Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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So, that is why Israel kept hold of the Sinai Peninsula.....

It isn't that simple. Israel is a complicated modern democracy and judging its actions on the PM, who 80% of Israelis don't want to run again, is flawed. 300,000 large protests and strike action are not the actions of a united country.

I hope the next time there is a chance of peace, both sides are strong enough to achieve it. That won't happen until there is a change of leadership in Palestine and Israel.

israel has always held all the cards. militarily, thanks to the yanks. through its powerful and influential public relations outfit. it’s been a david and goliath engagement.

had israel held to the territory it was gifted decades ago and not gone about the occupation from that date we wouldn’t be in this situation.
Where do you suggest the Israelis go? Back to Auschwitz?

Colonisation occured all over the world. It was unfportunate and girzzly. But ultimately, it is what it is. We have to look foward and not back, squibbling about who shat on a square patch of earth first. Should all non-indigenous people leave Australia if indigenous people want it back?

Ultimately this whole thread is futile. The only way for peace to occur is the removal of Hamas and a change in the government of Israel. This will not occur. Thus, its hardly worth even discussing further. There are plenty of other more bloody conflicts occuring in the world that deserve as much or more thought.
ah yes, it's the fault of hamas. and it's more than a change of gov't needed in israel. read and digest what gideon levy writes. he actually lives there.

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Yes, the people of Israel are intent on stealing all the land and expanding the colonisation. Not just this Government.

They simply have to be stopped. And I don't mean a ceasefire. I mean they need to be economically isolated until they stop their ethnic cleansing policies.

We should not be doing business with Israel (or Hamas) or anyone who supports either of them. This includes AUKUS. Are we going to be re-supplying nuclear subs on their way to assist genocide? We probably already are.
It’s quite interesting how much hate Israel has gotten throughout this entire conflict.

They are living next to a country who’s government has said they want to exterminate every last Jew… they were invaded and had innocent kids killed and hostages taken.

Unfortunately every war including the allied advance in ww2 has seen huge civillian casualties and massive damage to cities.

Just say 'I'm ignorant' and be done with it next time.
israel has always held all the cards. militarily, thanks to the yanks. through its powerful and influential public relations outfit. it’s been a david and goliath engagement.

had israel held to the territory it was gifted decades ago and not gone about the occupation from that date we wouldn’t be in this situation.
If Israel didnt have the upper hand, militarily, then they wouldn't exist. Not now, not in the past.

There wont be any peace until Israel can feel safe. We are a long long way away from that reality.

There also won't be any peace if Israel continues to settle the West Bank and bully the Palestinians. We are also a long long way away from that reality.
It’s quite interesting how much hate Israel has gotten throughout this entire conflict.

They are living next to a country who’s government has said they want to exterminate every last Jew… they were invaded and had innocent kids killed and hostages taken.

Unfortunately every war including the allied advance in ww2 has seen huge civillian casualties and massive damage to cities.

Temu Steve Price is complicit.
If Israel didnt have the upper hand, militarily, then they wouldn't exist. Not now, not in the past.

There wont be any peace until Israel can feel safe. We are a long long way away from that reality.

There also won't be any peace if Israel continues to settle the West Bank and bully the Palestinians. We are also a long long way away from that reality.

israel has benefitted from the tension in the region as it ensured the u.s continued to pour billions into their economy.

israel has never been in danger of being overrun. the palestinians have always had comparative pop-gun weaponry, while israel has had state-of-the-art weaponry, technology, and infrastructure.

the proper and fair resolution should be "one state with equal rights for israelis and palestinians in a single shared state. but just as a two-state solution is not likely the one-state is equally unlikely."

i agree with the following from Foreign Affairs some years ago but is true today.

“Under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has abandoned any pretense of seeking a two-state solution, and public support for the concept among Israelis has steadily dwindled. Palestinian leaders continue to seek a separate state. But after years of failure and frustration, most Palestinians no longer see that path as viable.

The simple truth is that over the decades, the Israelis developed enough power and cultivated enough suppofrom Washington to allow them to occupy and hold the territories and to create, in effect, a one-state reality of their own devising. Netanyahu and Trump are seeking not to change the status quo but merely to ratify it. The question, then, is not whether there will be a single state but what kind of state it should be. Will it be one that cements de facto apartheid in which Palestinians are denied basic rights? Or will it be a state that recognizes Israelis and Palestinians as equals under the law? The latter is the goal that Palestinians should adopt. The Americans and the Israelis should also embrace it. But first they must realize that the status quo will eventually prove unsustainable and that partitioning the land will never work—and that the only moral path forward is to recognize the full humanity of both peoples.”

No other country in the world with nuclear weapons pretends that it's scared. Except Russia when they're making threats.

Israel pretends they're scared so they can commit ethnic cleansing with the cover of "They'll wipe us out if we don't wipe them out first".

It's stupid with even the slightest thought put to it.

If they were so scared of living close to Palestinians, why are they building new houses in settlements right next to Palestinian settlements? Why are they moving into Mosques if they're so afraid of Palestinians?

They're not. They just say they are so they can kill them and get away with it.

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Bombing Lebanon, claiming they're just a small nation under attack. Here's a map showing the two countries we're firing against (Gaza and Lebanon) and they're the actual smallest in the region.

Does nobody ask them about this stuff??!!
one way it could be resolved is for the u.s to stop gifting israel billions of dollars, weapons, and infrastructure.

I thought profit was the sole reason for the US Arms industry.
Given those who are making them are unlikely to give them away, who is purchasing the weapons that are "gifted" to the Israelis.

The USA government could put Israel on the "Shit list" but if they started making moral calls about the conflicts their weapons were used in, it could undermine the whole industry.
No problem with that a lot of us might say, but obviously dollars talk.
I thought profit was the sole reason for the US Arms industry.
Given those who are making them are unlikely to give them away, who is purchasing the weapons that are "gifted" to the Israelis.

The USA government could put Israel on the "Shit list" but if they started making moral calls about the conflicts their weapons were used in, it could undermine the whole industry.
No problem with that a lot of us might say, but obviously dollars talk.

Found it.

I thought profit was the sole reason for the US Arms industry.
Given those who are making them are unlikely to give them away, who is purchasing the weapons that are "gifted" to the Israelis.

The USA government could put Israel on the "Shit list" but if they started making moral calls about the conflicts their weapons were used in, it could undermine the whole industry.
No problem with that a lot of us might say, but obviously dollars talk.
countries throughout history have made judgements on to whom they sell armaments. not always morally i agree. in this instance it has little to do with financial gain as the u.s isn't profiting financially. hence gifting.
countries throughout history have made judgements on to whom they sell armaments. not always morally i agree. in this instance it has little to do with financial gain as the u.s isn't profiting financially. hence gifting.

Pretty sure the US arms companies are.
Most actual "governments" are not profit driven.
Pretty sure the US arms companies are.
Most actual "governments" are not profit driven.
about a 1/3 of the billions gifted israel is economic. they could shut that off immediately. and if they felt it necessary compensate the weapon suppliers in some form ( although i wouldn't) for the rest of the billions israel spend on weapons they could do that.
danby was the seat blocker who allegedly attempted to pressure louise adler when she was the c.e.o of melbourne universiy press not to publish antony loewenstein's book “my israel question .he was an m.p at the time. to her credit, she ignored the seat blocker, general pest, and censorer.


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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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