Family & Relationships How do you get over a girl?

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Premiership Player
Jul 2, 2007
AFL Club
Besides going out and finding a million other girls, which at this stage doesn't really interest me, what have you done to help yourself get over girlfriends etc?
for a start:

First major breakup?

If it's a serious breakup - stay the **** away from her. This is the most important thing. Just get on with your life.

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First major breakup?

If it's a serious breakup - stay the **** away from her. This is the most important thing. Just get on with your life.
Yeah basically. Its really more of a break then a breakup. Still have no drive to do anything eventhough my life is busy as all hell. That first reply looks fun though hahaha
I've heard/read somewhere, that it is best to avoid 'dating' anyone until approx 6 months after leaving them. As the chances of you getting together with someone of the same characteristics is high.
It sounds like you like this bird so if it's a break I would probably still avoid her and just let it play out. I also wouldn't go out shagging until you know it's more than a break.

However - time waits for no one and at some stage you just move on.
Besides going out and finding a million other girls, which at this stage doesn't really interest me, what have you done to help yourself get over girlfriends etc?

Having had my heart treated in the same way Buddy Franklin kicks a sherrin, ie out of the park, I know that it does hurt mate. :(

My suggestion is to cocoon yourself around close trusted friends and family, if your overweight, go to a gym and improve yourself. As a healthy body is a healthy soul. If you dress daggy and can afford new clothes buy some new threads to impress, think of it as a makeover of yourself. Importantly if you have female friends go out with them and spend time with them that at least will deal with the issue of missing the companionship of the opposite sex.

Whatever you do remain positive and strong should you ever bump into and act as if you have moved on with your life even if your inside burning and dying.

Just my 5 cents worth.

If need to you can always IM me, I feel for you having been there before.

It hurts, but trust me down the track you will have moved on and laughed it off as experience. :eek:
If this was a fairly serious, long term relationship then wait for a week. I have seen it time and time again with my friends that the first break-up never takes. Within a week they are back together after they figured out it was a stupid fight to begin with.

Just chill mate.
If this was a fairly serious, long term relationship then wait for a week. I have seen it time and time again with my friends that the first break-up never takes. Within a week they are back together after they figured out it was a stupid fight to begin with.

Just chill mate.
This is the break from the getting back together after the breakup after the getting back together after the break up etc etc
Yeah its long term relationship, over 3 years
This is the break from the getting back together after the breakup after the getting back together after the break up etc etc
Yeah its long term relationship, over 3 years

On and off again? Use the break to find out what you really want from this girl. As others said get on with other aspects of your life, your girl should only be one part of your life.

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When Dating A Girl:

Sex ratio = 9:1. For every time you have sex with her, have sex with another girl or masturbate 9 times. This moots her biggest weapon - the sexual holdout. If she holds out on you or even breaks up, she's only affected 10% of your sex life, right?

"Female Companionship"

Oxymoron, brother. Companionship comes from your guy friends or a dog. Hang out with them. As for me, I have a drunkard electrician for a friend and two sock monkeys. The drunkard always brings beer over. Bonus in that I don't even have to feed the monkeys.

Your Phone Is NOT Your Friend:

After a breakup, turn your phone off and bury it in your backyard for a month. No one can get hold of you? Good. All you'll do is blubber to them about your breakup anyway. I mean you're blubbering here on BigFooty to perfect strangers. The recipients of your phone calls have it much worse. Most importantly NEVER call your ex. NEVER! There is one exception to this rule. Are you paying attention? It's NEVER! Oh you'll want to. Yes you will want to ring her up. NEVER! Bury that godam phone! And think of the rollover minutes you'll have!

Get Drunk:

Get drunk. Want me to elaborate? Alright. Get drunk. Before this, figure out which direction from your house your ex lives. Then get stinkin' blind drunk. Pace and stumble around your house in your underwear while mumbling things in a semi-coherent manner. Here are some good useful drunken phrases:

1. Yeah!?! Who needs you, bitch!?
2. I can get a thousand women just like *that*. (Snap your fingers)
3. I was cheating on you the whole time. HA! The whole time! AHAHA!
4. You think you're better than me?
5. I'm no good in bed? You're like ****ing a corpse!
6. I HOPE you find another guy. The poor bastard!

Those are some classic examples. I'm sure you can think of some others. Be sure while prancing around drunkenly shouting these things that you punctuate each statement by flipping the bird in the general direction of her house (which you've previously worked out)

I know that the above all sounds juvenile and grossly pathetic. Indeed it is. However, at the same time, it is the proven most effective treatement to get you well on the way after the breakup.

Good luck & you're welcome!

What i found has worked for me is staying in contact but not really talking with them, more an agreement that you both know the other exists, im asuming she ended it with you, so this will allow you to gradually get away from her (ala stopping smoking) but also note how she is going about things and following a simmilar path
Yeah basically. Its really more of a break then a breakup. Still have no drive to do anything eventhough my life is busy as all hell. That first reply looks fun though hahaha

Yeah, sorry to say but a break is bullshit. Majority of the time it is just a cop out and a chance for them to leave their options open, without hurting you too much in the short term.

And yeah, don't talk to her. If you can't help it, try not to that often. maybe once every couple of weeks or so. It's ****ing hard but she'll just play games with you knowing that you are still there waiting for her if you constantly keep in contact with her. Get on with your life, give her a chance to miss you and see what her life is like without you. If she doesn't want you back, then **** her. You'll meet other girls, even though it doesn't seem like it at the moment.

No real "easy way" to get over a long term relationship but. Just time mate.
yep it´s time...

and eevn though rigth now u think ur life is ****ed and u cant live without me u can and u migth take a year but u wille ventually laugh about it

as others said keep busy, hang out with mates, play footy etc etc
oh and some more 5 cents worth of mine......

Brace yourself as it is possible she has moved on and with another bloke.

With that said, if you dont know the bloke then dont be angry at him, try to remain cool, as although you may feel like crap you dont wont her to know this. To any bloke, any girl is fair game if they are single, so dont blame the guy for going out with her. Hopefully he is a tool and looks like a donkey's ass. Conversely if he is good looking, he will probably move on from her..........eventually.

If its a friend of yours, the gloves are off IMO.
Yeah basically. Its really more of a break then a breakup. Still have no drive to do anything eventhough my life is busy as all hell. That first reply looks fun though hahaha

Who constantly decides to have a break or breakup, you, her, or a bit of both?

It sounds like your relationship is stuffed but neither of you wont to admit it.

Buy a PS3.
Turn Gay, that'll show her :D

For me it's the old hide from her and surround myself with mates, sports (both playing and watching), uni, work and beer. Eventually with everything that's going on, the more footy season or cricket season kicks off the more I care about other things and less about her until eventually I just kinda move on. It's just getting through the freshly broken-up period that's the really hard part: Hence the beer and mates (they deserve a good laugh every now and then at your 'why did she leave me/f*** her, I wanted to cheat but I didn't but I should've' drunken rants).

Caution: If you're not proactive on your apperance, facial hair may exceed hilarious levels.
Get laid. Get laid a lot. Get as much tang as you can before you're back stuck in a monogamous relationship.

Have an awesome social life. Go concerts or gigs. Join a gym or sports team. etc. Don't assume you'll get back together with her, live like you're permanently separated because you may very well be. And if you two do get back together, at least you will also be happy with other aspects of your life, which can only bode well for you both.
Control the things you can, accept the things you can't - Words that will get you through anything in life.

Immediately go to work on anything that you don't like about yourself or your life. Focus on the present, not the past or the future. I know it sounds easier to say than it is to put in practise but if you at least make an effort to do these things you'll start making progress.
Time heals all wounds.

This is the best advice;
For me it's the old hide from her and surround myself with mates, sports (both playing and watching), uni, work and beer. Eventually with everything that's going on, the more footy season or cricket season kicks off the more I care about other things and less about her until eventually I just kinda move on. It's just getting through the freshly broken-up period that's the really hard part: Hence the beer and mates (they deserve a good laugh every now and then at your 'why did she leave me/f*** her, I wanted to cheat but I didn't but I should've' drunken rants).

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Family & Relationships How do you get over a girl?

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