Fevola To Still Be At Carlton In 2010 - *MERGED*

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Re: Are Carlton Bluffing?

Part of me will be sorry to see him go. He's an exciting footballer and arguably the best forward going around.
On the other hand, we need to build the sort of culture where every player on the field would rip his own kidneys out for his team mate. Fev stands in the way of that, especially if the other players now don't want him there.
Re: Are Carlton Bluffing?

OP is right.

It's all a scare tactic. I made a thread on the main board about it.

I'd LOVE Fevalenko at the Pies, I think he's a classic character and a great player. The whole Brownlow thing was HILARIOUS, and totally blown out of proportion.

Fevola was the only thing that made the brownlow worth watching. Channel 7 purposely milked Fev and J Brown for all they were worth, knowing they're channel 9 property, and the only 2 genuine football personalities.

I personally thin kit's a mistake for Carlton to trade him, but they wont. It's one last scare, hoping it will scare him straight.

I'd LOVE him, but it won't happen.

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Re: Are Carlton Bluffing?

All of the above.

We are serious about trading Fevola if we get the right deal. If no trade eventuates then Fevola will stay and it will send a message telling him to shape up or else next time when a good deal comes you will be shipped off. That will be the scare tactic the board was hoping to put into Fevola's brain.

I support whatever the board is doing regardless of the result since we need to look at the bigger picture that is telling players to shape up or prepare to leave message. However the board could be making a mistake since Fevola may be critical to our premiership hopes.

Finally all this could be pointless and stupid since no trade may eventuate, Fevola may not change since the scare tactic failed, if traded then Fevola may kick a big bag against us and destroy our finals chances or forward structure fails for the entire 2010 season. At the end of the day the only intention is to keep the media and all the good-doers happy.
Re: Are Carlton Bluffing?

Heck our B & F award is named after a bloke who robbed a bank during his playing days at Carlton.[/quote]

Went to the bluestone college for embezzlement not robbing a bank but I get your point

As much as I would love to see Fev at the Pies its footy gone mad if you get rid of Fev

For the sanity of the game I hope he stays
Re: Are Carlton Bluffing?

We are not going to get anything around the mark that we will accept, so expect Fev to stay a blue. The most logical outcome is that Fev gets the kick up the arse that he needs as the club are serious about trading him.

We all know that he loves the club and wants to finish his career at the club, so I am hoping that this scare will kick him into next year and actually assess his problems.

The sticking point is that we do not know the extent of what has occurred between Fev, the board and the playing group (and their partners). If the blood is that bad between them then its simple, he must go and we will take what we can get regardless.
Re: Are Carlton Bluffing?

What players were at the Brownlow?

The word seems to be he sexually harassed one of their girlfriends.

So if we dont get rid of Fev we could lose one of the others.

Especially if it is Gibbs.

I hope they're not bluffing. Lets get the trade done and just move on.
Re: Why i believe Fevola will be a blue 2010!

No Paul Connors explained on SEN this morning that if Fev and the new club came to an agreement for say $450000 per annum then the current contract gets ripped up!!
Re: Why i believe Fevola will be a blue 2010!

No Paul Connors explained on SEN this morning that if Fev and the new club came to an agreement for say $450000 per annum then the current contract gets ripped up!!

That makes sense. If he changes employer then there is obviously a new contract drawn up. The problem is that Fevola has to agree to it. If your boss came in and said he wanted you to go work for a rival and the rival offered you 70% of what you are getting now would you jump at it? In saying that a club could offer him a 4 year deal that is back ended and performance based. I am not sure if he qualifies for veteran list status at a new club though.
Re: Are Carlton Bluffing?

No, they're not bluffing.

If a good enough deal comes along I've got no doubt they would trade him.

Having said that, a deal good enough won't come along.

Fevola will be a Carlton Football Club player in 2010.

Do you think the CFC knows that though and therefore it is a bit of a bluff?
Re: Why i believe Fevola will be a blue 2010!

Carlton will not be low-balled on a player that has 2 more years to run on a contract, simply wont' happen...

If you want Fev, pay up! If not no problem... As I have said in other threads, let him rot on the list before we get shafted for some peanut and a low draft pick.
Re: Are Carlton Bluffing?

What players were at the Brownlow?

The word seems to be he sexually harassed one of their girlfriends.

So if we dont get rid of Fev we could lose one of the others.

Especially if it is Gibbs.

I hope they're not bluffing. Lets get the trade done and just move on.

do you honestly believe something like that would not have been flogged for all it was worth by the media, instead we got and endless number of reported incidents re. fevola knocking a beer out of cooneys hand (which in the end was the other way round). if fevola is traded i will be angry but if we take chicken sh*t for a quality player and pay part of his wage i will abandon all hope we will be Western Bulldogs Mk II.

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Re: Why i believe Fevola will be a blue 2010!

Carlton come out and fine fev $10000..then the media come out and make scene.so we put him up for trade weak as piss if you ask me.
Re: Why i believe Fevola will be a blue 2010!

i cant understand how this fev story is at the state it is. some player by the name of hurley hit and kick another human being and everyone is acting like fev has killed someone. HOW can something so bad not be talked abut or cop the same amount of S*&T that surrounds fev. Cant f**kin belive it.

The media has played a huge part in the club having to take action. Because of his reputation story after story was about Fev, yet when a player gets just as, if not more legless and actually does something ILLEGAL nothing comes of it
Re: Why i believe Fevola will be a blue 2010!

the media are picking it up again now but under a different light. just saw a ad for tonite news saying theres a revolt at carlton. Members are getting together to keep fevola. cant wait to see that tonite. way to go members :thumbsu:
Re: Why i believe Fevola will be a blue 2010!

I would be amazed if he is on the Carlton list next year. If there is any foxing going on at Carlton, it is to try to maximize his trade value. If they just sacked him in the way that Brisbane and Sydney did to Akermanis and Hall, the clubs Carlton are trading with know that Carlton will be forced to take whatever is on offer. This way there is some ambiguity in their stance and Carlton can at least threaten to walk away from any deal. Of course in reality they will take whatever is on offer. I hope it is a late first round and a first 18 player but I think it is possible the best pick we get will be in the second round. If that is the best that is on offer, I feel that it is likely we would take it.
Re: Why i believe Fevola will be a blue 2010!


The media has played a huge part in the club having to take action. Because of his reputation story after story was about Fev, yet when a player gets just as, if not more legless and actually does something ILLEGAL nothing comes of it

Swann was very clear last year - if Fev has one more alcohol incident he was out of the club. Although, there is no doubt that what Hurley is alledged to have done is worse than what Fev has done in this particular incident, the point is that Fev, knowing he was on his last warning, got smashed anyway knowing what he is like when he is drunk. Hurley is a 19YO kid. If he does the same thing next week, he would probably be sacked.

Fev's fault, not the media

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Fevola To Still Be At Carlton In 2010 - *MERGED*

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