Irish crying continues with calls to scrap the series

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Bleed Red Cheer said:
If a bunch of amateur Australian women can match it with the Irish:
then I doubt it would be much of a challenge for a professional Australian men's outfit.

Yes i'm sure with a lot of training then Australia might beat a good womens Club side. :D

When i said "club side" i meant our equivalent of your clubs which would be counties.

A womens gaelic team would have maybe 30 people to choose from to make a team. They can't buy players, transfer players etc and they have to pick from within their own locality which could be as few as 600 people altogeather including men, women, children, old people who couldn't or wouldn't play.

So your saying your proud that the pick of womens Gaelic Footballers in all of
Australasia beat a dublin club side who can pick from 30 people ?

Well done. :rolleyes:

And Ireland can't compete in the Gaelic World Cup.
audas said:
Nice stats on Ireland mate, and really good come backs, !

You've totaly missed the point, your Universities dont rank, at all, dosent matter how many go there if they are worth a pinch.

And i think you missed the point of the rankings.

What puts a University at #1 (USA) and what puts another University at #56(Australia) ?

We rank universities by several indicators of academic or research performance, including alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, highly cited researchers, articles published in Nature and Science, articles indexed in major citation indices, and the per capita academic performance of an institution.

For each indicator, the highest scoring institution is assigned a score of 100, and other institutions are calculated as a percentage of the top score. The distribution of data for each indicator is examined for any significant distorting effect; standard statistical techniques are used to adjust the indicator if necessary.

Scores for each indicator are weighted as shown below to arrive at a final overall score for an institution. The highest scoring institution is assigned a score of 100, and other institutions are calculated as a percentage of the top score. An institution's rank reflects the number of institutions that sit above it.

Believe it or not but larger Universities tend to have the advantage here by just a little bit. :p

How do you define "the best" ? If its by size(Jesus australians have a real thing for size don't they ?) then those stats are correct.

How many nobel prizes can a University achieve when that University doesn't do research of any significant amount and that University has 10% of students and staff of another one ?

Extremely stupid argument in the first place but at least learn what your trying to argue next time.

Your long winded, numerous, loquacious, belingerant, one-eyed posts in this thread confirm overy otherpoint made.

Oh hows that ?

My BSC is worth more in Europe and specifically in the UK then a UK/European bsc is worth there.
Our equivalent of the UK's A-Levels are also worth more in the UK because of the level of work we must put into it compared to them.

Are you saying that the UK and Europe are "stupid" ?

And yes we may have sooked last year about the umpiring etc (as you have done here), but we did not sook about things being a bit rough, are soft, admit it.

May have ? Some people here were crying about it like a baby losing his bottle.

You didn't sook about things being a bit rough because they weren't rough, by either side.

This year even your own media are saying your were too rough. I don't care what you think, anyone who has claimed what you've claimed in this thread obviously doesn't deserve listening to anyways.

Your the idiot, you can't have a resonable discussion but must start insulting peoples race and country.

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Bleed Red Cheer said:
then I doubt it would be much of a challenge for a professional Australian men's outfit.

Ireland won the Aussie Rules World Cup in 2002, we have barely 8 clubs in the whole country.

When did Australian win the Gaelic Football World Cup ? And ye've got a lot more then 8 clubs.
Apparently you missed this bit?

In Dublin in 2002 many in the GAA commented that the Australasian team (it was all Aussies, though not to disparage the Gaelic scene in Auckland that is alive and well) was as good as some women's County sides in Ireland.
Bleed Red Cheer said:
Apparently you missed this bit?

Apparently womens football must be very popular in Australia, because it ain't here.

Its on the rise though.

And if a womens team comprised out of such a large area couldn't compete with some of the womens counties here there'd be something wrong.

I was talking about mens Football and thats what my comments were about.
clashoftheash said:
Apparently womens football must be very popular in Australia, because it ain't here.

Its on the rise though.

And if a womens team comprised out of such a large area couldn't compete with some of the womens counties here there'd be something wrong.

I was talking about mens Football and thats what my comments were about.

Clash you have made some wildly inaccurate statements here. First of all, "ladies" football is hugely popular in ireland at the moment. Huge participation levels, and if you watched the all ireland finals you would have seen some fantastic football. Secondly, gaelic football is NOT moving towards small, fast, light players. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are some excellent small lads playing i.e. munnelly, gooch etc. but they are the exception to the rule. From the last 3 All Ireland champs, Tyrone, Kerry and Armagh, name some small, light players other than gooch, russell and maybe mcguigan. The trend is for bigger, stronger, mobile players. Big difference. Laois showed this year that a small, fast, talented team will always lose to a big, strong, talented team. Just because we decided to send a load of small lads to Oz doesn't mean they are any more representative of gaelic players than the aussie team was of AFL players.
Horsebox said:
Clash you have made some wildly inaccurate statements here. First of all, "ladies" football is hugely popular in ireland at the moment. Huge participation levels, and if you watched the all ireland finals you would have seen some fantastic football. Secondly, gaelic football is NOT moving towards small, fast, light players. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are some excellent small lads playing i.e. munnelly, gooch etc. but they are the exception to the rule. From the last 3 All Ireland champs, Tyrone, Kerry and Armagh, name some small, light players other than gooch, russell and maybe mcguigan. The trend is for bigger, stronger, mobile players. Big difference. Laois showed this year that a small, fast, talented team will always lose to a big, strong, talented team. Just because we decided to send a load of small lads to Oz doesn't mean they are any more representative of gaelic players than the aussie team was of AFL players.

Hugely popular compared to mens ? huge participation levels ?

Bollox. What was the attendance at this years all-Ireland.

aye and apart from Tyrone, Kerry and Armagh name another team with these bigger, stronger, mobile players. It is moving towards speed and skill as opposed to strength and size.

Where are the Eoin Listons of Gaelic Football today ?
Bleed Red Cheer said:
An easy 22000 more people than have ever turned out to watch the Aussie women play in Australia.

You never answered how your men got on in the Gaelic Football world cup.

We won the Aussie Rules World Cup in 2002.

More proof that we could beat ye at Aussie Rules a lot easier then you could beat us at Gaelic Football.

Hiding behind your womens achievements ? Pathetic. LOL :p
clashoftheash said:
Hugely popular compared to mens ? huge participation levels ?

Bollox. What was the attendance at this years all-Ireland.

aye and apart from Tyrone, Kerry and Armagh name another team with these bigger, stronger, mobile players. It is moving towards speed and skill as opposed to strength and size.

Where are the Eoin Listons of Gaelic Football today ?


To be fair Womens football is very popular here. There is no point comparing this with the more established and better resourced men's sports. However it must be acknowledged that there is a trend globally of increasing participation by women in all team sports which can only be welcome, womens GAA is part of that trend.
Over 23,000 attended this years final which was poor in comparison to previous finals ( over 30,000 last year). This still does not diminsh the dedication or committment of the participants. This attendance was in excess of many elite European club Rugby games.
With regard to the size of footballers..this is a misnomer. Teams are going training that builds strength as well as speed, skill is god given for the most part and will always be a factor. Kerry, Tyrone and Armagh are the best teams in the country for that very reason...they have the strongest, fastest, fittest and most importantly most skillful players. The success of these counties is reflected in the trends of many counties engaging in power training over the winter months, I see my own county Dublin are already in the gym bulking up for next year after the bullying they received from Tyrone. The main drive of this training is the focus on strength and speed.
You may not have the giants of the past like Liston and Mullins but modern players pound for pound will be fitter and stronger. This is not as prevalent in Hurling due to the fact that skill is an overriding factor in this sport and you either have it r you don't.

Final comment...this thread has been an epic contest to rival any sporting clash but the IR is finished for the year...all of us on this thread play sprots and as players we will know that the last thing the participants in the IR series will want is for this to be trawled up after the event...just a thought as the most of the trawling has been driven by press not the players who have put it to bed. The longer this goes on the more this thread will drift off the subject and attract cranks like AUDAS who probably hates Ireland becasue someone made him buy a round of drinks...

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audas said:
Ahhh, good one idiot, A quick check of your most recent posts reveals this:

I used to agree with alot of your posts but now your being an idiot. Tell me who'll take your kickouts off the ground. All your team gonna perfect the pick up. They'll all become masterful solo...

Shouldn't make fun of it then, try makin fun of the way the aborigines were treated and see how far ya get. Same thing.

Australia cos we couldn't give a monkeys bout it.

If your going to make a comment about the spelling of others then best not be illiterate.

Nice, comin from a mastermind such as yourself, seen as you were preaching in your post over the standard of your education. Whereas I've never claimed to be the paragon of knowledge you've proclaimed yourself to be. Well done knob-end and it only took you 2 days to get somethin on me too. *******.

I like this argument better.
updaharps said:
...Final comment...this thread has been an epic contest to rival any sporting clash but the IR is finished for the year...all of us on this thread play sprots and as players we will know that the last thing the participants in the IR series will want is for this to be trawled up after the event...just a thought as the most of the trawling has been driven by press not the players who have put it to bed. The longer this goes on the more this thread will drift off the subject and attract cranks like AUDAS who probably hates Ireland becasue someone made him buy a round of drinks...
I wouldn't worry about AUDAS. There's a lot of friendly feeling in Australia towards Ireland and this is reflected in our media coverage. Many Aussies can trace their roots back to there. Rugby is about the only sport other than IR that we would play you regularly at the senior level (that I can recall off hand ??) and whenever the Aussie team is in Ireland a lot of positive comment comes from our boys about how much they feel at home and the respect they have for the Irish team.
clashoftheash said:
And what do you want to see ? someone getting a hurl over the head ? someones teeth on the pitch ?

Thats not toughness, thats thuggery and cowardice and if i had any pictures of that i wouldn't post them.

clashoftheash said:

I like this argument better.

A hypocritical posting of an act of thuggery and cowardice. You are really getting into the Big Footy groove.
clashoftheash said:
...Probably due as much to how the referee's are treating the rules more strictly as actual tactics.

p.s > Soccer ?? Theres no contact allowed in soccer. .....

Clash when you come out with statements like this and then acknowledge that you've hardly seen a game you lose quite a bit of credibility....


You seem to have an unshakeable adherence to your point of view and will make statements not based on fact in order to blindly defend some supposed slight of gaelic football or hurling. You pooh poohed the achievement of the Australian women with silly statements about the lack of interest in womens Gaelic football in Ireland. Then we see you rubbishing the significance of 23,000 attending the womens final. In Australia an attendance at womens sport of anything like that would occur only in basketball and netball finals. The other sports would rub their eyes in disbelief. Womens hockey which is a sport Australia excels at would be glad to get an attendance in excess of several thousand to an international match.
Toots Hibbert said:
I wouldn't worry about AUDAS. There's a lot of friendly feeling in Australia towards Ireland and this is reflected in our media coverage. Many Aussies can trace their roots back to there. Rugby is about the only sport other than IR that we would play you regularly at the senior level (that I can recall off hand ??) and whenever the Aussie team is in Ireland a lot of positive comment comes from our boys about how much they feel at home and the respect they have for the Irish team.

So why do ye find it so difficult to give the GAA and GAA players respect ?

You yourself are probably the only one here who is constantly talking to us and acually talking with a bit of sense and intelligence apart from your "We could beat ye at Gaelic Football" posts.

The IR series goes from country to country every year. I was only at the game twice and the Aussies there were extremely friendly, polite and good sports both winning and losing.
Bleed Red Cheer said:
A hypocritical posting of an act of thuggery and cowardice. You are really getting into the Big Footy groove.

Thats not an act of thuggery or cowardice (I still wouldn't post that).

Thats a part of the game, its the fella in the Green shirts fault for not protecting himself properly.
Toots Hibbert said:
You seem to have an unshakeable adherence to your point of view and will make statements not based on fact in order to blindly defend some supposed slight of gaelic football or hurling. You pooh poohed the achievement of the Australian women with silly statements about the lack of interest in womens Gaelic football in Ireland. Then we see you rubbishing the significance of 23,000 attending the womens final. In Australia an attendance at womens sport of anything like that would occur only in basketball and netball finals. The other sports would rub their eyes in disbelief. Womens hockey which is a sport Australia excels at would be glad to get an attendance in excess of several thousand to an international match.

About the first point -> Yes i do, when every jackass is taking a pot shot at it why should i bother replying with fact ?

Or do you think the argument that the Irish are stupid because our Universities aren't in the top 100 in the world is a valid one ?

About the aussie Womens achievement, fair play to them and i apologise for dissing them. But beating a club (as in our club) is not exactly spectacular. You have to remember that our clubs have a tiny, tiny base to choose from. (The vast majority of them anyways). They can't "buy" new players etc they have to work with what the have.

I seen a cub championship there recently and one of the clubs parishes (area to pick from) had a total population of 400. Thats men, women, children, old people etc etc.

23,000 attending the womens final -> On mens All-Ireland (Hurling/Football) day the pope wouldn't get a ticket. Yes, a signifcant figure for womens sport but still little compared to mens.
clashoftheash said:
Or do you think the argument that the Irish are stupid because our Universities aren't in the top 100 in the world is a valid one ?
What the heck are you on about? Read my posts and tell me where I've insulted Ireland or the Irish?

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Irish crying continues with calls to scrap the series

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