Play Nice Is it time to replace Woodside as sponsor?

Is it time to replace Woodside as sponsor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 130 81.8%

  • Total voters

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yes i think its an existential threat however, i also don't think we currently have the ability to solve it.
if i know anything about humans is that getting them to accept declining living standards isn't going to happen.
good news is that i think we will solve it. Once the cheaper alternative is invented in regards to alternatives and nuclear then we will adopt it.
The scale and discomfort of the effective change required grows exponentially by the day.
What a load of s**t.

Everyone knows what Woodside do, and everyone benefits from it, even if they don't know it. Whether that be from cheap energy, petroleum products, direct employment, indirect benefits from said employees (eg they spend money in your shops) or the tax they pay. Which is shitloads.

Now, if you're advocating an end to Woodside (and similar companies), you're also advocating for pretty much everyone to sacrifice some of their current standard of living. Some big, some small. So then the question is: What are you sacrificing? Because if the answer is not much (pro tip: the answer is almost always not much) all you're doing is asking others to pay for your indulgence. You're just a hypocrite.

At the absolute bare minimum, you should not be using the products that you claim to be opposed to. Set the example for the rest of us. By doing so, you create the model for society that we can follow. It would be a lot more effective than pointless virtue signalling.
Isn't this just whether we want Woodside as a sponsor?
The scale and discomfort of the effective change required grows exponentially by the day.
disagree. i think it more depends upon tipping points and feedback loops.

(i think you already know what i'm talking about but, i thought i would include an explanation just to cover all bases).
for example the water cycle. the hotter it is the more water that evaporate. the more water in the atmosphere the hotter it is ( for example cloudy nights are much hotter than clear sky nights). therefore generating more water evaporated. its a feedback loop. the tipping point is the point at which the cycle becomes self generating.
there is a bunch, like ice caps, ocean currents,..etc.

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disagree. i think it more depends upon tipping points and feedback loops.

(i think you already know what i'm talking about but, i thought i would include an explanation just to cover all bases).
for example the water cycle. the hotter it is the more water that evaporate. the more water in the atmosphere the hotter it is ( for example cloudy nights are much hotter than clear sky nights). therefore generating more water evaporated. its a feedback loop. the tipping point is the point at which the cycle becomes self generating.
there is a bunch, like ice caps, ocean currents,..etc.
Well a good part of that's the exponential
This is pretty funny.

You are too caught up in the crap the left carried on about ten years ago. Now the research is showing that under population is the new problem.
You're talking about two different arguments.
Over population is part of the argument concerned with environmental damage, climate change and resource management.
Under population is the argument surrounding the fact that population growth is an intrinsic part of economic growth.

Get a group of people together who only understand or get involved with one of those two arguments, and there's your average protest mob.
Hopping into that expensive 4WD back to the big house (public transport eeewww) with double carport (and with more facilities and electronics that needed all powered by the grid) after a solid session of narcisstic virtual signalling.

Most of these high profile folk were at least privately seething at the Covid restrictions 2020/21 because most of their interstate and overseas travel privileges were stripped off them.
Bit of a cheek really, none of these 'high profile 'supporters'! is even a member (I believe). Cant see any of them reaching into their pockets to replace the sponsorship they propose Freo dump ... I heard Carmen Lawrence interview, she offered no advice but said go look for yourself, there must be some climate change group willing to replace the millions.

Gotta love how these plebs jump on their soap box and use others to push their personal agenda's. Nobody questions climate change is an issue but we are going to need gas for awhile because renewables are a long way from doing the job just yet.

So its Freo YOU make the financial sacrifice now and I will take credit for redeeming another climate change sinner ...


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A sense of some redundant splitting of hairs in the avoid that sidebar distraction, here's something to help outline the concept.

climate change an “existential threat”?
hilarious. Who would have thought that a program that requires funding would change the meaning of the word existential to suit their needs... I despise that on both sides of politics and wherever used.

The marketing team puts their heads together to get the strongest possible emotional response... we need a word that means something terrible... then let us change the definition to suit our needs. It is not splitting hairs, it is manipulation and propaganda when anyone does it.

Have you read the study that they linked as the basis of their claims?

Read below and anyone on this board who claims the 4 degree number again can no longer make that claim. There are some questions you should ask about that though. Why would all these climate activists claim 4 degrees when it is clear in the study they are citing that it is highly unlikely and they are very confident of that? What reason would cause all these good and well meaning scientists to make such blatantly false claims?

Global mean temperatures will continue to rise over the 21st century if greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue unabated. Under the assumptions of the concentration-driven RCPs, global mean surface temperatures for 2081–2100, relative to 1986–2005 will likely1 be in the 5 to 95% range of the CMIP5 models; 0.3°C to 1.7°C (RCP2.6), 1.1°C to 2.6°C (RCP4.5), 1.4°C to 3.1°C (RCP6.0), 2.6°C to 4.8°C (RCP8.5). Global temperatures averaged over the period 2081– 2100 are projected to likely exceed 1.5°C above 1850-1900 for RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 (high confidence), are likely to exceed 2°C above 1850-1900 for RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 (high confidence) and are more likely than not to exceed 2°C for RCP4.5 (medium confidence). Temperature change above 2°C under RCP2.6 is unlikely (medium confidence). Warming above 4°C by 2081–2100 is unlikely in all RCPs (high confidence) except for RCP8.5, where it is about as likely as not (medium confidence). {12.4.1, Tables 12.2, 12.3, Figures 12.5, 12.8}

Again, I have invested in the space and will continue to do so. But the claims made by most are based on this study and they are false. Please also note the first sentence 'if they continue unabated'. Developed nations have been reducing emissions. We would have to stop all together for this study to have meaning, then we would have to believe that although the study says (high confidence) of not increasing 4 degrees, somehow it will.
If you’re going to pretend you own shares, at least get the ASX code right you flog.
I own shares in Woodside - and if you knew what you were talking about you would know that WPL is also an ASX code.

What was that? An apology on the way? Why the insults?


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I like that we have Woodside as a major sponsor.
I think it is great that one of WA's most iconic companies supports our club, it's much better than a burger joint.

They've provided plenty of $ to the club during our downturn and resisted Nisbett's attempts to lure them NOR, which given that the Eagles were at that stage doing a lot better than us, must have been tempting.

For those that think Gas is bad, it is our transition fuel to a future nirvana, it's the helpful guy, Coal is the current bad guy.

"A group of high-profile Dockers fans"? - I had to google most of them.

Footy is footy, take the politics elsewhere.

As an aside, I agree with the majority about online gambling, it's an insidious disease.
And respect to the minority on here that are actually doing something meaningful about their climate concerns.

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Anyone bagging out Freo for having Woodside as a major sponsor go get a grip

For years they have been sponsor, then finally a few people have brought this to our attention and suddenly people feel outraged. How about feeling outraged years ago. People joining in on the chorus.

By the way I'm in the process of purchasing my first EV. Rivian truck from Minnesota because I don't want to pay for fuel and I also have 3kw solar panels and 3 phase to my shed. My house is almost in order.

Give Freo a fricken break
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Anyone bagging out Freo for having Woodside as a major sponsor go get a grip

For years they have been sponsor, then finally a few people have brought this to our attention and suddenly people feel outraged. How about feeling outraged years ago. People joining in on the chorus.

By the way I'm in the process of purchasing my first EV. Rivian truck from Minnesota because I don't want to pay for fuel and I also have 3kw solar panels. My house is almost in order.

Give Freo a fricken break
I would love to see pics and hear your thoughts on the Rivian when you get it!
Thanks woodside for having the balls to have a go instead of us relying on multi-nationals to rape out resources to feather their nests in London and Shanghai.

Maybe those ****wits Greenpeace can sponsor us instead of wasting all that hard earned donation money on clogging up my Facebook page asking for more donation's..I'm sure their CEO had earned his 5 million dollar bonus for the year 😂
This is pretty funny.

You are too caught up in the crap the left carried on about ten years ago. Now the research is showing that under population is the new problem.
Humans are the problem.
Under population? So no need for any more housing, clearing land?? Fishing bans a thing of the past?? We are consuming more than ever.
It took over 2 million years for the human population to reach 1 billion then in the last 200 or so years it jumped to 7 billion, it is not sustainable.

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Play Nice Is it time to replace Woodside as sponsor?
