Certified Legendary Thread Hamish Mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwebz

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I think we have another one!

oh yeah i discovered this too after i found out hamish and went looking to see if i could catch anyone else. it's definitely him. he doesn't have an account, but most of the favourable editing comes from IP addresses belonging to an ISP that only serves the Bel Air neighbourhood of LA, where he was living at the time (according to his wiki page!)

i didn't post it because it's a bit less obvious and persistent than hame, and i barely know who the guy is. apparently he's the low-life who bought the [injunction] medical records. unsurprising.

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over in the saturday arvo team thread, stats man and glinn mcgraw made these observations:

after a quick google search, i uncovered the youtube profile of the same name, "rompingwins"

looks like our hammer is a little fixated with what wikipedia has to say about him. he created the page back in 2010 and is a regular updater of it. take a look through his edit history. it's an enjoyable read.

anyone with twitter care to hit him (and others) up about this?

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I am confused. How do you know so much about him, and who normally writes Wikipedia pages? Does anyone wake up one day and think "I might write a Wikipedia page about a guy on TV today...?"
I'm really late to this thread. I get that he was caught out editing his own Wiki page, but what's with the dog references. I am assuming he ran over an animal?

Had no remorse either
id never seen that before. what a disgrace. i hope someone runs over mclachlans leg one day and i can have a good laugh about it.

That's why this thread went from a funny story about someone editting their own wiki page which might have been a 400-600 reply thread to one approaching 3,000 replies.
well, this is unrelated to hamish, but since michelangelo rucci literally compared port adelaide to a turd it's time someone did some digging on him.

for context, michelangelo rucci is the chief football writer for the adelaide advertiser. he is (or was) a port fan, hated by most crows fans. recently however, he seems to have turned on port and staked his professional reputation on having primus sacked, and has published some sickeningly unprofessional articles.

long story short, someone with a news ltd. IP address has been doing a lot of editing of the michelangelo rucci wikipedia page. a couple of highlights from 4 october 2007 (a few days after the GF. his page had been vandalised by crows fans) when this Person With A News Ltd IP Address appears to have had some sort of psychotic episode:

- he leaves this line of vandalism in,
There have been rumours of Rucci being in a fetal position at his home screaming "Tredrea...Tredrea" after Port Adelaide's loss to Geelong
but adds this to it:
His screams were only outdone by Adelaide coach Neil Craig saying repeatedly; "I don't care how many goals Buddy has scored. Massie is staying on him!"
then later, also adds:
Or Scott Thompson's screams of: "It's not my fault I can't kick."

- bigfooty gets a mention. he replaces:
Rucci is extremely disliked by the members of the Adelaide section from the Bigfooty forum for his immature articles and bias towards the Port Adelaide football club. Some of the information that he gains for his sports articles are obtained from the Bigfooty forum, justifying his amateurish research techniques.
with this:
Rucci is extremely disliked by the members of the Adelaide section from the Bigfooty forum where Crows fans, proving they would happily wake up every morning to read that their football club was the greatest and would one day rule the world, repeatedly reveal he is getting under their very thin skins.

he's been editing his page for six years. the first was in march '06, the most recent in march of this year.

unlike hamish, michelangelo isn't a shameless self-promoter. rather, he's a fully-fledged bay 13-style troll.

for the full story, and proof that the editing was done by a news ltd. employee, see my post on the port board

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just by the by, if a moderator or admin were so inclined, they could see if any users have posted from IP addresses in the 165.69.x.x range. these belong to news ltd.

if they were so inclined...



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Certified Legendary Thread Hamish Mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwebz

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