No Oppo Supporters General AFL and other clubs discussion thread. **Opposition fans not welcome**

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Doesn't that chip scab goal sum up the situation perfectly. Has had very little impact in this game and relies on his teammates work to keep him relevant.

Massive seagull.

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Doubt Tuck would had worn a jumper with the amount of games he played when he beat KBs record..
Harvey's always been about him just ask Dermie

I do remember Tucky doing something similar in his 17th game though. He wore 17 on his back. It was against Collingwood at Princes Park in 1974 :)
There's some next level commentary going on.

You could seriously pull 3 three people of the street who didn't know anything about AFL and they'd do a comparable job.

Richo.."he lost sight of the football, which didn't prove helpful.."

On a forum where commentators get hammered, it surprises me Richo doesn't cop more flack. I think he's a shocker.
So what happened, I thought boomer was supposed to were a a long sleeve jumper when he ran out, but he didn't

BT made a point on the Sat.rub today that he was going to wear a long sleeve in the warm up only (out of resepct for Tucky) and then run out in a short sleeve..BT then intimated it had nothing to do with Tuck but purely a commercial grab for cash..check the north auction website for it this week!!!
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