Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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As a white male I don't feel like a victim. I don't get discriminated against and I don't fear violence. Life is actually pretty awesome.

Do you feel like a victim? If so, maybe that's where you need to put your focus.
Not me specifically but white males can be victims and those who are not white males are not always the victim.

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It's solution is definitely cultural but i think you are wrong about the rest. One only has to look at younger humans (3 to 5 year olds), who have had the least time for culture to take effect, to see the relationship between testosterone and aggression.
Children between 3 and 5 also eat their own snot, write on walls and try to stick stuff in electrical sockets. Are you honestly suggesting they're the purest exemplars of the true nature of humanity? If violence was biological you'd see consistent rates across the global human population but compare domestic violence in Australia with Saudi Arabia and try telling me the problem AND solution isn't cultural.
The 1950s called, they're looking for you!

Whatever mate. Continue to miss the point but whatever. Don't bother addressing any of my points either.

But whatever you do, keep on spilling us this "Caro hold this boys club to account" nonsense. Caro takes whatever position she needs to in order to sell newspapers. She is a completely duplicitous character and the worst type of bully.

What Eddie and co did was dumb but hardly the hangable offence that you social apologists make it out to be.
Under siege??
Are you serious.

The whole world is changing its not just the treasured institutions of the white Australian male.

Imagine the change that the aboriginal community faced 200 years ago. Imagine the change Africans faced when the English locked them on boats as slaves. Imagine what millions of children around the world are facing as they work in sweatshops all day so we get cheap fashion. Imagine what women went through when they were legally considered to be the property of their white husbands.

Not sure you can really call Australian life 'unde siege'. Unless you are being tongue in cheek??

These days we're wanting to raise little boys like little girls.

I'd say right from the start males are under siege from the start.
There really isn't.
The myth that white men have it easy is naive. Maybe a lot do. I certainly don't complain about my lot in life, despite working for it.
But that doesn't excuse anyone from picking me out as a target for inappropriate comments.

It doesn't matter who this was about.
The fact Caro is a woman is besides the point. It may be an underlying factor, but I'm not privy to the inside info on Caro and Ed's relationship.

This was simple bullying.
It was a group of people who didn't like Caro having a crack about holding her under water.
Do i believe they'd do it? No
Does it set a bad example for the rest of the community? Yes it does.
It deserves a firm rebuke. I bet Ed wouldn't see this as harmless fun if one of his kids was on the end of this sort of treatment at school.
I agree with that I think it was a stupid thing to say. I just disagree with those who claim it was sexist.
Can't believe there's 49 pages on this that's actually debating the topic...

End of the day - if I walked up to McGuire, Brayshaw or Frawley, and 'joked' that I wanted to drown their wife or sister or daughter etc, they'd want to punch on with me.

And they did it on air.

Who cares about whether white males are privileged or marginalised, whether it's promoting violence or violence against women, or that it was 'just a joke', or that this is the outrage generation...the comments were in horrible taste, Caro feels that way and anyone would be upset if those comments were made about them or a woman they were close too.
Perpetrators are by far predominantly male. But yeah women are perpetrators too.

You don't think from a prevention point of view that a strong correlation with being male as a perpetrator is relevant....

That's just weird. Why wouldn't law makers explore this angle. It's not some kind of man-hating feminist conspiracy - it's a fact

The focus isnt so much on men being the perpetrators, the focus is on women being the victims. When the fact is that far more men are victims of violence than women.

Yet there is next to no coverage of this, other than the occasional one-punch story.

Can't believe there's 49 pages on this that's actually debating the topic...

End of the day - if I walked up to McGuire, Brayshaw or Frawley, and 'joked' that I wanted to drown their wife or sister or daughter etc, they'd want to punch on with me.

And they did it on air.

Who cares about whether white males are privileged or marginalised, whether it's promoting violence or violence against women, or that it was 'just a joke', or that this is the outrage generation...the comments were in horrible taste, Caro feels that way and anyone would be upset if those comments were made about them or a woman they were close too.

So the point is that it was bad taste, and not that they were making violent threats towards a woman and perpetuating domestic violence?

I would agree. I would also imagine that this would lead to a 3 page thread, not a 50 page thread.

I have asked this question multiple times. I'm yet to see an acceptable answer which is why I don't view it as a male/female issue and a much simpler McGuire/Wilson issue.

And Brayshaw too. There is zero love lost between them.
What about then Neale joked about holding Eddie under the water?

It was a funny joke on Neale's behalf I thought.

I have asked this question multiple times. I'm yet to see an acceptable answer which is why I don't view it as a male/female issue and a much simpler McGuire/Wilson issue.

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So I'm trying to figure out the timeline here, McGuire said the original comments last Monday right? Were the subsequent comments from others also on the same day or more recently? If so this has taken a week to now become a story? Is that right?

It has taken a week for channel nine (who employs Caro, Eddie and JB and is home to The Footy Show and Footy Classified) to come up with the best PR strategy to create public outrage and thus maximise the audience for their shows this week.
I just had to pop in and lay out my hatred for fat ed because I will do it at every opportunity. He is a moron, a two faced sook who does not like anyone who does not agree with what he says. Think only fair result is let Caro drown Ed in the pool. I will pay grand final prices for that and it should be made a public holiday. "No more ed day" a truely happy day in oz history.
Whatever mate. Continue to miss the point but whatever. Don't bother addressing any of my points either.

But whatever you do, keep on spilling us this "Caro hold this boys club to account" nonsense. Caro takes whatever position she needs to in order to sell newspapers. She is a completely duplicitous character and the worst type of bully.

What Eddie and co did was dumb but hardly the hangable offence that you social apologists make it out to be.
Given she mentions the old boys club quite often. I think it's a valid complaint. Given the wet tram ticket that McLaughlin hit McGuire with today, I'd say it only reinforces the impression.
So it is okay to talk about and laugh about killing another human being on air to an audience of thousands.
One would hope that all those listeners were competent to not be influenced by this lovely little banter they had going on.

Goodness me.
Hope you never turn on TV during prime time and accidentally see 75% of all TV shows and movies. You'd be horrified.
What about then Neale joked about holding Eddie under the water?

It was a funny joke on Neale's behalf I thought.
I have asked this question multiple times. I'm yet to see an acceptable answer which is why I don't view it as a male/female issue and a much simpler McGuire/Wilson issue.

against my better judgment, i will weigh in with my view on this... context is everything. were neales comments made in a nasty fashion far removed from eddie himself with 3 other guys guffawing it up and egging it on, or were they made arm around shoulder, laughing together?

i daresay neales comments on the day held zero venom and were shared with eddie himself, as opposed to the rather lengthy transcript from MMM including volunteering to hold her under, to sell tickets to bomb her while she was held under, and the reference to her being a 'black widow' that will suck you dry if you let her.

there is clearly a difference in two mates ribbing each other while the 'big slide' took place, and 4 guys laughing and egging each other on in a persons absence.

please correct me if neales comment was actually made in a different context.
You just nominated one, but then put an unproven claim that she used to support her article.

She was blasted by Melbourne years back for lying about a story she released (her famous "not releasing a story is worse than lying")

Mcguire called her out years ago for bullshitting, and she claimed he was sexist back then, with no founding for this

Didn't she make claims about North never playing games interstate for money?

She also said North would be relocated to Gold Coast by 2010. She said the players wanted to go there, and made claims that she had spoken to people at north who were leading the move
They weren't lies. And definitely not deliberately trying to mislead neither.
Whatever mate. Continue to miss the point but whatever. Don't bother addressing any of my points either.

But whatever you do, keep on spilling us this "Caro hold this boys club to account" nonsense. Caro takes whatever position she needs to in order to sell newspapers. She is a completely duplicitous character and the worst type of bully.

What Eddie and co did was dumb but hardly the hangable offence that you social apologists make it out to be.

Sounds like you're on board with hanging Caro for being a journalist though. Worse type of bully my ass lol

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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