Have you every been out on the town and seen an AFL footballer Sh*t Faced?

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I've got pissed with a few footballers in my time, and seen more than my fair share out and about off their heads.

Fortunately I don't remember too many of them being ________s.

Well except one, who plays for a high profile Victorian team and whos reputation around town is already well established. And has also been mentioned on this thread previously.
I've worked in pubs since 95 and owned two bars over the last six years. I've seen AFL players do some very ordinary things. One or two have tried to fight me, some have been horribly arrogant and quite a few seem to have a shit attitude towards women. Others have been awesome people. However.....

Over that thirteen years I've seen weathermen, basketballers, state and federal politicians, lawyers, socialites, netballers, reality tv dipshits, cricketers, rock stars, novelists and even clergy make arseholes of themselves in pretty much the same ways.

People are people. One in five people is a ________ on booze. Three out of five people are annoying on drugs. Footballers stand out because they are big in stature I guess. But fundamentally they are the same as everyone else.
Used to work at the Cactus Club in Moonee Ponds back in the mid-90s. Was a notorious hang out for Essendon players, particularly the Baby Bombers. One in particular who I won't mention but came from the Keilor area used to enjoy the odd cut and polish in the toilets with a female fan.

The Turf club in North Melb back then also used to be a regular hang out for the Roos on Sat nights. Was always good to go their after a Saturday game and watch the boys turn up to wipe themselves out.

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Maybe you should read this report about YOUR players before you make any snide remarks...

Whiskers wrote:
Work at casino and Kangaroo players were notorious for coming in and getting sloshed. David King was a shocker. never looked with it. They dont get so smashed during the season like they used to. Who knows though but i see more Roo players out hammered then any other team.

Fevola on the other hand before he got caught urinating was again smashed the night before. Ridiculously hammered, worst i have seen.

Geelong players on the Sunday night after GF at Lambys were goin nuts. Wojo stands out for mine. The cats players are well behaved during the season though ;) Well like the Roos much better now.

And BTW where the hell is SHCOTLAND?? You must have been sloshed when you typed that one!!!:p

Drinking is not illegal nor is it banned by the AFL.

The Shcotland is a reference to Shir Shean Connery.
I've worked in pubs since 95 and owned two bars over the last six years. I've seen AFL players do some very ordinary things. One or two have tried to fight me, some have been horribly arrogant and quite a few seem to have a shit attitude towards women. Others have been awesome people. However.....

Over that thirteen years I've seen weathermen, basketballers, state and federal politicians, lawyers, socialites, netballers, reality tv dipshits, cricketers, rock stars, novelists and even clergy make arseholes of themselves in pretty much the same ways.

People are people. One in five people is a ________ on booze. Three out of five people are annoying on drugs. Footballers stand out because they are big in stature I guess. But fundamentally they are the same as everyone else.

Excellent post.
Jeffrey Farmer, pissed, making a scene getting chucked off a train for not having a ticket in the late 90s during one of his 'Walkabouts' from the Demons. He wasn't very happy.

Nobody else making an arse of themselves really, but you see a few from time to time around the place.
Jeffrey Farmer, pissed, making a scene getting chucked off a train for not having a ticket in the late 90s during one of his 'Walkabouts' from the Demons. He wasn't very happy.

Nobody else making an arse of themselves really, but you see a few from time to time around the place.

LOL typical farmer
you do know that rolled ciggarettes look similar yeah?

anyway i couldn't give a shit what anyone does off-field. as long as it doesn't affect their game it's their right to do what they want.

Yes but i also know what marijuana smells like.
I used to see mods out on the piss regularly. Saw him one night (on his own as you said) paro at Rio's sticking his tongue down the throat of a fat aboriginal chick with was missing teeth and looked like a street person. I was PMSL so hard :D

Mate, fat chicks come into their own at the end of a booze-filled night. It's time more folk admitted this, because I KNOW all of you blokes have partaken of the fleshy fruit at least once.

Lance Whitnall seems to be enjying his time at lalor. Saw him at Star Bar about a month ago and attends Bar 53 in Epping on a number of occasions with his Lalor buddy's.... good bloke, but can get a bit stupid when drunk - was quite funny a couple of weeks ago about 10mins before Bar 53 closed he cleared the dancefloor and starting playing imaginary cricket - i must say looks like a handy bowler nice little action from the big Lance :)
Living a long way from Adelaide, i haven't exactly seen any drunk AFL footballers. The best example i can probably think of is Bernie Vince having a few beers after i played cricket against him and Chris Knights at Stansbury. I think i remember a younger Bernie at the pub after cricket once, before he was drafted. I don't think he got drunk though.
Living a long way from Adelaide, i haven't exactly seen any drunk AFL footballers. The best example i can probably think of is Bernie Vince having a few beers after i played cricket against him and Chris Knights at Stansbury. I think i remember a younger Bernie at the pub after cricket once, before he was drafted. I don't think he got drunk though.

Seen Buddy Franklin at Crown couple of years ago off his head a little lol.

Was funny last year, my cousins are myself were at Melbourne Airport waiting to send my other cousin off to perth, anyway we bump into Ernie Dingo giggling away thinking whether we would see another famous person.

Anyway my cousins lining up for the perth queue and out of all people we see Buddy Franklin with his mate just screwing out, pretty nice guy.

Even Ernie knew who he was, ernie was like 'BUDDY, ...BUDDY' trying to get his attention lol.

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saw Tony Greg smashed with a wine bottle in a brown paper bag down around Russell St a few years ago. He fell over, got up again, fell over and stumbled into the Hilton
Was at Twister one night dancing with some sgrag then she saw Dean Rioli off his face and she went up and danced with him...
Was out with a few mates in either 1996 or 1997 in North Melbourne (name of the place escapes me - it was about the fifth pub that night) and a female friend of a mate had tagged along. We bumped in to quite a few Essendon players at this place (fairly sure it's near the Royal Melbourne hospital), including Mark Mercuri. She decided she'd get some of Mark and gave him a fair old smooch on the dance floor. She came back to us after 10-15 minutes of dancing with Mark. I think she was disappointed it didn't go any further.

Went with a few mates to the Hawthorn to watch the 2003 Rugby World Cup final. About half a dozen Hawks were there, mainly to keep to themselves (rugby not their thing). It was early in the night when I saw them and by the time the rugby finished, I was pretty hammered myself so I don't remember if they were up to anything much.
At the Anglers in Maribyrnong I saw Dean Rioli fairly drunk and smoking like a chimney, this was shortly after he retired however !!

Same venue and ex Bulldog Cameron Faulkner completely legless being an arrogant so and so, this was after he was delisted also !!
Retro on Bourke st.

Current AFL listed player permanently in the magoos.

Attempted coke deal gone horribly wrong.

Freak out of mass proportions at the idea of AFL career going horribly down the drain.

Good time had by all.
Not AFL but ive seen socceroo and fc basel player scott chipperfield of his chops at a pub in wollongong.
Ruben Zadkovic is another i used to see smashed regularly in town.

See a few rugby league players out on the turps as well.
I dont agree with naming and shaming, but i did see cousins over 2 years ago,
at that dirty club area 61... He was defiantly on something, it was after there wizard
cup loss to Carlton in the final.

I have also seen another High profile 'Marque' player up to no good, aint going there though....

Just makes me realise that half of these players are kids and facts are they are going to go out and get on it.

so you name cousins but not the other player. ____ off idiot
The entire Fremantle Dockers team a few years back after their only win of the season against the Hawks (I think??). They were all at the COmmercial Hotel in Fitzroy (I think that's the suburb) off their collective trolley's. One of the Longmuirs was particularly rude and abusive towards me and all I did was wait in line for a drink at the bar. Didn't even speak to him but he just unleashed on me. I was just standing there!?!? Top bloke that one:thumbsdown:
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