Hawthorn Premiership Odds

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Coming back this week just shows you for the dick you are and nothing more I’m afraid.

Spineless. Actually embarrassed for you that you turned up

Great season Hawks. Defied expectations and while the bounce of the ball seemed to be against us so to speak in both finals we fought them both out ..... this week especially could have gone our way had we taken our chances. Basically shot ourselves in the foot more than anything.

Unlike some sides that bowed our last week that had greater tickets on themselves, at least we turned up and didn’t embarrass ourselves.

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Hawks overachieved in getting to top 4. Clear holes in your list. Juries out on your youngsters.

If you are incapable of digesting someone's opinion on your team best you stick to your own board, because it's a harsh world out there.

If you want to discuss the achievements or underachievements or lack of achievements of another team you are free to start a thread about it.

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