NO TROLLS Hawthorn Racism Review - Sensitive issues discussed.

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Don’t use this thread as an opportunity to troll North or any other clubs, you’ll be removed from the discussion. Stick to the topic and please keep it civil and respectful to those involved. Keep personal arguements out of this thread.
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This is a serious topic, please treat it as such.

Videos, statements etc in the OP here:

Link to Hawthorn Statement. - Link to ABC Sports article. - Leaked Report
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If we are playing this game I should be concerned how our fitness guy Jack Russell who was at hawthorn was involved.

I mean surely he wasn’t, I mean it’s possible but thought I would just mention to show I am not biased.

Fwiw I don’t think everyone who was present at the club 2010-16 is under suspicion, unless mentioned in the report.

Why is it only 2010-16 under investigation when Clarkson was there from 2005-21?
Step 1. Argue that we shouldn't rush to judgement before Clarko, Fagan, etc. are heard

Step 2. Clarko, Fagan, etc. never say anything as they hide behind lawyers

Step 3. "We just simply have no way of knowing if they're guilty"

Pretty big brain strategy by some posters

Pretty much, if you follow scandals around the world of powerful people accused of things which they end up being guilty of, that’s how it goes.

This is how this one has started. Now it could have a different ending, but it would go against 99% probability that at least some of the allegations are true and accurate which no extra background context will exonerate Clarko etc from.

Now I could be totally wrong, but I don’t think I am. If I am proven wrong all those on the #standbyclarko train can remind me.

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In the case of many high profile abusers, whether it is domestic Violence, Sexual assault, child abuse, there are supporters who claim they only saw the good deeds done by the person, and the person was a good bloke and did so much for the community.

I still keep thinking of how the two greatest First Nations players in Hawthorns history, one of them left the club while at the peak of his powers and the other retired early rather than stay at the club.

Could also explain a bit why Mitchell left to West Coast when he still had good footy in him.
Did they, do you recall the specfics this judgement refers to, is it ALL matters related to the four principals of our EEO..?

Related, another aspect you may have overlooked with your 'plausible scenario' is that civil courts/judges often reject petitions to formally hear related disputes if the issue is primarily based on 'hearsay' evidence - irrespective of who the claiments are, be they former AFL players or coaches, the AFL itself or a statutory agency like Safe Work Australia.
Lanigan v Circus Oz & Ors [2022]
Relates to VCAT, where a claim based on discrimination in the workplace may end up. Found that VCAT is not a court, so the Limitations of Actions Act does not apply to claims brought before them. Found also that a breach of the EEO is a statutory wrong so Sec 5 of the LAA doesnt apply.
I havent made any "plausible scenarios".....
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I still keep thinking of how the two greatest First Nations players in Hawthorns history, one of them left the club while at the peak of his powers and the other retired early rather than stay at the club.

Yet Shaun Burgoyne played out his career than Chad Wingard and Jarman Impey came over all this was alleged to have happened.
This is why you shouldn't have coaches with teaching backgrounds interfering in every aspect of life.
Yeah, it's teaching backgrounds that are the problem, not racism. All these teachers who go around telling kids that they'll be expelled if they don't get an abortion. That's where the problem comes from. I swear this thread has gone downhill in the last little bit from, "Give Clarko a chance to have his say" it's degenerated to "it's reasonable" to tell someone to be "humbugged" by their own partner (I've never heard child support called that, but there you go) and then there's this "Xtremist" who assures us that Clarko's probably just been misinterpreted, based on....the vibe? or perhaps because giving someone some fatherly advice is easy to mistake for grabbing a sim card or telling someone that their career depends on arranging an abortion. An easy enough mistake to make, especially for us simple-minded Blackfellas! Now they add the fascinating observation all down to employing coaches with teaching backgrounds.
This thread is going to ROCK soon Chief when posters are telling Jy Simpkin, Tarryn Thomas, Jason Horne-Francis that they've got it all wrong you see, and they shouldn't want to play under Clarkson because ... God knows what the thinking there is going to be, but its coming.
Not sure why Hodge had to put out a statement. Nothing to stop him privately supporting them but publicly doing so is just fanning the flames.
Not just putting out a statement but putting a statement out on social media with restrictions on who can respond and comment.

Screen Shot 2022-10-01 at 3.29.59 pm.png

A statement that deliberately ignores both the context of why Hawthorn Football Club engaged an independent reviewer to seek the views of past first nations players in the first place and the findings it contains (and subsequently explored in depth by an ABC report) about the experiences while at the Hawthorn Football Club between 2010 and 2016.

A statement that does nothing but seek to direct attention away from the subject matter of the review - to listen and learn from the experiences of first nations people within the AFL Club environment and to take action to improve the Hawthorn Football Club to make it a culturally safe place for First Nations players and staff in the future.

A statement that ignores the broader context of documented racism within AFL Clubs by officials, players, coaches, commentators and supporters going back decades.

'My experience with these men is that they only ever wanted the best for me and my family'. Hodge tells the world.

FFS it's statement that not just 'fans the flames' but shines yet another spotlight on the fact that many within the AFL still don't get it.
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Mad respekt to you for inadvertently breaking the biggest story in footy history on this site, but this isn't happening.

People's inability to ask even the most basic questions stuns me.

For example, why does the report/allegations only cover about a third of Clarko's time there?

And why does it say itself the situation had much improved in the years after the events in the report.

Did Clarko suddenly become a racist psycho after six years in the job in 2010 (and winning a flag) and then suddenly stop for the last five years post 2016?

And if he was a massive racist, why did he do the same thing to Sam Mitchell.

Breaking news, Clarkson is a mad little *er in the mould of all coaches, especially the good ones. That's basically the story.

When the AFL does do a club by club sweep to uncover other landmines, s**t is going to come out as bad but actually racist as anything Clarkson is accused of.

If the allegations are proven to be true, none of them will work in AFL or with kids again. It is really straightforward.
Why do people keep saying this? Do you think a big footy forum is a court of law?

Do you never have opinions on anyone or any legal matter until both sides have provided evidence in court.

Thing is there is no jury and people are allowed to have views on this.

No one is saying lock him up/ban him from footy right now without a right of reply.

He will get his right of reply, and maybe it will exonerate him completely, which is basically what he needs in order to coach again.

The chances of it all being fabricated and made up is about 0.0001% in my view, I am pretty sure however there will be additional context added to the claims about the players being in trouble, Clarko trying to help etc.
BF is clearly not a court of law and everyone is entitled to an opinion, one that’s hopefully balanced, measured and respectful.

In saying that, if you trawl through many of the posts, all the accused in this saga are being labelled quite seriously without going through a fair process to obtain their recollections.

Now, everyone has a right to read the media reports and comment, but I do believe some of the opinions posted are overstepping the mark, particularly when due process and an environment to obtain the facts from both sides has yet to be determined.

This view isn’t dismissing the seriousness of allegations, but for individuals accused, they must be afforded due process and a right of reply when they are presented with ALL the facts, including who the accusers are.

The HFC report was commissioned to obtain experiences from indigenous players at HFC from 2010-2016, with a view this information could improve outcomes for them.

There is real fear now that any potential room to improve these experiences won’t occur because the accused may not participate and this may impact the ability to improve conditions for indigenous players in the future ……. Which was the intent of the HFC report in the first place.
There is real fear now that any potential room to improve these experiences won’t occur because the accused may not participate and this may impact the ability to improve conditions for indigenous players in the future ……. Which was the intent of the HFC report in the first place.
Real fear, I'm shaking in my boots.

Removing toxic people doesn't make conditions worse, it makes them better.
5 more people who are considering whether to go on record. 7 more who won't go on record.
To be fair, Chief, we don't know what those people are going to go on record about. The brief was to consider the experiences of players with a view to improvement. Surely experiences both positive and negative were canvassed, otherwise it wouldn't be a very balanced report.
If the allegations are proven to be true, none of them will work in AFL or with kids again. It is really straightforward.

It really isn't, but anyway.
I would like to run a poll that was purely for North supporters.

If the allegations are true, do you want him at your club?

Every North supporter I know personally does not.

The only thing that matters is whether our playing group, especially the indigenous players want him.

I don't believe you have North supporting friends, you may have previously but after you called SWAT teams on them for daring to question Sir James they broke off contact.
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