Im worried: AFL softer than Gridiron or Rugby

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Jun 21, 2004
With all this pathetic hullaballoo about Pickett it seems our game is going very soft.

That sort of contact happens in Gridiron all the time and if it was Rugby League or Union it would not even rate a mention.

Next we will see the introduction of compulsory helmets and pads.

If Pickett gets more than 2 games then there is going to be alot of reports this year. Oh thats right there are footballers on the review panel, all who played for Victorian Clubs, I guess we will see lots of Interstate players going then.
Aussie Rules Footy is the only game on earth that you can be legitimately hit from any direction with or without the ball, that is the definition of a soft sport is it??

What Pickett did was stupid, it isn't the first time and all the clubs were told it was not going to be acceptable this year.

Begley got to the ball first, put himself in the line of fire in the quest of winning the footy, Pickett has plenty of options, the one option he didn't have was to run through him making heavy contact with his head.

That isn't too say that he couldn't run in and make heavy contact but if you run in and completely disregard the footy and make heavy contact with a players head you are going to find yourself in strife and so you should.
I didnt see the pickett incident but it from the sounds of other threads and posts is sounds pretty bad. By the sound of it i would think he got 2 at the least and 4 at the most.

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I think AFL should always be focused on skill, athleticism and tactics.

If you just want a bash fest, can the subtleties and just have them wack each other with sticks for an hour.
Silverballs said:
That sort of contact happens in Gridiron all the time and if it was Rugby League or Union it would not even rate a mention.

In Rugby Union, a tackler must use his arms in the process of making the tackle...shoulder charges or shirt fronts like Pickett's are therefore illegal. Pickett's actions would have resulted in a sin bin or send off and possibly suspension.

In Rugby League, a player must not attack the head of another player regardless of where it is positioned. Referees may use discretion where the actions of the player with the ball necessitated head high contact. Pickett's hit would have been penalised and a trip to the judiciary would have been likely.
that hit on Begley was pretty bad...

but the latest word is he'll be facing about 6 weeks.
Silverballs said:
With all this pathetic hullaballoo about Pickett it seems our game is going very soft.

That sort of contact happens in Gridiron all the time and if it was Rugby League or Union it would not even rate a mention.

Next we will see the introduction of compulsory helmets and pads.

If Pickett gets more than 2 games then there is going to be alot of reports this year. Oh thats right there are footballers on the review panel, all who played for Victorian Clubs, I guess we will see lots of Interstate players going then.
Try sanctioning that kind of behaviour and see if you have a game left after every parent in the country sends their kids off to play soccer
Bards said:
I didnt see the pickett incident but it from the sounds of other threads and posts is sounds pretty bad. By the sound of it i would think he got 2 at the least and 4 at the most.

For your benefit begley was running onto a loose ball. In the process of picking up the football he fumbled it meaning that he had to slow down his momentum. As he finally got control of the ball pickett was arriving on the scene from about the 1:30 direction. begley saw pickett coming and stopped in his tracks and rather then standing up to take the contact chest on he ducked his head under his chest. Contact was then made to the shoulder and side of his his head with pickets thigh/hip nocking begley over backwards and giving himself a corked thigh.

Now if you can remember the bump by long in the grand final against melbourne it was not as bad as that and long got four games.

Last year someone got reported for something similar and got 2 games which at the time i thought was a bit light.

As soon as i saw it I said pickett was going to get a holiday. My personal view is four games and that was my initial reaction.

As much as I love the tough stuff in football the head has to be awarded a lot of protection. However the worst offence is when someone contacts the head with the point of their elbow like bickley did on wakelin.

Got to love it, footy season is here and a lot more to debate about.

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blues4flag said:
Pickett's tackle on Begley was idiotic. He didn't even try to get the ball, Begley didn't even have the ball when Pickett reached him. He just ran right into Begley's head.

For starters it wasn't a tackle it was a bump.

if begley didn't have the ball in his hand what is that thing called that the umpires bounce at the start of the game.

as for camporeale, whoever he gave the love tap to should get a week for over acting. If this was to happen during the minor round I would have expected carlton to fight the report. All it was worth was a free kick or 50m depending on who had the ball.
Silverballs said:
With all this pathetic hullaballoo about Pickett it seems our game is going very soft.

That sort of contact happens in Gridiron all the time and if it was Rugby League or Union it would not even rate a mention.

Next we will see the introduction of compulsory helmets and pads.

If Pickett gets more than 2 games then there is going to be alot of reports this year. Oh thats right there are footballers on the review panel, all who played for Victorian Clubs, I guess we will see lots of Interstate players going then.

Why does every supporter of a club that has a player suspended claim ALWAYS claim that 'the game is soft - we may as well be playing netball'

Puhleeeze - some originality, if nothing else.
POBT said:
In Rugby Union, a tackler must use his arms in the process of making the tackle...shoulder charges or shirt fronts like Pickett's are therefore illegal.


In Rugby, an offence like that would certainly result in a penalty and a yellow card given to the offender (10 min Sin Bin), and possibly a straight Red (Send Off). You have to play the ball or attempt to clean out the ball.
vindor said:
I dont think Aussie rules will ever be softer than American Football, even with a team full of Lloyds.
Have you ever watched a few games of American Football? It seems apparent that you haven't because it is the most brutal of all the football codes when it comes to how hard the players hit each other. There is a reason they wear the padding and that to stop the serious injury and death that could occur if they didn't.

Quick history lesson for you, in American in 1918 (I think) there were 15 player deaths during the football year. It was at that stage the president of the time intervined and rules were changed to allow the forward pass, an obviously vital play in todays game. Now can you tell me how many AFL players have died due to injury on the field?
scmods said:
Dunno, but it was a couple of metres away from Begley when he got hit.

do not get mislead by the front on shot shown on the new that tends to back up what you say.
the side on shot show that begley had gain control of the ball.

but as i said doesnt stop it be a reportable offence.
blues4flag said:
Pickett's tackle on Begley was idiotic. He didn't even try to get the ball, Begley didn't even have the ball when Pickett reached him. He just ran right into Begley's head.

It should be highlighted that Begley had the ball just prior to the bump but fumbled and let it go when he saw Pickett at the corner of his eye. At the same time, Begley ducked his head.

In the final analysis and under the circumstances outlined above, Pickett's hip and shoulder was high but it was not intentional or severe. It was very similar to Guera's bump last year which saw him get 3 weeks and I feel that would have been a more appropriate penalty here also considering his good record.

By implementing a tribunal system that hands out 6 weeks for a hip and shoulder, Adrian Anderson has certainly made his intentions to clear. He is determined to sanitise this great game by taking out this long standing skill and players with that ability.

But then again, how many games did Adrian play...................
Maybe you can come up with a game where players run around with guns and large knives and shooting and slashing the crap out of each other. Anything less that blood, guts and a few homicides a week will be considered soft. I guess you'll be happy then.

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Im worried: AFL softer than Gridiron or Rugby

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