Strategy Draft assistance 2023 [Twomey: NMFC get #19 in 2023, x2 end of 1st rd picks in 2024, and x2 extra rookie list spots in 2024; no Sanders/#11]

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Am sure this has been mentioned before, but why don't the CorruptFL just give us Hawks pick as a "damages claim in lieu of a PP". Then they aren't compromising the draft.

Pick 2
Pick 3 - compo for Mackay
Pick 4 - "damages claim in lieu of a PP"

Even if they just did one of the last 2 options it seems a pretty fair and reasonable outcome for the rest of the comp.
If we get pick 3 as compo for Ben McKay, and the AFL insists that it is legit and based upon his new contract, stand by for several clubs' media mouthpieces demanding that all AFL player contracts be made public.

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Normally if he is picked in the first 40 selections he is free for anyone to take, but what the proposal is is that North Melbourne just basically gets him under the rug." Normally, as in the rule that came in to effect in the last draft, first 20 selections the draft before that and no restrictions before that, so "normally" as in for one draft in a row, you can understand why the traditionalists are so upset :rolleyes:

“The other issue is a part of this Ben McKay free agency compensation. Instead of an end of first round pick, do they get pick three as part of an upgraded assistance (deal)?" The AFL literally said this week that any free agency compensation will only be what the compensation formula dictates and won't be upgraded. Sure, everyone can have their conspiracy theories about it, but the numbers being suggested if Bmac does go aren't all that far from Band 1 and clubs clearly work together to trigger high compensation (Daniher etc) and avoid the need to match and trade. If we get pick three, it isn't part of an assistance package.

But great story apart from that!

The other clubs and fans throwing their toys out of the pram is almost better than any assistance the AFL would ever give us anyway! :tearsofjoy:
This is the type of rhetoric the AFL itself should comment on. This isn't some guesswork about a player's future which is up in the air, it's not ooh aah the AFL is "mad" at someone, or anything else which have a bunch of subjective components. This is pure misrepresentation of established facts. The rules for Free Agency have a bunch of bullshit secrecy behind them but if (big if) you believe the written rules then "If the team they come from really ****ing sucks then we bump it up a band" isn't one of them. As for NGA picks and Academies etc give me a ****ing break. You could write a 2 page list of established best 22 players that came either for free or at a discount from these organizations in the past decade. And that's just Sydney!
How do North generate wins with only Corr, Bonnar and Dawson as KD's in 2024?

We'll be back here talking Priority Picks again.

Rewarding North to "let go" of Mackay is counterproductive to them being competitive next year.
One could suggest, we land Reid, Sanders, McKercher there’s every chance the balls not going down that end
Why are other teams upset that we might get 3 as compo for McKay?

It's not like the AFL are changing the rules to benefit us.
Long contract, big money, poaching from a bottom team. It was always going to be around that spot.
Why are other teams upset that we might get 3 as compo for McKay?

It's not like the AFL are changing the rules to benefit us.
Long contract, big money, poaching from a bottom team. It was always going to be around that spot.
That’s what confuses me the ****ing most.
Someone must have mentioned it as being part of the ‘assistance package’ and it’s just taken off
That’s what confuses me the ******* most.
Someone must have mentioned it as being part of the ‘assistance package’ and it’s just taken off
Yeah it keeps popping up in talks about assistance and they say shit like "Pick 2, likely 3 for Mckay leaving, access to Sanders" etc.
And it's like... yeah only one of those would be assistance in any way, and thats Sanders, and we would likely have had access to him anyway if he'd known his heritage sooner.
The complete stupidity of the McKay compo pick is actually a high PP argument is that if we finished 1st, we would be getting 19 instead of 3.

A player movement option that overwhelmingly favours strong clubs pilfering players from weak clubs? Yeah I really don't have an issue with a premiership team only getting pick 19 when they lose one of their best players. Let them cry into their premiership cup.

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A player movement option that overwhelmingly favours strong clubs pilfering players from weak clubs? Yeah I really don't have an issue with a premiership team only getting pick 19 when they lose one of their best players. Let them cry into their premiership cup.
Agree. The whole point is that a strong team loosing a free agent impacts them less than a crap team.
Buddy the ultimate case in point.
Why are other teams upset that we might get 3 as compo for McKay?

It's not like the AFL are changing the rules to benefit us.
Long contract, big money, poaching from a bottom team. It was always going to be around that spot.
He is also a restricted free agent much like Cameron was.

Pretty sure GWS matched and forced a trade, as was their right.

Why McKay is even in the "Draft assistance" thread, or talked in the same breath with PP and special assistance is anyone's guess.

They are separate issues. Either North gets compensation via the AFL rules, or * has to trade.
Why McKay is even in the "Draft assistance" thread, or talked in the same breath with PP and special assistance is anyone's guess. They are separate issues.
Yep, I've already posted about this, but even in this thread, you still see people considering it when weighing up what we'd get. They include FA compensation for McKay and also our natural selection when considering a 'special assistance package'. In reality it's looking like one pick, delivered in one of three ways: It's a priority pick, OR, in an attempt to pander to other clubs, it's free access to Tasmanian NGA (Sanders), as Western could with JUH only a couple of drafts back, OR earning the right to bid for Sanders within the top 40. That's it.

But, in 'meedja land', and with those that listen to what they say as if it were fact, it's a different story...

Jay Clark: "This has really blown up in the past 72 hours..." (because I lit the fuse). “The rival clubs are angry that North Melbourne is looking at potentially not only one huge free kick, two huge free kicks at the end of the year."

“Instead of an end of first round pick, do they get pick three as part of an upgraded assistance (deal)? “Other clubs are phoning the AFL flat-stick over the past three days saying this can not happen. It’s too big of a boost.”

There's a combination of mixing of the two issues and hyperbole. Is the mixing of these lazy or deliberate? I'd suggest deliberate because the simplest explanation is that it sells papers (generates clicks) and the audience is supporters of every other club other than the smallest Victorian club. So, create an impression that we have this extraordinary and outrageous 'special assistance package' - notice the language we're already being groomed to accept - instead of simply getting a PP like others have, then sell it as unfair to all the other clubs. Easy and unethical.

So, the simplest explanation is 'media driven'.

Most clubs don't like some other club but all clubs don't like North...
But beyond that, and I know you laughed at your own comment kk, but there's the picking on North element too.

I often think about the comment someone made here, that North Melbourne is the most hated club in the land. Like others, I scoff at this suggestion and agree that it's usually the perennially successful and big clubs like Collingwood or *essendon, that earn this right. We're too small to be hated. Surely?!

And yet, unless it is my North bias, I do find it strange how much angst our club seems to generate amongst others if i) we look like doing well, and/or ii) there is the slightest hint of an opportunity to sink the boots in. It's truly bizarre to me. Certainly not the 'admired underdog' status I think we deserve. Yes, we're the victim of our own poor decision-making, but what other club receiving a PP wasn't? (Well, actually, those that deliberately took advantage of the previous rule, relating to number of wins in a single year, versus years of not doing well.)

In relation to taking opportunities to sink the boot in, it's "Lord of the Flies" imagery. Attacking North Melbourne is, surely, the equivalent of bullying. An easy target with our smaller supporter base, and a Board that can't afford to put others off-side. It smacks of the same attitude displayed by the wealthy elite, who seem to think they deserve more than others, and treat others with contempt.

If I put on my tin-foil hat, I wonder if other clubs are not only looking after their own draft interests, but if they don't also see it as convenient to contribute to our downfall, with Tassie coming into the competition. Less competition in the Victorian marketplace, and the AFL has 18 (not an inconvienient 19) teams. But of course, my tin-foil hat is at the back of the drawer, where I left it.

p.s. Mods, maybe change the thread title? "Draft assistance: PP pick, NGA access or..."
Isn't the PP stuff decided before McKay would sign a new contract or am I wrong?

Because that would mean that it can't be included as assistance because we technically won't even know if he's leaving.
Mid to late September. Technically McKay has until 1/11 to sign a new deal but trade eon and free agency is early to mid October.

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What people on the main board fail to get through their thick skulls is that what we ask for and what we get is very different. We will ask for overs knowing what our baseline is and they will knock us down a peg or two to a support package that hopefully allows both parties to save face and be satisfied.
If that’s the way it works what on earth did Gold Coast ask for?!?

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Strategy Draft assistance 2023 [Twomey: NMFC get #19 in 2023, x2 end of 1st rd picks in 2024, and x2 extra rookie list spots in 2024; no Sanders/#11]

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