J Westhoff = GUTLESS

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The Port Adelaide i know would have never accepted what we seen dished up yesterday... not in a million years

This was the club that gave arguably our greatest player ever his marching orders from the coaches box after failing not to make it into a Grand Final 2 years in a row (R.Ebert)
Now we have Bozo's defending under performing players and a coach that has lost the plot completely
Come 9am Monday morning heads should roll but they won't because there is to many people who have there own interest first and the club second:thumbsdown:
The Port Adelaide i know would have never accepted what we seen dished up yesterday... not in a million years

This was the club that gave arguably our greatest player ever his marching orders from the coaches box after failing not to make it into a Grand Final 2 years in a row (R.Ebert)
Now we have Bozo's defending under performing players and a coach that has lost the plot completely
Come 9am Monday morning heads should roll but they won't because there is to many people who have there own interest first and the club second:thumbsdown:

They didn't have a dud coach replacing him though did they and one could argue he did put alot of that team together, to never see the fruits.
They didn't have a dud coach replacing him though did they and one could argue he did put alot of that team together, to never see the fruits.

point remains though, we're not the club we grew up barracking for and respecting

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They didn't have a dud coach replacing him though did they and one could argue he did put alot of that team together, to never see the fruits.
Thats true Rick my point is if they gave Ebert the push why do we see this dribble put up with now
No way in the world would have Williams survived this long under guys like Big Bob, you know that as well as i do.
We didn't except it them so there's no way we should except it now.
The players or the club do not deserve our support anymore, for 3 seasons now they have promised changed and delivered nothing. I am a member this year and I will not be one next year, I am not wasting what little $$$ I have on this club anymore, they are so bad I have lost interest in AFL all together.
I don't think anyone in this thread has defended Westhoff per se, as I believe it is unanimous that he should be dropped for poor performance.

Some people disagree with bronx cheering, I'm one of them, and I don't see why that makes us blind sheep. It's certainly not going to help him regain form on the field is it?

Mentioning that he wasn't the only bad player isn't defending him either, it's just saying why is he getting singled out for this week when he wasn't the only bad player. Hell he wasn't the -worst- player either. Doesn't mean I don't think he should be dropped, I want him to have at least a month in the SANFL.

Calling any of our players a 'worm' just isn't necessary to me. Like I mentioned earlier, it was like the Chad Cornes is a Useless Hack thread. As poor as Westhoff has been he still deserves some respect as a player who HAS won us games before and he is still a human being.

I think that's the main points of those people finding this thread unnecessary. They're mine, anyway.
I don't think anyone in this thread has defended Westhoff per se, as I believe it is unanimous that he should be dropped for poor performance.

Some people disagree with bronx cheering, I'm one of them, and I don't see why that makes us blind sheep. It's certainly not going to help him regain form on the field is it?

Mentioning that he wasn't the only bad player isn't defending him either, it's just saying why is he getting singled out for this week when he wasn't the only bad player. Hell he wasn't the -worst- player either. Doesn't mean I don't think he should be dropped, I want him to have at least a month in the SANFL.

Calling any of our players a 'worm' just isn't necessary to me. Like I mentioned earlier, it was like the Chad Cornes is a Useless Hack thread. As poor as Westhoff has been he still deserves some respect as a player who HAS won us games before and he is still a human being.

I think that's the main points of those people finding this thread unnecessary. They're mine, anyway.

Yep, Bernie has nailed it.

There are a few roads for Westhoff ...
1. He heads to Centrals and AFL obscurity
2. He heads to Centrals, dominates all over the ground and returns to demonstrate more of the same disappointement at AFL level.
3. He steps up (as early as next week) and shows the ability and intensity, that we have only seen glimpses of, and then follows up week-in week-out with the consistency that has been lacking since his debut.

There's absolutely NO question that ALL of us here want it to be the later.

I truely, desperately want Justin Westhoff to be a great player for this club - but he lacks consistent intensity, his decision-making at times is poor, his work-rate off the ball is questionable, his defensive pressure is non-existent and he lacks urgency when he does have the ball (no, sir, you do not have all the time in the world to complete your disposal).

Good money is that he won't be dropped next week - just too many forced changes for that to happen. Hawthorn will struggle to match up against him, but there is no question that he is on thin ice.
I don't think anyone in this thread has defended Westhoff per se, as I believe it is unanimous that he should be dropped for poor performance.

Some people disagree with bronx cheering, I'm one of them, and I don't see why that makes us blind sheep. It's certainly not going to help him regain form on the field is it?

Mentioning that he wasn't the only bad player isn't defending him either, it's just saying why is he getting singled out for this week when he wasn't the only bad player. Hell he wasn't the -worst- player either. Doesn't mean I don't think he should be dropped, I want him to have at least a month in the SANFL.

Calling any of our players a 'worm' just isn't necessary to me. Like I mentioned earlier, it was like the Chad Cornes is a Useless Hack thread. As poor as Westhoff has been he still deserves some respect as a player who HAS won us games before and he is still a human being.

I think that's the main points of those people finding this thread unnecessary. They're mine, anyway.

Bernie did you watch the game??

This season Westhoff has squibbed from a number of contests that he should have gone too. Allowing the player to grab the ball give the other team a forward thrust. (this is not only one instance it is 3-4 a game)

This smacks of being a gutless worm. He had the opportunity to make the contest. But failed to have the desire to get his hands dirty and put his head over the ball.
Yeah, he is a gutless player, I never denied that. I was embarrassed watching him play out there, as I have been many times. But I'm not gonna call him a gutless worm and seemingly insinuate the loss was entirely his fault. As you see, I think he should be dropped for at least a month, no matter how good he may play in the SANFL.

Hell, I'd rather see Matt Westhoff out there than Justin at the moment.

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Hell, I'd rather see Matt Westhoff out there than Justin at the moment.

No you wouldn't. Matt is worse still.

But they are big, and can run. Also apparently they can "stretch" the oppostion.

I seriously doubt any AFL coach would worry about Westhoff, or many of our players at all.

You only ever worry about players that can hurt you. Our side is simply not capable of damaging anyone much at all. That's why it's been forever and a day since we actually owned anyone.

Justin is horrible, but he's far from an orphan on that level.
Bernie did you watch the game??

This season Westhoff has squibbed from a number of contests that he should have gone too. Allowing the player to grab the ball give the other team a forward thrust. (this is not only one instance it is 3-4 a game)

This smacks of being a gutless worm. He had the opportunity to make the contest. But failed to have the desire to get his hands dirty and put his head over the ball.

I don't know why you get away with posts like this.

He gets pushed off the ball easily, and he can be lazy, but he is definitely NOT gutless.
I think it's a bit rich to say he's gutless. I'm more of the opinion that Justin Westhoff isn't demonstrating what is required of him as an AFL footballer right now.

We've too many confidence players in the side. We will continue to go nowhere whilst we pamper this confidence mentality. You make your own confidence through performance.

Westhoff isn't gutless he's just not doing what's required of him.
That's what makes it all the more galling.

And to be honest, I'm sick of players getting on the radio afterwards whining about how sorry they are, and how they know they've let the club down. Yeah, great, don't tell us about it, do something about it. At the moment you guys are no more than the custodians of a long and proud history. How you are remembered in that history is not through whining words, but through brave deeds.

It was like all that pathetic crying and ground thumping after we were smashed in the 07 GF. Where was that passion when it was needed?

Some players go on to make their mark in that history, others are relegated to the status of mere footnotes. That's where a lot of these guys are heading, but not entirely through their own doing.
Beautiful !
History makers make history - they don't talk about how bad they feel by not making it.
It's not Westhoff's fault that he gets chosen week after week despite showing little to suggest he is up to it. Same could be said for half a dozen others that get games every week without a second thought from the selection committee despite constantly letting us down over the years. If anyone should be heckled it's Choco for blindly sticking with these muppets.
Man, you got it Waspy !!
Anyone but anyone, regardless of their "name", should be dropped for being gutless or 'not giving a shit" no matter what the circumstances and conditions.
I've been watching Port for many decades and until Williams came along, no player had ever been selected the week after if they did not do what was expected of a Port player even if it meant picking a player of limited ability to replace him.
Man, you got it Waspy !!
Anyone but anyone, regardless of their "name", should be dropped for being gutless or 'not giving a shit" no matter what the circumstances and conditions.
I've been watching Port for many decades and until Williams came along, no player had ever been selected the week after if they did not do what was expected of a Port player even if it meant picking a player of limited ability to replace him.

This (and the post it quoted) are spot on imo. Gold passes breed complacency, when the focus should be on continuous improvement.

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but did anyone see the hypothetical SA State of Origin side in the paper on the weekend? How the f*** did Westhoff make it?!
Yeah these things should always be non negotiables.

I would rather see Shulz in the side busting his gut and being inneffective than Westhoff swanning around and being occassionally effective.

At least it will show other players what sort of behaviour gets rewarded at PAFC. Right now we are teaching all our young kids that it doesnt matter if you dont put in, if you have talent, potential or x-factor you will get a game anyway.

Westhoff is not gutless or a dud he just needs to be taught a lesson about cometitiveness by being dropped and forced to earn his spot the hard way.
Yeah these things should always be non negotiables.

I would rather see Shulz in the side busting his gut and being inneffective than Westhoff swanning around and being occassionally effective.

At least it will show other players what sort of behaviour gets rewarded at PAFC. Right now we are teaching all our young kids that it doesnt matter if you dont put in, if you have talent, potential or x-factor you will get a game anyway.

Westhoff is not gutless or a dud he just needs to be taught a lesson about cometitiveness by being dropped and forced to earn his spot the hard way.

agree with the 1st 3 lines and previous posts

4th line- westhoff is a dud, come on, he either adds 10 kilos or he goes. that he cannot add weight and has not added weight is unacceptable
Hoff's career is becoming a carbon copy of Leigh Brown and Kepler Bradley's - except in Hoff's defence, he was only ever a smokey while the others were top-5 picks.

Musical chairs utility with some obvious tricks in theory, but in practice the confidence in execution is shot to the point where he's descending into Lonie territory with the boo-boys.

Leroy got to over 200 games living off his promise, so maybe's there's life in J-Wes' player-agent yet?
at the game there were these 2 young guys... i call them "douchebags"
they had more product in their hair than my wife did on her wedding day

anyway they yelled out "HOFFFFFFFF" every time he went near the ball... and cheered him all day

The kids love him.....but they failed to see that he was ****ing useless

Yes i did see him squib it a few times and thats unacceptable for a Port Adelaide footballer
The biggest one i saw was when he went for an easy chest mark about 40m out from goal. A Richmond player was running towards him and he not only dropped the mark but absolutely shit himself in the process. This was early in the day

that was the worst performance i have seen from a single player i have seen in a long time... and that was on a day where 18 other blokes were shit too

He was atrocious. I can not think of 1 single thing he did that was passable
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