Is Tippett's season over?

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American football and ice hockey are different sports ... and it might be a bit different being levelled by a firetruck in the NFL, or getting your head slammed into the ice/boards in hockey ... but Australia seems a bit behind the times with concussion. People still think it is a 1 week injury, and many people in here seem to be saying 2-3 at the most for this special case of repeated concussions.

I really don't think he should play in the regular season as a precautionary measure. That would give him 6-7 weeks, and then they can reassess and see if he seems OK to play finals. Look at their draw ... Adelaide should easily beat Ess, Freo, Bris, Melb, GC without him ... so what is the point in playing him?
This Neurosurgeon has not even seen Kurt - he was making a statement in the media from afar to make some $'s.

Kurt will see a specialist & AFC will make the call based on what this specialist says - not one who has nothing to do with this.

spot on. the guy from the Alfred in Melbourne was on 360 this week and it was pretty clear he was trying to get AFL funding for a special mouthguard. conflict of interest much? and the Murdoch rags ran with this guys comments when he didn't see any of the incidents concerned and has no experience with concussion in a football context. what a beat up!

how about everyone take a deep breath and reserve their opinion until the results of scans and consults with the specialists are known? is that too much to ask? until then nobody here knows anything so its pointless to even speculate.
spot on. the guy from the Alfred in Melbourne was on 360 this week and it was pretty clear he was trying to get AFL funding for a special mouthguard. conflict of interest much? and the Murdoch rags ran with this guys comments when he didn't see any of the incidents concerned and has no experience with concussion in a football context. what a beat up!
how about everyone take a deep breath and reserve their opinion until the results of scans and consults with the specialists are known? is that too much to ask? until then nobody here knows anything so its pointless to even speculate.

thanks for your input doctor

Log in to remove this ad. really is funny that some (not all) of the people who are saying Tippett shouldn't play again are saying so under the guise that they are concerned for his well-being.

Why don't you just admit that you want him to stop so that a team in premiership contention will be weakened and less of a threat?

So obvious. Until he is thoroughly examined by an expert in the field (making an observation from afar is hardly medically worthy) this is just a silly charade for some.

At least my charade was really obvious.
Well my post was genuine (I have no anti Adelaide agenda), the article I linked to is a thought provoking read. Personally I cant speak to Tippett's situation, but quietly I wouldn't be sorry to see Jimmy Bartel walk away before too much (more?) damage is done.
How come there is no media uproar about Joel Selwood each time he gets hit. How many times has he been concussed? A lot more the Kurt Tippet I would suspect. Here is a quote from Joel.

IT'S weird being knocked out. It's even weirder when you wake up in the doctor's room and look up and see Darren Milburn looking at you. That is weird.
My worst concussion was against St Kilda in round one last year. It was the only time I have lost complete consciousness and had to be carried off the ground.”

“That was the biggest concussion I have suffered and each time I have been concussed it has affected me differently. I have had complete memory loss to dizziness, blurred vision and uncharacteristic behavioural changes. It can be a bit like being drunk and your thoughts are not always as clear as if you were 100 per cent. But each time it goes away and you feel OK again.”

Kurt has never been knocked out, so why all of a sudden, everyone has an opinion?
How come there is no media uproar about Joel Selwood each time he gets hit. How many times has he been concussed?
Kurt has never been knocked out, so why all of a sudden, everyone has an opinion?

Conspiracy theorist much?

If the BigFooty search feature wasnt busted right now I'd find dozens more. Long term effects of ehad injuries have been a burning issue in the AFL for over a year now.

Also do a search for all the threads discussing Jonathan Brown's head injuries and see how many people suggested he should retire/be forced to retire.

Geez the "everyone is out to get us" mantra of South Australians just never dies does it.
The issue is, the AFL have never interfered in any of those cases. It seems they are going to with Tippett.
Conspiracy theorist much?
Not at all. Kurt Tippett has been close to the lead story on all sport media this week. I'm sure I dont need to post 25 links to highlight that fact. Now the AFL are to make it a test case.

Selwood’s concussions have been more numerous and severe, why isn’t he a test case for the AFL?
Where is the mention in any of those articles that Selwood should retire from football? All I’m asking is why has the media become so hysterical over Kurt?

This has nothing to do with a so called "everyone is out to get us" mentality. I’m just trying to understand what has changed all of a sudden?
Shouldnt play rest of the season and should really give his head a break. Any crowns fan that doesnt agree i ask you would you rather 2-8 more games from this bloke before something horrible happens and you never see him again or a long career with you (or Brisbane) lol
What the Crows fans are saying wait until the neurosurgeon who has run tests on Kurt to decide before we make any rash calls. If he says don't play do you think the Club will? They have already said they won't.

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Shouldnt play rest of the season and should really give his head a break. Any crowns fan that doesnt agree i ask you would you rather 2-8 more games from this bloke before something horrible happens and you never see him again or a long career with you (or Brisbane) lol

Thinly veiled troll?

do they have any neurosurgeons over there or do they have to fly to Melb.

Not so thinly veiled.... off to the bay with you....

I am pretty certain that Crows fans want the best outcome for Kurt. He does play an importent role in the team. Even when his stats are down, his ability to draw a 2nd and 3rd player makes the others in the forward line's job easier. His work in ruck helps out Jacobs, not a role that leads to high stats. We want him back, but not at the detriment of his career.
Thinly veiled troll?

Not so thinly veiled.... off to the bay with you....

I am pretty certain that Crows fans want the best outcome for Kurt. He does play an importent role in the team. Even when his stats are down, his ability to draw a 2nd and 3rd player makes the others in the forward line's job easier. His work in ruck helps out Jacobs, not a role that leads to high stats. We want him back, but not at the detriment of his career.

few little jokes no need to get so upset.
It raises a good point why would you risk someone who has a very long career up for an 8 week stint?
If the doc says there is no risk, what is the risk? Petrie could break a leg going for a mark, are you going to stop him playing?
few little jokes no need to get so upset.
It raises a good point why would you risk someone who has a very long career up for an 8 week stint?

Why would it be an AFL "test case" without getting the final medical report? Why would a Dr with a vested interest in getting funding for his high-tech data collecting mouth guard come out and make headline grabbing statements. I hope his project works out well and we learn more. But to make a sweeping statement without looking at the specific case history and making an examination is surely bad medical practice?
American football and ice hockey are different sports ... and it might be a bit different being levelled by a firetruck in the NFL, or getting your head slammed into the ice/boards in hockey ... but Australia seems a bit behind the times with concussion. People still think it is a 1 week injury, and many people in here seem to be saying 2-3 at the most for this special case of repeated concussions.

I really don't think he should play in the regular season as a precautionary measure. That would give him 6-7 weeks, and then they can reassess and see if he seems OK to play finals. Look at their draw ... Adelaide should easily beat Ess, Freo, Bris, Melb, GC without him ... so what is the point in playing him?

I see your point, but those sports also wear hard helmets. The AFL players have no head protection, and wearing hard helmets obviously isnt a option. It is still only early days in AFL related concussion and long term implications...and unfortunately the world is run by litigation and there is a great deal of pressure on the AFL and their clubs to make cautious decisions to avoid huge compensation down the track.

The fact is that there is a huge perceived "potential" of long term brain damage from repeated concussions that medical research has not definitively came up with recommended guidelines. The research is well behind the hype that the media has suddenly thrown behind the issue over the past few years, and is scrambling the play catch up.
In the end the weight of publicity, rightly or wrongly might force the AFC to rest him till next season. That would be the politically correct move and compromise. It would take a lot of courage not to do this.
Wait till he gets the results back from the specialists and go form there. No Crows fans here are saying play him if he's not right to go. But we're not, not gonna play him 'incase' he gets another head knock. Beacuse chances are he won't. Thats like saying Ablett shouldnt play this week 'incase' he does his ACL. That logic is flawed...

All the best to Tip and hopefully the results are good...
Conspiracy theorist much?

Geez the "everyone is out to get us" mantra of South Australians just never dies does it.

you'll find tinfoil hat wearers at every club. I've no doubt many victorian club supporters like to see us lose, just like i LOVE to see St Kilda, Coll and Carlton lose, but the discussion over at the Adelaide board is actually a little more multifaceted than that.

I personally feel that every precaution should be taken with KT, and have gone on record that i would rather lose a gf by a point with him out than he end up with degenerative dementia at the age of 35, however i dont feel the AFL should impose a rest period that isnt recommended by medical evidence contrary to the doctors and specialists already consulted by the club.
In the end the weight of publicity, rightly or wrongly might force the AFC to rest him till next season. That would be the politically correct move and compromise. It would take a lot of courage not to do this.
It is also contract year for KT. He has been linked to a few clubs that have interest in him, as well as holding out on signing with us. hes had a less than stellar year (last 5 rounds aside) and we now have Taylor walker due back which puts more pressure on him.

I've no doubt KT will do anything he can to maximise his value on the market and if we are going to lose him back to GC or Bris then we want maximum value as well (which is why i think chris knights is getting game time)
In the end the weight of publicity, rightly or wrongly might force the AFC to rest him till next season. That would be the politically correct move and compromise. It would take a lot of courage not to do this.

I don't think the weight of public opinion will make a difference. If the specialists who have actually reviewed his case, rather than ones making claims from afar, say he is right to go, he'll play. If they say he should be rested for the rest of the season, he'll be rested for the rest of the season.

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Is Tippett's season over?

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