Werewolf FALLOUT 4 Werewolf

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Aug 27, 2014
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Welcome to the Wasteland. The year is 2287. What's left of Boston, and the broader Massachusetts area has become a fierce battlefield for whoever, or whatever, is left standing all these years after the bombs that ended the world first fell.
Deep in the heart of Boston, ruours of a mysterious secret weapon that could turn the tide of war in the part of the world now known as the Commonwealth have surfaced from a myriad of sources with their ears to the Wasteland. Anyone and everyone with a vested interest in the future of new civilisation have been gathering their strength in the City, trying to fight their way to supremacy, in wake of these powerful factions and figures, the rest of the Commonwealth has been swept along in the madness. Bring your most trustworthy Pipe pistol, a hefty supply of Nuka Cola and maybe even some Deathclaw Steak.
Boston after dark is a scary place.

Basic Rules:
At the beginning of the game each player is given a 'role' at random and in secret (via PM) by the moderator.

The aim of the Villagers is to identify and kill all of the Mafia and the Wereboncers before the evil factions can kill enough villagers so that (# of e.g. Werewolves = # of Villagers). Only one faction can win.

How are players killed?
Each 'turn' of the game will last approximately 24 hours and also represents one 'day' of game time, thus a game will go on for several days before it is concluded. There are two 'phases' to every turn of the game;

Night Phase (7:00pm – 10:00am):When evil factions secretly decide among themselves, via PM communication, which Villager (one per night) that they shall kill and then inform the moderator via PM. Others with a Night action also enter their actions now via PM to the Mods. Decisions for the night phase are to be in no later than 10am.

Day Phase (10:00am – 7:00pm):After the results of Night actions have been announced, everybody, Villagers, Mafia, and Wereboncers discusses and ultimately votes publicly in the game-thread upon which player (one per day) that they shall lynch and kill. Votes for the day phase are to be in no later than 7pm.

Obviously during the day the Villagers will want the group to vote for and lynch an evil player, whilst the evil players themselves will want not to be lynched; herein lies the fundamental strategy of the game:
Can the villagers identify the evildoers whilst at the same time convincing the rest of the group that they're not evil? And can the evildoers convince the group that they're not evil at all and thus avoid being lynched?

Werewolf Etiquette:

There are two main rules which everyone must follow in order for the game to run successfully;

If you are killed at any point during the game then you are no longer allowed to participate although I will allow a farewell post, but that post cannot impact the remainder of the game.

Except for the below-mentioned groups sending PMs between themselves, other forms of private communication concerning the game are not allowed.

Anyone caught sending screen captures of BigFooty of any kind in this thread will be mod-killed instantly with no warning.

Anyone caught quoting PMs from the mods will be mod-killed without warning.

For this game we will not be using the Reason for Lynching rule.

During the Day Phase players must vote for whom to lynch, your vote must be formatted in bold like this: Player Name.

Upon the voting deadline (end of day-phase) the votes will be tallied by the moderator and whoever has received the most will be lynched and be out of the game: remember, once killed you cannot take further part; do not reveal your roles to anyone until the game has been concluded.

Any ties in voting will result in both players being lynched.




The Father, Leader of The Institute
The secretive leader of The Institute with mysterious ties to the Sole Survivor, an intelligent and cunning leader who is one of the most powerful men in the Commonwealth, can find out the Role of ONE player each night. Cannot be killed at night. Will be seered as a Wastelander (Villager)

Dr. Madison Li, Head of Advanced Systems
Dr. Madison Li has seen some serious stuff go down in the Wasteland, and upon finding The Institute, an organisation driven by the pursuit of knowledge, has found her home. Able to BLOCK ONE action of a player each night. In addition, can BLOCK an action targeting a member of her faction ONCE. If Dr. Li is seered by the Brotherhood, they will be given the chance to allow her to defect from The Institute and join The Brotherhood instead.

Dr. Justin Ayo, Head of Synth Retention
Dr. Justin Ayo is a vain and self-serving scientist, removing any problems that rise against the Institute's work...or from it. With access to the deadliest weapons in the World, merciless robot killers known as Coursers, since the Big Bombs fell all those years ago. Dr. Ayo is able to KILL ONE player each night phase.

Dr. Clayton Holdren, Head of Bio-Science
Dr. Clayton Holdren is responsible for ensuring The Institute is well resourced and survives to strive to fix the World for the good of The Institute...or is it all of man-kind? Whilst the technology in The Institute is second to none in the Wasteland, powering it sustainably is a massive problem that the generators can't quite solve. Helps carry out night actions.

Win Condition, Eliminate The Railroad, Brotherhood of Steel, The Minutemen and have as many members left as The Wasteland.


Elder Arthur Maxson
Leader of the Brotherhood in Boston, and a traditional ancestor of the BoS founders, Maxson is a strict upholder of guarding the secrets and exclusivity the Brotherhood promote within their organisation. One of the bravest fighters in all Chapters of the Brotherhood, he leads the East Coast Chapter from their air ship The Prydwen. even probably it's entire history, Maxson can KILL ONE player each night and is IMMUNE to night kills.

Proctor Quinlan, Order of The Quill
Proctor Quinlan is in charge of recording the Past, Present and Future History of the Brotherhood, to continue the traditions of the proud organisation and ensure it's goals are carried through to the future. With a wealth of information to access, Proctor Quinlan can SEER ONE player each night phase.

Proctor Ingram, Order of The Shield
Ingram suffered a terrible accident concerning mini-nukes and a 1000 metre fall to land her in a set of advanced mobility power armour, and the job of repairing and researching new Brotherhood armour defence systems. Can choose ONE night to protect ONE player from all night actions in the faction. Can choose ONE night to sacrifice her Power Armour and avoid being killed.

Proctor Teagan, Order of The Sword
The Quartermaster and cataloger of all Brotherhood Weapons and Armour, Teagan makes sure Food is well stocked and assists Elder Maxson with night kills.

Win by eliminating The Institute, The Railroad, The Minutemen and have the same amount of people as the Wasteland.




Leader of the secret organisation, 'Des' is hell bent on protecting the lives of Synths who are exploited and manipulated by The Institute whilst feared and killed in the Wasteland. Cannot be killed at NIGHT.

The charming, inconspicuous stealth man of the Railroad has been on the trail of too many people to count, and none of them have had the slightest clue. Deacon is a master persuader and can BLACKMAILONE player each night to vote for the person of their choosing in the corresponding day phase.

The self professed 'Heavy' of the Railroad, Glory is a heavy weapons specialist, and the best fighter of the small, secretive society. Glory can KILL ONE player every night phase.

Tinker Tom
Tinker Tom is a crazy inventor, one parts genius, one parts addicted to all forms of substances, all of him is crazy paranoid. Tinker Tom will KNOW when he has been seered, and every TWO nights can give Desdemona one of the THREE inventions he has been working on. Which one will be decided by chance.

Win by eliminating the Brotherhood, the Institute, the Minutemen and having the same number of people left as the Village.


Preston Garvey

Can't be KILLED at night...dammit. Can KILL ONE person each night phase.

Mama Murphy
Once a fearsome warrior lady of the Wastelands called Murphy the Madwoman (apparently), too many Chems has given the nickname Madwoman for other reasons...
Mama Murphy proclaims to have the 'Sight' and can SEER ONE player each night phase. If she finds some more CHEMS for her habit (explained later), Mama Murphy could have a stronger vision and be able to SEER TWO people in the same night phase, however, the effort will leave her with a 50/50 chance of seering the correct role of the player chosen the following night.

The fix-it man of Garvey's patched together group, Sturges is a capable mechanic and computer hacker, and will back up his saviour Preston to the end. Can BLOCK the action of one player each night. Has an additional BLOCK of ONE action targeting the group during the whole game. If Sturges can get his hands on some CHEMS, he can work on the Minutemen machinery without pause, and BLOCK two actions in one night, but will be unable to do anything the following night.

If the Minutemen kill a Wastelander, there is a 1/2 chance the group will find Chems on their dead body.
If they kill anyone else there will be a 1/4 chance.

Eliminate all other factions and have a higher number of people left than the Village

CLARIFICATION: Whilst Groups in this WW Game fall into loose categories, really all groups have the moral ambiguity of the Factions in Fallout they are based on, are any really good? or evil? Or are they just striving to ensure the future they believe in, much like the village...


Sole Survivor

The Sole Survivor. You are the last hope of the Wasteland. The Sole Survivor gets ONE Kill and Seer each night.


- Every Neutral each night has the option of asking if a certain player belongs to a particular faction, until they are recruited - they will not find out the role, only a yes or no answer - The neutral then has to decide if the risk is worth it.
- The Sole Survivor will find out the Role of the person, as he actually has a real SEER each night.
- Each neutral is not yet part of a Faction until they find one, and therefore help make up the Village until such time
- Each neutral character, when recruited, brings another special power to the group they are enlisted in.
- Lone Wanderer can recruit regular villagers with no powers


Paladin Danse joined the Brotherhood for it's protection, and quickly became one of the people best at protecting others. But how much is Danse really certain the Brotherhood is where he belongs? Especially with their stance on Synths...Wandering the Wasteland aimlessly after a failed mission, who knows if Danse will return to the Brotherhood at all. When part of a Faction, Danse can KILL ONE player per night phase.

If the Sole Survivor Seers Danse, he can request the Paladin joins his team.
If Danse finds the Institute, he can request to join their faction.
If Danse finds the Brotherhood of Steel, he can request to join their faction, if Dr. Li has already joined Danse will be killed.
If Danse finds the Minutemen, he can request to join their faction.
If Danse finds the Railroad, he will be removed from the game, having travelled far from the Commonwealth to safety.

Piper is an energetic and determined Journalist who lives in Diamond City attempting to alert citizens to the scary truths of the Wasteland. Intelligent and manipulative, Piper knows what is best for the Commonwealth, and what would see all she is fighting for left in ruins. when part of a faction Piper can BLACKMAIL ONE person every night phase.

If the Sole Survivor Seers Piper, he can request the Journalist joins his team.
If Piper finds the Institute, she will know, and won't be able to join their faction.
If Piper finds the Brotherhood of Steel, she will be killed.
If Piper finds the Minutemen, she can request to join their faction
If Piper finds the Railroad, she can request to join their faction.

Nick Valentine

The Synth Detective is a formidable force in Diamond City, and the Wider Wasteland. A brave and clinical adventurer, Nick is one the best in the business at solving mysteries in the Commonwealth. when in a faction Nick can SEER ONE person every night phase.

If the Sole Survivor Seers Nick, he can request the Detective joins his team.
If Nick finds the Institute, watch out! Only Nick knows what will happen next.
If Nick finds the Brotherhood of Steel, he can request to join their faction
If Nick finds the Minutemen, he can request to join their faction.
If Nick finds the Railroad, he can request to join their faction.


A former operative of The Institute, Kellogg has been on the run ever since the Sole Survivor escaped cryogenic freezing. Blessed with superhuman implants and an ability to reduce ageing, Kellogg is a clinical killer but has also shown his ability to escape other killers with ease. Kellogg can BLOCK one action every night phase.

If the Sole Survivor Seers Kellogg, he can cast his grudge aside and request Kellogg joins his team.
If Kellogg finds the Institute, only Kellogg knows what happens next.
If Kellogg finds the Brotherhood of Steel, he can request to join the faction.
If Kellogg finds the Minutemen, he will be killed.
If Kellogg finds the Railroad, he can request to join their faction (and will have done a pretty massive 180)


The charismatic leader of your local bombed out city slums, Goodneighbor. Hancock is a schemer with a heart ultimately in the right place, as long as there is something in it for him at the end of the day. Hancock can find CHEMS once every three nights, but he cannot stock up on them. Hancock's vote, when joined to a faction counts as TWO VOTES.

If the Sole Survivor Seers Hancock, he can request the Mayor join his faction.
If Hancock finds the Institute, he will be killed.
If Hancock finds the Brotherhood of Steel, watch out! Only Hancock knows what will happen.
If Hancock finds the Minutemen, he can request to join.
If Hancock finds the Railroad, he can request to join.

A modified Science robot trying to cure diseases that have mutated and become dangerous once again to man-kind, Curie's French accent is not only good to listen too, turns out she knows a thing or two. Curie can PROTECT ONE player from death each night, but it cannot be the same player in a row.

If the Sole Survivor Seers Curie, he can request the Robot joins his faction.
If Curie finds the Institute, she can request to join their faction.
If Curie finds the Brotherhood of Steel, she can request to join their faction.
If Curie finds the Minutemen, she can request to join their faction.
If Curie finds the Railroad, she can request to join their faction.

Until recruited, Neutrals remain part of the Village and are NOT able to use their powers.



Wastelander's best friend. Can SACRIFICE himself once to stop the Sole Survivor from dying, will die instead.

Will join the Sole Survivor if Seered. If not, is a simple Villager. Will not know their role.

Strong find milk of human happiness. Strong drink milk, Strong stronger. Strong kills anything and everything in his way, playing as a SK and has a KILL each night but if he is recruited by the Sole Survivor will change completely under the Human's wisdom, alternating between a KILL one night and ability to SACRIFICE the next. Can be KILLED at night.

Will join the Sole Survivor if Seered, if not, SAME WIN CONDITION as DEATHCLAW


The name pretty much says it - the Wasteland's worst nightmare. Can KILL one person per night, Can't be KILLED at night.

Eliminate all other Factions and make it to the Final Four of the Village to win.
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This looks awesome. That OP. INcreduble. So many roles. And it's interesting that nobody is really good or evil. So the village obviously only wins by eliminating all other factions? That's tough.

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Werewolf FALLOUT 4 Werewolf

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