Agree. I've wondered why AFL just doesn't 'compensate' in allowing club losing a player to have more freedom in salary cap to go for FA at a time suitable to them. Say NM offered B.Mackay $700,000 p.a., why can't they defer some salary cap for up to say 2 years (so pay around say 90% of salary cap next year and year after if they choose), effectively 'bank that', and then go for a FA next year or the year after (and being able to pay above salary cap then).
Someone who is smarter than me can give me an alternative I’m sure, the loss of good players out of bottom sides needs immediate remedy.
If not they stay down for even longer.
As much as I don’t like the makey uppey formula for compensation bottom teams are never going to attract prime players in trades or free agency so I guess they have to draft in the talent.
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