Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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I was pretty ignorant about the Palestine issue before 7th October, I had heard that they were treated as second class citizens, but my thought has always been that Israel is surrounded by people that hate them (which is true) so they need to be firm. I had seen part of a Louis Theroux show on Zionism in Israel but I never had an appreciation of what the Palestinians have been going through.

I didn't know about the Nakba
I didn't realize how bad the settlers were in the West Bank
I didn't know that the majority of Palestinians in Gaza are refugees that have either been ethnically cleansed from their home, or their parents / Grandparents were ethnically cleansed and they have spent their entire life as refugees.
All of it funded by tax dollars from the West, it's disgusting!
I was pretty ignorant about the Palestine issue before 7th October, I had heard that they were treated as second class citizens, but my thought has always been that Israel is surrounded by people that hate them (which is true) so they need to be firm. I had seen part of a Louis Theroux show on Zionism in Israel but I never had an appreciation of what the Palestinians have been going through.

I didn't know about the Nakba
I didn't realize how bad the settlers were in the West Bank
I didn't know that the majority of Palestinians in Gaza are refugees that have either been ethnically cleansed from their home, or their parents / Grandparents were ethnically cleansed and they have spent their entire life as refugees.
All of it funded by tax dollars from the West, it's disgusting!
All these western countries (Canada, US, Australia, UK, Sth Africa pre 94) saying Sorry about the way they treated indigenous people, then implementing, funding and supporting exactly the same thing being done to Palestinian people.

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we should be outraged by the utter inhumanity and wilful cruelty. it’s been going on for months and the world largely watches. we should be ashamed


and the fascists in the admin who authorised this discriminatory action have no business in public administration.

and it’s wilful. the pollies know the details it’s more the powerful and influential israel lobby has them captured. weak, most of them.

And not just the disconnect between people and politicians. The younger generations who mostly use unfiltered social media are pretty much outraged at Israel’s actions as they’re seeing the reality on the ground. The older generations who get spoon fed what corporate media wants them spoon fed think Israel is still the good side.
Sending means selling in that case.
I was querying the "tax funded " thing, then edited my post when i realized it was american.

Selling can be complicated.
Being in a supply chain for an F35?
So they make spare parts to sell to the parent company who then distribute it.
Like if you made oil filters for cars all around the world, and some of them are in Israel.

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I'm just wondering when it is technically correct to call this a genocide?

When all Palestinians are dead? When they are scattered in foreign refugee camps?



I used to think that Genocide was when someone completely wiped a race out ( or near enough ).

But the definition is much less than that.
Any one of the five actions discussed here can constitute Genocide.
I figure that Israel have committed at least 3 of the five actions.

So i can't see how its not.


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