Footy players punch up bombshell

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Footy players get hassled so much especially at bars/clubs. Luke Darcy, a guy who you think no one would ever heckle, said he had people abusing him while he was with his kids.

Anyway. Lawrence was out of line. King hit a guy from behind. Very lame. As for Gherig, Voss and Black their actions were wrong and they should get punishment inline with what any other citizen would get. Besides that, this kind of thing happens all the time at bars and clubs.

The lead up circumstances apparently are the footy players were making sleazy gestures to some guys gf. It escalated through Lawrence who pushed a pool cue at the guy and it went from there. The girl's boyfriend admits he was drunk (as they probably all were).

yes..and then people get charged with assault and face court...
Re: The G Train pushing a woman

It was in september last year the off season all the players were on leave and please put your hands up if any here knew the lead up circumstances.
when you are an AFL player, you are accountable for 12 months a year. Can you imagine if a player went on a crime spee in his months off and expected no consequences at the club?

the lead up circumstances are about as relevant as Hollands hit on the woman that threatened his missus. Everyone dismissed them, so why begin to accept them here?

Its all about consistancy. If those who bagged out Holland support Gehrig, then it is hypocrisy. If those that called for Didak to be suspended call for no such sanction here, then its hypocrisy. lets see what the main protagonists say and we'll take it from there.

FWIW, I'd wait for the legal system to deal with this case before asking the club to do anything.

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Re: The G Train pushing a woman

All Voss was doing was sticking up for his mate after he had a billiard ball piffed at his head. (You guys know that you can kill a person with a billiard ball)
well the mods clearly didnt like the last post I made.
Gherig is a swine. What he did was unnacceptable. He deserves to be spat on, legally, by fans. I think his behaviour may have been influenced by a certain foward counterpart of his
Re: Voss' Coaching Stocks - Intact

RoyalBlue; said:
Prospective clubs knew of this already, and by the looks Voss was squaring up a bloke who allegedly threw a billiard ball at Craig Lambert.

I don't think there was anything "alledged" with the thrown billiard ball.Even Denny Crane wouldn't be able to get the bloke off.

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Re: Voss' Coaching Stocks - Intact

I don't think there was anything "alledged" with the thrown billiard ball.Even Denny Crane wouldn't be able to get the bloke off.

Of course he could.

He'd just have to say "Denny Crane".
Gherig should be made an example. Violence towards women is a huge problem in our society. St kilda have swept enough things under the carpet. They should make a stand and suspend Gherig for the rest of the season, or alternatively sack the swine
The old 'the other guy was being a w***er' defence will work for Voss? Probably not. "The guy threw a pool ball at someone else so I went and hit him to teach him a lesson, does that sound reasonable your honour?" Hello. ;)
Re: Voss' Coaching Stocks - Intact


Here come all the resident Brisbane trolls.

Where exactly did you see the footage Le Kook?

On Channel Nine News Brisbane, at 6:00PM this evening.

Where, pray tell, would you have expected me to see the footage?
Re: Voss' Coaching Stocks - Intact

On Channel Nine News Brisbane, at 6:00PM this evening.

Where, pray tell, would you have expected me to see the footage?
Just by your description of the event tells me you must have been watching something totally different. How could defending your mate after a billard ball was thrown at him, be "thuggish" behaviour. Also, do people actually know the definition of a king-hit?

Let's not pretend you have no axe to grind against Voss, or anything to do with the Lions.

Go the Broncs! :rolleyes:
Re: The G Train pushing a woman

Would someone please put the footage up? I am bursting to put my ill-considered uninformed opinion on here with everyone else's. I hate being left out.

Seeing the footage is optional. In fact, if you're planning on making any sort of moral judgements then the less facts you have at hand the better.
"The guy threw a pool ball at someone else so I went and hit him to teach him a lesson, does that sound reasonable your honour?" Hello. ;)
Should work as well as the 'I was passed out in the back seat and didn't wake up when the gun went off several times " .. Hello !! Gee lucky no one was killed .. err wait a minute .. wasn't someone that guy ...
Re: The G Train pushing a woman

Would someone please put the footage up? I am bursting to put my ill-considered uninformed opinion on here with everyone else's. I hate being left out.

What's stopping you?

I haven't seen it, but in my opinion Gehrig is a dog, Lawrence is an animal but Vossy is a good bloke so the guy he hit deserved it.
Re: The G Train pushing a woman

Seeing the footage is optional. In fact, if you're planning on making any sort of moral judgements then the less facts you have at hand the better.

Very well then. Voss is innocent, Gehrig is guilty, Didak should be sacked and the should award an MBE to Cousins for services to tabloid newspapers.

I feel much better now. Cheers.
Any surprise Voss is involved. Obvious culture problem there from the Brisbane days where Robert Walls thought it acceptable to put a member of the team in a circle and have his players take turns into beating the crap out of him.

Then you have Leigh Matthews to this day the only man to be de-registered as a footballer for gutlessly belting a player off the ball and breaking his jaw in 2 places.

Now you have Voss and his antics. I'd hate to think what sort of coaching practices Voss will take with him to his new club given the coaches he has learnt off.

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Footy players punch up bombshell

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