Society/Culture Elon Musk - Takeover of Twitter?

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Well guys, Nikola Tesla reportedly had OCD, was celibate for life and in a relationship with a pigeon, and also was into eugenics. Yet his work lead to us being able to have this discussion on our electronic devices. Howard Hughs was similarly an OCD afflicted oddball (I'm not hating - I have long documented my own struggles with OCD here that I have been hospitalised by multiple times). Isaac Newton described his greatest achievement in life as "remaining celibate". Einstein was mad racist when it came to people of Asian descent.

Any great scientific innovators of history would have outraged lefties had they had access to a platform like twitter.
Speaking as a leftie, we don't care if people remain celibate, that's their choice to make. We also generally are very tolerant of neurodivergent conditions like OCD, since a huge number of lefties are also neurodivergent. Racism isn't cool, but that was a different time where people had less exposure to other cultures, and one can appreciate a person who truly wanted to make the world better even if they had some views that aren't acceptable in today's world.

Elon made EVs go mainstream and built reusable rockets.
He didn't build anything, his engineers did.

Time to get over the mean tweets and separate the scientist from the science, I say!
He isn't a scientist or even an engineer. He's a marketer.
Which rock have you been living under to have missed that?
They've been living on planet earth, unencumbered by rocks, because you're incorrect. Leftists despise corporate power. Perhaps you're thinking of small-l liberals (teals and moderate Liberals), who are cool with LGBT+ people and want climate action, but also cheerlead for corporate CEOs. They're not leftists because they don't want to reform capitalism (or abandon it altogether) to make a more equal society.
Speaking as a leftie, we don't care if people remain celibate, that's their choice to make. We also generally are very tolerant of neurodivergent conditions like OCD, since a huge number of lefties are also neurodivergent. Racism isn't cool, but that was a different time where people had less exposure to other cultures, and one can appreciate a person who truly wanted to make the world better even if they had some views that aren't acceptable in today's world.

He didn't build anything, his engineers did.

He isn't a scientist or even an engineer. He's a marketer.
I don't entirely disagree but all modern feats of science (going back past the moon landing) were achieved by teams rather than an individual. These teams require competent leadership.

Having been on the record here working with renewables and EVs since 2016 (and supporting their adoption since prior to that) I am concerned by the amount of revisionism being applied. It was wrong when the right wing (cheerleaded by Murdoch media) opposed investment in renewables and battery tech due to "mining lithium is dirty!" back then, just as it is wrong now that many on the left have adopted the same talking points upon being offended by literally one individual guy.

Mining for minerals like lithium certainly does involve an environmental and humanitarian cost. These should of course be minimised and investment directed towards cleaner and more ethical battery chemistries as they arise. That does not mean that continuing the status quo of producing internal combustion engines is a preferable scenario. Since the wind isn't always blowing and the sun isn't always shining, battery storage will make up an important part of any green energy grid.

Anyone who has made any progress along the Dunning Kreuger X axis on these topics accepts that Tesla and SpaceX would not be the power houses they are without Elon's leadership. His claims that he is heavily involved in the engineering of his companies may well be BS yet he has evidently at the very least made good business decisions for these organisations.

Both things can be true: he posts on twitter like a 14 year old edgelord, and he has achieved a lot in areas once championed by the left such as renewables, battery storage, DC motors and rocket tech. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, part of the reason we have the technology for things like modern e-scooters, e-buses etc is because of the billions in R and D invested by companies like Tesla.

Cheers for engaging genuinely rather than the usual "simp bootlicker" response, since there is certainly a conversation to be had.
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Having been on the record here working with renewables and EVs since 2016 (and supporting their adoption since prior to that) I am concerned by the amount of revisionism being applied. It was wrong when the right wing (cheerleaded by Murdoch media) opposed investment in renewables and battery tech due to "mining lithium is dirty!" back then, just as it is wrong now that many on the left have adopted the same talking points upon being offended by literally one individual guy.
Where is this happening?

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