Fish, chips, cup o' tea, Mary @#? Poppins. London!
Untrue, we have Archaerlogical existence as we have his bones, we have multiple contemporary sources by eyewitnesses, and he is mentioned by contemporary third parties.
We have none of that for Jesus.
EDIT: Regardless this is seriously digressing, I wont reply to your rebuttal on here but if you like we can continue the discussion through PM's.
Fair enough. We'll end it here. I'd just add; d crossan&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7aqmUY6gOcPliAeY2oGwCg&ved=0CGAQ6AEwBw
The archaeological/historical evidence is there, obviously it's just not as blatant and of a different kind for Jesus as it is for Edward II.