Society/Culture Elon Musk - Takeover of Twitter?

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Apparently being anti-fascist is such a radical position these days.
I like that the guy who's starting to rival Cher and Joan Rivers for cosmetic surgery is so vehemently anti trans. He needs to accept the body he was born into.
Yeah no, just no.
Meaning you think the greens are far left?
Or you just ignore the media saying that.

I mean the Australian calls Albo a far left communist and he's not even left of centre
I never understand people like him saying this. It is the complete opposite. Many right winged parties have drifted more to the right in recent years world wide. Where the left sides have moved more central. And what was once considered normal left wing, is now brandished as far left. And when the conservatives lose, they are always like "We need to move further to the right", when that was the main reason they likely lost. And any major party that doesn't want to go further right, is how splinter far right groups break off and form. The current Republican Party is closer to a far right nationalist party than anywhere near the center.
What you say is true on economic policy. But its the other way round on social policy. With abortion probably the exception (and thats why its a vote killer for republicans).
when the conservatives lose, they are always like "We need to move further to the right"
I always read this as "we need to be more open about how far right we have always been".
Remember when this guy tried to claim he was apolitical.

It's baffling how this guy has convinced some of the lowest class citizens that he's on their side when he's the exact opposite.
I know he's probably just trolling, but wowee even the 5% possibility he's serious.

Imagine anyone thinking US political parties have moved left recently, thats next level :tearsofjoy:
i remember labor supporters cracking the shits a few years ago when vote compass told them they aligned with the greens policies more than labor

most of them said the problem was vote compass and not labor policies

vote compass was shit, apart from the fact it had progressive vs conservative on the north south access so no mention of authoritarian and libertarian

it also had the greens as far left as you could go on the axis and nothing on the right extreme

so its teaching people the greens are a far left party

that shit warps peoples perception of where they sit politically

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I know he's probably just trolling, but wowee even the 5% possibility he's serious.

Imagine anyone thinking US political parties have moved left recently, thats next level :tearsofjoy:

He pretends he's 'just trolling' but the consistency of the shit he says would tell you he's serious. He's a racist rich white dude, the far-right would seem pretty homely to him.
He pretends he's 'just trolling' but the consistency of the shit he says would tell you he's serious.
whether he believes it or not is irrelevant

it has an impact, he's part of the right wing propaganda machine
Does anyone else not see this thread in the SRP main page? I can only see this thread when it's the most recently posted in SRP, from the main board. I can't even search for it. Really weird.
Does anyone else not see this thread in the SRP main page? I can only see this thread when it's the most recently posted in SRP, from the main board. I can't even search for it. Really weird.
its showing as the top thread on the SRP main page for me right now
its showing as the top thread on the SRP main page for me right now
All good, just realised it's been posted by a blocked user. Silly me, all good.
In fairness, both Tesla and Rivian have benefited from government handouts: State and local governments in Georgia promised Rivian a raft of incentives worth up to $1.5 billion. And Tesla has received at least $2.8 billion in federal, state, and local subsidies over the years, despite CEO Elon Musk's professed distaste for government intervention in the economy. In fact, Politico found in February that Tesla was the single largest recipient of funds disbursed by the federal NEVI program, winning "almost 13 percent of all EV charging awards from the law, earning it a total of more than $17 million in infrastructure grants.

In fairness, both Tesla and Rivian have benefited from government handouts: State and local governments in Georgia promised Rivian a raft of incentives worth up to $1.5 billion. And Tesla has received at least $2.8 billion in federal, state, and local subsidies over the years, despite CEO Elon Musk's professed distaste for government intervention in the economy. In fact, Politico found in February that Tesla was the single largest recipient of funds disbursed by the federal NEVI program, winning "almost 13 percent of all EV charging awards from the law, earning it a total of more than $17 million in infrastructure grants.

Elon is a real 'pull the ladder up behind you' kind of guy. Hoovers up Government cash when it's there, then demands it's cut off for anyone else.

He could do the world a favour by jumping in his rocket and flying off to Mars. He can take Bezos with him.

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Society/Culture Elon Musk - Takeover of Twitter?

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