Israel loses the War

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The zionists lost, because they lost image, face, popularity and support. They rely on that more than tanks and missiles. Without support from the west the zionist cause is over, without support from the people of the west they cannot survive. The biggest battle fought was in propaganda, and for once the zionists handled it with utter incompotence.

Yes Lebanon had more casualties, yes they had more damage, but at the end of the day the zionists lost the war of minds this time around. In the long scheme of things they loose. This time they would be happy to have been in Lebanons position.

Even the paid zionist shills on this board could not sway favour towards thier cause. :)
Solace said:
The zionists lost, because they lost image, face, popularity and support. They rely on that more than tanks and missiles. Without support from the west the zionist cause is over, without support from the people of the west they cannot survive. The biggest battle fought was in propaganda, and for once the zionists handled it with utter incompotence.

Yes Lebanon had more casualties, yes they had more damage, but at the end of the day the zionists lost the war of minds this time around. In the long scheme of things they loose. This time they would be happy to have been in Lebanons position.

Even the paid zionist shills on this board could not sway favour towards thier cause. :)'re one of those people who actually believe their own hype. Did daddy tell you the 'evil' Zionists are coming?? :rolleyes:

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MAG87 said:
the battle itself wasnt fair. israel as cowards only can strike through the air as soon as they went on the ground ceasefire. israel are definetly the losers of this war.

Compared to who - the brave guys launching rockets into civillian areas?
The global community is no longer becomming aware, but rather is now well aware of the fact that Israel is a rogue state commiting daily war crimes, atrocities and crimes against humanity. All of which vastly outweigh the combined defenisve acts of those being invaded and oppressed. The seperation wall is memorial to that.

The combination of this total failure, and that is all it is, with the US failure in Iraq has done two things. Strengthened Irans reach for power and virtually destroyed public sympathy for Israel and the US.

Israel is finished as the victim, and as the US becomes further isolated it will begin to distance itself from the rogue state in attempts to bolster public support. Iraq is destined to become an Islamic nation, Lebanon may very well follow. If this were to happen there may well be a domino effect seeing many countries aligning themselves with the union. Turkey, egypt, syria etc.

The flow on could easily encourage unrest in Saudi Arabia, very easily. Not a good place to be, Israel nor the House of Saud.

That seperation wall may come to mean more to Israel than they ever imagined. They may come to realise they are on the wrong side of it.
audas said:
The global community is no longer becomming aware, but rather is now well aware of the fact that Israel is a rogue state commiting daily war crimes, atrocities and crimes against humanity. All of which vastly outweigh the combined defenisve acts of those being invaded and oppressed. The seperation wall is memorial to that.

The combination of this total failure, and that is all it is, with the US failure in Iraq has done two things. Strengthened Irans reach for power and virtually destroyed public sympathy for Israel and the US.

Israel is finished as the victim, and as the US becomes further isolated it will begin to distance itself from the rogue state in attempts to bolster public support. Iraq is destined to become an Islamic nation, Lebanon may very well follow. If this were to happen there may well be a domino effect seeing many countries aligning themselves with the union. Turkey, egypt, syria etc.

The flow on could easily encourage unrest in Saudi Arabia, very easily. Not a good place to be, Israel nor the House of Saud.

That seperation wall may come to mean more to Israel than they ever imagined. They may come to realise they are on the wrong side of it.

You better warn the rest of the world then!!!
RedLegs#5 said:
You better warn the rest of the world then!!!

They're aware. Check the list of UN Resolutions tabled against Israel. Both passed and vetoed by the US.
Mike Carlton says it well, his comment about 'hearts and minds' is very perceptive...:

Ol' premature George again

Mike Carlton
August 19, 2006

HEZBOLLAH is still standing. It is mauled and bloodied, with much of its arsenal of rockets either spent or destroyed, but it has not been beaten, however George Bush et al might like to think otherwise.

"Hezbollah suffered a defeat in this crisis," the President assured a Washington news conference on Monday, plonking along in that strangled delivery which suggests a small brain struggling to utter a coherent sentence but mighty pleased with itself when, against all the odds, it does.

"How can you claim victory when you were a state within a state in southern Lebanon, and now you're going to be replaced by an international force?" he spluttered.

Quite simply, really. Hezbollah did not have to "win" this war with Israel in the conventional sense. It just had to not lose it. Which is to say that it could expend a lot of its armament and a lot of its troops (or terrorists or guerillas - your choice of terminology) so long as its leadership, its organisation and, most importantly, its political, financial and ideological backers remained more or less in place when the final whistle blew.

This is exactly what happened. The victory fireworks were going off in Beirut, not Jerusalem. Hezbollah cadres are now returning to southern Lebanon with money and manpower to begin the reconstruction of shattered villages. Winning hearts and minds, it used to be called. Having stared down the might of the Israeli Defence Force, Hezbollah's image in the region - most particularly in Syria, Iraq and mad, bad and dangerous Iran - has never been so exalted.

It is Israel which has suffered the defeat. Despite the wholesale destruction visited upon Lebanon, it has not achieved its chief war aim, its casus belli, the return of those two captured soldiers. And the Israelis must now face the grim fact that Hezbollah has bought the time to regroup, refinance and rearm for the next inevitable war.
RedLegs#5 said:'re one of those people who actually believe their own hype. Did daddy tell you the 'evil' Zionists are coming?? :rolleyes:

And what did your daddy tell you.

"Those evil muslims hate us because of our 'freedoms'":rolleyes:
Lestat said:
And what did your daddy tell you.

"Those evil muslims hate us because of our 'freedoms'":rolleyes:

Why does Hamas, Hezbolloh and Iran call for Israel to be wiped off the map?

Are they speaking in the name of their religion or as usual, do we put it down to a few nutjobs spoiling it for all the "moderate" muslims? Seems to be a disproportionate number of headcases in the upper echolons (where it matters most) within Islam, dont you agree? Don't you think it is time for the moderates to clean house or if they "can't" due to being "fearful for their lives" at least let non-muslims take out those that are "ruining" Islam's name for moderates, I'm assuming, like yourself? How can a "moderate" object to actions that aim to salve their religion?
Read good article in IHT by Friedman today talking about the $ cost of the conflict. His thesis was Iran was the real loser due to the cost of supplying Hizbollah. Not only that but because of the extreme economic muppetry they engage in ie subsidising most basic products they (and Syria) waste a huge % of their oil revenue in order to stop discontent. His argument was that with oil at $30 bbl they would be in alot of trouble and facing a very annoyed population.

To that end the west's prime avenue for dealing with Iran etc should be to drive down the price of oil by any means possible.

NB couldnt google article but sure it could be found with effort.
section8 said:
Why does Hamas, Hezbolloh and Iran call for Israel to be wiped off the map?

Are they speaking in the name of their religion or as usual, do we put it down to a few nutjobs spoiling it for all the "moderate" muslims? Seems to be a disproportionate number of headcases in the upper echolons (where it matters most) within Islam, dont you agree? Don't you think it is time for the moderates to clean house or if they "can't" due to being "fearful for their lives" at least let non-muslims take out those that are "ruining" Islam's name for moderates, I'm assuming, like yourself? How can a "moderate" object to actions that aim to salve their religion?

Sorry, but I don't discuss adult topics with ignorant children.

Now off you go.

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Lestat said:
Sorry, but I don't discuss adult topics with ignorant children.

Now off you go.

Seriously, where do you stand? Are you for removal of the tyrants whom, as we've been led to believe, are dragging your faith through the mud with their "unislamic" actions?
Lestat said:
They killed more Israeli soldiers then they did civilians.

Unlike the Israeli's.

Yes, that is because the Israeli army does not hide behind civilains, unlike the heroic Hezbollah resistence fighters:rolleyes: .

Also due to inacurate missiles, thousands of which were fired at Israeli civilian targets.
medusala said:
To that end the west's prime avenue for dealing with Iran etc should be to drive down the price of oil by any means possible.


Like oil is going to drop in price! with china and india key players in the global market look for $100 + a barrel.

they days of cheap oil are over! iran is sitting on a trillion dollars ++++ of oil!
MSR273 said:
Yes, that is because the Israeli army does not hide behind civilains, unlike the heroic Hezbollah resistence fighters:rolleyes: .

Also due to inacurate missiles, thousands of which were fired at Israeli civilian targets.

Israel was hitting non-Hez targets as well ......if a crook runs into a crowd of people and a cop starts shooting - we would hardly pat the cop on the back and say you have killed 5 regular citizens but you got the baddy.

More kids than fighters were killed ...go Israel - those who planned this carnage and attacks on infrastructure are just dogs.
section8 said:
Seriously, where do you stand? Are you for removal of the tyrants whom, as we've been led to believe, are dragging your faith through the mud with their "unislamic" actions?

Do you mean US friendly tyrants like Egypt and Saudi Arabia who are supported and kept in power by the US.

Sorry I forgot, its ok when 'some' governments persecute there people, but not others.

Go away buddy, your so transparent. Your opinions are almost direct image of Andrew Bolt, which tells me two things.

One, that you are incapable of independant thought, and two, that you have an inherrant zenophobic hatred and fear of anything arab and muslim.

Is it any wonder that man whore's like MSR come to your defence.
Moo said:
Which was luck.

Feel free to join me in condeming both.

What are we to condemn Hezbollah for again?

Is it due to showing resistance against the Israeli's, or is it because the Sunni world are feeling some sort of inherrent guilt out of standing by and watching the west murder muslims in there thousands, and now must spread lies about shi'ites who are actually willing to defend the lives of muslims.

Or is it because Sunni regimes need to spread lies to keep there own oppressed and persecuted people safely under the iron fist.

It amazes me that Hezbollah actually receive condemnation for capturing TWO ISRAELI SOLDIERS, whilst parts of Lebenon are still occupied by Israel, whilst Israeli snipers shoot Palestinian children in the head whilst they are in class, and that receives no criticism.

The former is seen as an act of agression, whilst the latter is seen as an act of defence.

What a sad world this has become.
just maybe said:
"Despite the wholesale destruction visited upon Lebanon, it has not achieved its chief war aim, its casus belli, the return of those two captured soldiers." [/url]
This is the biggest incorrect assumption in the whole event!

If the objective was to rescue the two soldiers, then bombing the likely places that they likely would be, was an idiotic way to go about it.

Israel unleashed an ass kicking against the scum Hezbollah. Hezbollah expected token retalliation, but after years of chipping away, with silent support from the Lebanese community, they got what they deserved. The end!
FIGJAM said:
It's called "kidnapping" son. Get it right!

And let me guess, Israel's assasinations of Palestinian leaders is called 'targetted killings'.

And the settlements in Jerusalem are called 'Jewish neighbourhoods'.

Where do you get your info from? AIPAC?

Those IDF soldiers are members of a foriegn millitary occupying Lebenese land. THe Lebenese have every right to resist this occupation.


Civilians are kidnapped, soldiers are captured.
FIGJAM said:
Israel unleashed an ass kicking against the scum Hezbollah. Hezbollah expected token retalliation, but after years of chipping away, with silent support from the Lebanese community, they got what they deserved. The end!

The 1000 Lebenese civilians got what they deserved?

Gee, how pleasant. I wonder if Budha would agree with you?
Lestat said:
The 1000 Lebenese civilians got what they deserved?

Gee, how pleasant. I wonder if Budha would agree with you?
Any Buddha would tell you that you cannot hide behind the "innocent".

Karma extends not just to those directly involved, but to extended groups.

For example, if Howard were to go to Java and capture a couple of soldiers, then the retalliation would not just involve Howard and the Liberal party, it would be against the whole of Australia.

You cannot use the innocent as a shield to negative action. That's the way the Law works.

As the Great Master Prophet Jesus (PBOH) said "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.". The reason is, you cannot escape you actions. You cannot stick your head in the sand. If you've threatened innocent life, your's will be threatened!

That is Karma in action, and as much as you stomp your feet about it, it is why Lebanon has had to endure what it has had to endure. The only way to fix it, is to collectively alter your spirit to one of revenge and hate, to one of love and forgiving. But don't believe me, read your Great Book:

"Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned, that (God) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil). (The Quran, 30:41)"

"And indeed We will make them taste of the Penalty of this (life) prior to the supreme Penalty, in order that they may (repent and) return. (The Quran, 32:21)"

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Israel loses the War

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