Game Day Game Day Thread: 2nd Semi Final HAWKS VS BULLDOGS - 7.50pm AEST Friday ch7

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Anyone know if the MCG car park will be open or not? Would prefer to drive in and can be there 5:30-6 but will train it if not.
Looks like it is still open, but with reduced capacity.

MCG website says "extremely limited" parking is available and suggests fans should avoid driving to game.
Serious butterflies for tonight's game.
So proud of this group over the last 2 yrs - just want them to put their best food forward win or lose (preferably the former!)
Really looking forward to seeing us play a cut throat final against a team that has done it time and time again. Even though I think the Hawks are 15% off what they have been in past yrs the quality, experience and ruthlessness in these games that they have are characteristics that I hope to see in our boys in the coming yrs

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So, a ticketing question....

I didn't think I'd be able to go (wife had a prior commitment and society doesn't look too kindly on leaving a 2 and 4 year old on their own, unfortunately), but as of about an hour ago now I can. Result.

Just went to ticketek and when I try to select any ticket type it's adding about $100 to the price (category 5 should be $63 with handling fee, but is now $175).

Is this normal on game day for a final? Will it be the same if I rock up to the box office tonight?

I'd really like to be there, but nearly $200 for a pretty ordinary ticket is a little steep.
would go to the G tonight and take chance with a scalper. The Salvo's used to resell police-confiscated tickets at face value. Saw 2 GF's that way in early 70's so things may have changed. Oh wait, the AFL was taken over by Scalpers.

I will be watching on TV, probably burning that not there (hope so). Committed to a long-delayed holiday with wife, and was feeling guilty last week like I did in 2005 when I went on another milestone holiday.

I will be back for GF.
In '61 two teams met at the MCG in September with the victor on that day going on to be arguably the most successful team over the next 55 years and the loser yet to return to that stage. it is now'16 and the two same teams meet in a do or die final.... '61.....'16 Will we see a reversal of fortunes and the Dogs go onto bigger things...
In the way they smashed the pea hearted WCE or different?

I get the obvious Hawk envy after the Hawks have torn the WCE a newie in 2 Grand Finals.

I get that most neutrals are going for the Dogs but do you have to be a tosser with the poos and wees crap?
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In the way they smashed the pea hearted WCE or different?

I get that most neutrals are going for the Dogs but do you have to be a tosser with the poos and wees crap?
I posted on the Bulldogs board.....wait .....someone will do it on the main board....
In '61 two teams met at the MCG in September with the victor on that day going on to be arguably the most successful team over the next 55 years and the loser yet to return to that stage. it is now'16 and the two same teams meet in a do or die final.... '61.....'16 Will we see a reversal of fortunes and the Dogs go onto bigger things...


When you get the timing just right...

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Sure but the poos and wees thing really is very lame, show some respect for a club the WCE could only dream of being.
Yeah they should really get it right.

It's pees and poos.

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How to be a Western Bulldogs fan for tonight’s semi final against Hawthorn
Danny McGinlay, Herald Sun
7 minutes ago

WELCOME aboard the Bulldogs bandwagon my friend.

There’s plenty of room for you here. Lots of room is actually one of the major benefits of being a Dogs fan.

When the stadium is only half full there’s always room to stretch out. It’s the footy equivalent of a Gold Class Cinema.

There’s many great reasons to be supporting the Scraggers: the romance of the underdog, the dream of breaking a premiership drought, but mostly – you have no other viable option.

There’s two Melbourne teams left and the other is Hawthorn.

You hate Hawthorn, remember?

You’ve hated them since the ‘80s when all the kids at school started going for them because they made the grand final every year.

Then you realise that these glory hunting children grew up and in their 30s they were rewarded with a premiership three-peat and the rage burns within you so brightly you almost know what it’s like to support Richmond.

Now if you’re going to be an honorary Dogs fan tonight, I’ve got a few pointers to help you seem more legitimate.

Think of me as your acting coach, giving you your motivation to embody a true Footscray tragic.

The first thing you need to embrace is a crushing phobia of preliminary finals.


Ernie (right): A symbol of all that brings terror to Bulldog fans. Picture: Ian Svegovic
September is a cruel month that can trigger many horrid recollections.

Most involving Geelong. Or Adelaide.

In fact subconsciously, the sight of horizontal stripes makes you uneasy.

You always preferred Bert to Ernie and you didn’t know why.

1985, 1992, 1998, 2008, 2009, 2010. All these years we just missed the big dance.

It sucked.

A lot.

Like Attack of the Clones-level sucking.

Especially ‘09.

Riewoldt’s ‘winning goal’ was touched, anyone could see it was touched what the hell was wrong with that umpire?!!?!!?!?!

Okay I’m back. Just had to go call my therapist.

None of those years compare to ’97.

Which sucked more than a hypothetical remake of Attack of the Clones that starred Ashton Kutcher and Katy Perry.


Your coach for all things Bulldogs, banner writer and comedian, Danny McGinlay. Picture: Supplied
If you’re going to be a Bulldogs fan you gotta know this pain.

We went from second last on the ladder in 1996 to being 22 points up at three quarter time in the preliminary final.

And then Adelaide kicked four unanswered goals in the final term and it all ended with Rohan Smith punching the ground.

It was almost the perfect Cinderella story.

But in this version Prince Charming ends up leaving for a night of fun with both ugly stepsisters while Cinderella is executed by firing squad.

It’s not all bad though, some things about being a Dogs fan are great.

And the most important to remember is: nobody hates you.

Seriously, can you name anyone who hates the Bulldogs? Like really hates them, more than they hate Collingwood or Carlton?


Bulldogs captain Bob Murphy: a better topic of conversation than Victoria’s grammar schools. Picture: Jason Edwards
Every time you tell someone who you barrack for, they will invariably smile and tell you the Dogs are their second favourite team.

This has literally never happened to a Hawthorn supporter.

We Doggies get told about how people have a soft spot for Bob Murphy, while all Hawks fans get is an awkward silence and an attempt to change the conversation back onto whether they went to Scotch or Xavier.

Imagine that, Essendon fans.

You tell people which team you support and they are happy.

No pointing and laughing, no calling you a drug cheat.

They won’t even point out that your club’s song mispronounces ‘premiership’.

There’s lots of little things that will help you look like a Footscray fan.

Calling us Footscray is one of them.

Also, a relaxed attitude to orthodontics will help, and your PIN number should be 1954.

Then you will be one of us and tonight’s epic win over the reigning premiers will be so much sweeter.

Go Dogs.

See Danny’s banner at tonight’s Semi Final, then tell him how good it is@dannymcginlay

Some of Danny’s best work:


Danny’s banner takes aim at Collingwood. Picture: Michael Klein

Fremantle, an easy target in 2016.

The Dogs vs the other side of the river. Picture: Twitter

Not afraid to take their attitude over the border.

The Blues, old foes.
For the first time in many years , the Dogs have players born to shine in September and achieve the ultimate. This team is getting very close to the Holy Grail. Dogs will win this one by around 3 goals and go on to make the prelim.
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