Werewolf Guns and Roses Mafia - Night Four Mafia Wins

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Hey! I set the trap.

You genuinely think I asked Maj if he was going to mess up the answer?
what if the setup was set up by mafia
100% agree with Cadsky being confirmed good. If he was mafia, I was the easiest kill ever and he had the chance and chose not to.
And then jumped on The Maj bandwagon more importantly.

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To kill one of their own?

bold GIF
Well he was inactive and is going to be inactive because of stuff going on, would be a good ploy to set him up by someone on his team
Well he was inactive and is going to be inactive because of stuff going on, would be a good ploy to set him up by someone on his team

Yes, but there really was no need to with 13 players left.

Just to clarify, what prompted the question was that someone said he wasn’t seen since Friday. The game started on Saturday so he clearly wasn’t the person slowing the game up.

So if he was a villager he would have defended himself against the too slow question, but I wanted to confirm with the timing.
Also I work all weekend SSwans2011 hence why I usually rock up at night
To be honest, I was just throwing shit and seeing what stuck while I was in danger of being lynched.

Effectively trying to turn a guaranteed village lynch into a likely village lynch :straining:
So this is MPs ploy as a mafia to start the target on Maj because he was inactive?
id prefer we look at anyone who jumped off Maj or got on late

I didn’t say that, in fact it’s good for him.

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