Family & Relationships How do you get over a girl?

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Suck it up sweetheart, grow some goolies and move on. If you can't then go get "WELCOME" tattooed on your chest so she atleast wipes her feet when she continues to walk all over you.
When Dating A Girl:

Sex ratio = 9:1. For every time you have sex with her, have sex with another girl or masturbate 9 times. This moots her biggest weapon - the sexual holdout. If she holds out on you or even breaks up, she's only affected 10% of your sex life, right?

"Female Companionship"

Oxymoron, brother. Companionship comes from your guy friends or a dog. Hang out with them. As for me, I have a drunkard electrician for a friend and two sock monkeys. The drunkard always brings beer over. Bonus in that I don't even have to feed the monkeys.

Your Phone Is NOT Your Friend:

After a breakup, turn your phone off and bury it in your backyard for a month. No one can get hold of you? Good. All you'll do is blubber to them about your breakup anyway. I mean you're blubbering here on BigFooty to perfect strangers. The recipients of your phone calls have it much worse. Most importantly NEVER call your ex. NEVER! There is one exception to this rule. Are you paying attention? It's NEVER! Oh you'll want to. Yes you will want to ring her up. NEVER! Bury that godam phone! And think of the rollover minutes you'll have!

Get Drunk:

Get drunk. Want me to elaborate? Alright. Get drunk. Before this, figure out which direction from your house your ex lives. Then get stinkin' blind drunk. Pace and stumble around your house in your underwear while mumbling things in a semi-coherent manner. Here are some good useful drunken phrases:

1. Yeah!?! Who needs you, bitch!?
2. I can get a thousand women just like *that*. (Snap your fingers)
3. I was cheating on you the whole time. HA! The whole time! AHAHA!
4. You think you're better than me?
5. I'm no good in bed? You're like ****ing a corpse!
6. I HOPE you find another guy. The poor bastard!

Those are some classic examples. I'm sure you can think of some others. Be sure while prancing around drunkenly shouting these things that you punctuate each statement by flipping the bird in the general direction of her house (which you've previously worked out)

I know that the above all sounds juvenile and grossly pathetic. Indeed it is. However, at the same time, it is the proven most effective treatement to get you well on the way after the breakup.

Good luck & you're welcome!


This is a fantastic post, for it's humour AND sound advice (except for the part that says women don't make good companions)

If you do the bold you will be well on your way to getting over the pain.

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What i found has worked for me is staying in contact but not really talking with them, more an agreement that you both know the other exists, im asuming she ended it with you, so this will allow you to gradually get away from her (ala stopping smoking) but also note how she is going about things and following a simmilar path

This is what I've done with my ex.

I still keep in contact with her, but only talk every so often. Like tonight, for example.
Yeah basically. Its really more of a break then a breakup. Still have no drive to do anything eventhough my life is busy as all hell. That first reply looks fun though hahaha

Stay away from her - even if you feel you want to contact her in anyway, don't. Keep yourself busy, and surround yourself with good friends and family.
Just a story

A mate of mine was dating someone for over 2 years, and the mrs cheated on him with a "sort of a mate" type of bloke. I heard he punched the guy in the face that night, then he slashed all her (ex mrs) tyres which was parked outside a place she was at that night. Apprently she got a message from him the later that morning which stated "WALK". She went outside and she found her car with all the tyres slashed.

She couldn't prove any thing to the police so he got off free and is now living interstate
You alluded to it in your first post - have as much sex with other women as you possibly can. As juvenile and basic as it sounds, it really does work, almost completely. Pretend it's her & grudge **** them if you have to to begin with.

For god sake don't call her (already been stated) and don't call her friends either (as important).
well you sound like a really nice guy, and she is missing out on something great obviously, she'll come around, for now, let it all out, vent on a blog or cry or whatever, just try to let out the bad emotion that swirling around inside you because of the brake up. Don't try to make her jealous, that never works and don't date other girls just for the heck of it, the right one will come around, maybe shes just making up excuses to cover up something that's happened in her family or something.

Flirting body language
i got a tricky dilemma atm, i want to know how to get over a girl you dated who is a co worker where you work? it was only a couple of weeks and it ended about 3 weeks ago but still things are a bit awkward, well from my end of the bargain anyway, she seems over it well and truly, its not like you can avoid her seeing as we work in the same store. Anyway what everybody's take on this?
i got a tricky dilemma atm, i want to know how to get over a girl you dated who is a co worker where you work? it was only a couple of weeks and it ended about 3 weeks ago but still things are a bit awkward, well from my end of the bargain anyway, she seems over it well and truly, its not like you can avoid her seeing as we work in the same store. Anyway what everybody's take on this?

Ooh! How appropriate!

As someone who is going to hook up with a co-worker shortly, i'm curious to see how this would work out. I mean, i very much doubt we'll "date"... unless his amazing, but i think the other co-workers may make things awkward with questions and such... I mean, they've already managed it and we haven't even done anything yet!
This is the break from the getting back together after the breakup after the getting back together after the break up etc etc. Yeah its long term relationship, over 3 years

It's a tough one.

I've only had one proper long-term relationship and after 3 years, it still took me about 4-6 months to come to the conclusion that I'd be happier without her, after doubts set in at the 2 and a half year mark.

So I reckon you to ask yourself that same question. Life's short man, gotta do/be with the people that make you happy and not waste time on the things that don't. Given that it's not the first time you guys have 'broken up,' maybe single life/someone else is the way to go for a while.

Sure, it sucks for a little while, but time does heal all relationship wounds :thumbsu:.
get drunk. Want me to elaborate? Alright. Get drunk. Before this, figure out which direction from your house your ex lives. Then get stinkin' blind drunk. Pace and stumble around your house in your underwear while mumbling things in a semi-coherent manner. Here are some good useful drunken phrases:

1. Yeah!?! Who needs you, bitch!?
2. I can get a thousand women just like *that*. (snap your fingers)
3. I was cheating on you the whole time. Ha! The whole time! Ahaha!
4. You think you're better than me?
5. I'm no good in bed? You're like ****ing a corpse!
6. I hope you find another guy. The poor bastard!

Those are some classic examples. I'm sure you can think of some others. Be sure while prancing around drunkenly shouting these things that you punctuate each statement by flipping the bird in the general direction of her house (which you've previously worked out)

Rep! (If that's your work)
Time is the great healer when it comes to love.
They say it takes 18 months to get over a serious break up and from experience I would say it's spot on.

If she was your first serious relationship count yourself blessed cause most people who end up marrying their first love end up seriously unhappy.

Take advantage of this and try and gain a few more notches on your belt.

I recommend frequenting some tourist places and get your self some scandinavian lovin'

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i got a tricky dilemma atm, i want to know how to get over a girl you dated who is a co worker where you work? it was only a couple of weeks and it ended about 3 weeks ago but still things are a bit awkward, well from my end of the bargain anyway, she seems over it well and truly, its not like you can avoid her seeing as we work in the same store. Anyway what everybody's take on this?
Smack her on the backside I say:thumbsu:
Just a story

A mate of mine was dating someone for over 2 years, and the mrs cheated on him with a "sort of a mate" type of bloke. I heard he punched the guy in the face that night, then he slashed all her (ex mrs) tyres which was parked outside a place she was at that night. Apprently she got a message from him the later that morning which stated "WALK". She went outside and she found her car with all the tyres slashed.

She couldn't prove any thing to the police so he got off free and is now living interstate

i thought the text that stated 'WALK' would of been proof?
i got a tricky dilemma atm, i want to know how to get over a girl you dated who is a co worker where you work? it was only a couple of weeks and it ended about 3 weeks ago but still things are a bit awkward, well from my end of the bargain anyway, she seems over it well and truly, its not like you can avoid her seeing as we work in the same store. Anyway what everybody's take on this?

Either find another job or another woman


be prepared for it to take a lot longer than usual to get over.
- Do laps of their houses at all hours of the night for several months.
- Steal underwear off the clothesline
- Plant carving knives in the front door.

The usual stuff.
Either find another job or another woman


be prepared for it to take a lot longer than usual to get over.
thats wat im afraid of, i think talking to her regularly in a friend way is helping me get over it, Avoiding her or ignoring her would make it worse, the more im talking to her the more its helping build that bridge, Finding another woman isnt a priority atm, the lesson i learned out of this is never date your co worker.
Make sure you drop her as a friend on Facebook so you don't find out when she starts shagging other dudes. Unfortunately I did this a little too late, gotta hate that
or you get told that she wants to be with you than 2 days later you find out on facebook she is back with her x, deleted the crap out of her once i found that out, i aint getting screwed around like that.

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Family & Relationships How do you get over a girl?

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