleigh said:
I wasnt trying to troll, actully rather intersting and I do beleive most people gave a fair responce.

What do you mean we are going to pay? Money wise? Actully we are in danger of not paying the min salary cap (90/92% i think). With a few kids comming though this will change of the next couple years.
Oh this thread is gold!!! Your unbelievable, you and your mate itsinthebutt. You both claim on the main board that us bulldog supporters bring discussion levels down when we slag off Nathan and Terry constantly, yet you come on our board after Nathan kicks a bag and has a blinder and want to discuss how he is going??????????????????

Listen you result of incestual curiosity, for the last time, we have watched him for the last 7 years, we saw him when he kicked his first goal, took his first mark and watched him develop intothe champion he is today, we know exactly how good he is, what he is capable of and what he will achieve with the best years of footy in front of him. We don't need your pathetic underhanded attempt at trolling to elicit more negative responses, under the auspice of healthy debate :rolleyes: You claim that we bag them both yet you come here and play with the lions tail. So f.... off back to your own board and stroke it there because us bulldog faithful alreadyknow how good he is. Come back when you actually have a topic that requires debate, The ability of Nathan and how he is going is not debatable only a pathetic attempt to troll ONCE AGAIN.

You have a young player in Deladio, who isn't much chop atm, hopefully he turns his potential into reality and you can have the pleasure like we did of watching a young up and coming champion developing. Going through the emotions with him, cheering him so passionately when he scores or does something magical, saying "I cant believe he is ours!!" This is what makes this game so great. I hope for your club's sake he discovers loyalty and doesn't jump ship when times are bad and joins Collingwood :confused: because he wants to play finals$$$$$$$$$$$$ Only then will you know how it feels, only then will realise how pathetic your attempts at rubbing salt into the wounds are!!

We hate him so much because we love him so much, is this what you would like to hear? Well for me it's true anyway. But I also love people who have loyalty, have passion for the friends around them, abloke you can go into the trenches with and feel like your back is covered. This Nathan Brown is not and never will be, this is the bulldog way so it's not surpising he went to Richmond!

We have a great list of kids that are going to set the AFL alight, we are moving on from the past and players that no longer wish to play in the red white and blue. I suggest you move on as well, and well...... in all sincerity F.... off.
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