News Jeff Garlett has re-signed for 3 years

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I just dont like embellishing.

Or observing it would seem...remember having a similar discussion with you last year on Hendo.

Garlett has clearly been off his tucker in recent weeks. Might be the result of a niggle, could be the ball just not bouncing his way...but the result is he would seem a little down in confidence. Witness the fumble in the forward line last week for what should have been an elementary goal assist to Judd.

Doesn't make any of us pseudo psychs as you attest, just guys who are a little too keen on watching other guys chase a little bit of kangaroo leather around...after a while you begin to notice things. Confidence is something worn on the outside be it an under nine Auskicker or emerging Carlton star.
And you think this suggests a lack of confidence? For all you know it is because of over confidence.

As I said, not arguing his form is down a little, although I tend to agree with Harks, there are so many variables to the game that simply noting his stats does not tell the entire story, but I am a stats man and I agree his stats are down. But then I dont know what his instructions have been either. (also note that stats are averages and not linear, for example round 21 he had 6 tackles, way above average yet he is apparently in a form slump...... for example is it a coincidence that as his numbers are down, Eddies are up, could it be a different set of instructions.........all things that could explain numbers instead of made up pop psych stuff)

And given his relatively young football age I am not surprised he trails off each season.

I just dont like embellishing.

If you actually want proof of Garlett second guessing himself/lack of confidence, take a look at when he took the mark/free kick (I forget which it was) from 15 metres out against Hawthorn. You could clearly see that his first thought was to give the ball off to someone else. Very unusual for a small forward, particularly one with the skills of Garlett, to not go back with the confidence that he will comfortably nail a set shot from 15 out.

On topic, great to see yet another young player commit to the club. The kids all know there are big things around the corner for the club & don't want to be anywhere else.
Let me preface my post with the fact that I think Jeff is great and have since the first time I saw him play. In fact, I posted early in the season last year that I thought he'd gone past Eddie. So, I'm glad he's locked away for the foreseeable future ... but ...

I think he is suffering from the same thing Yarran suffered in his time as a small forward. Opposition teams are more aware of Jeff now, so it make sense. I think they are intimidating him and he's letting it affect him, so, like Yarran used to, he doesn't go as hard at it as he could, but instead relies on his speed and skill to enable him to get it on the outside.

I know, he tackles like a mofo, but he's in total control of that situation as well as flying into a pack for a mark. But putting your head over the ball when there's a guy twice your weight comin' at you, or standing under a high ball know they're bearing down on you, is a different story.

I'm confident that he'll overcome this minor flaw in his game, but unfortunately, I think it's there at the moment.

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Gartlett sux he's too slow and can't even kick it 50 metres lol getting rundown by old man fletcher!!!!11111

But seriously, great news. He's definitely down on form (compared to earlier in the season) ATM but I'm not sure whether to facepalm at or to applaud his confidence at taking a shot 50 out 3 times in a row despite not being able to make the distance.
He is one of the most entertaining footballers I have ever seen - and I have been watching football for a long, long, long time.

The stuff he can do is truly "magical"...even though that word is much overused and used to describe too many players.

I would pay to watch him play footy whether it was with Koondrook-Barham's 2nds or Carlton's 1sts.

Outstanding player. Hope he keeps on keeping on.
Geeze we are hard markers. He's a young lightweight player from a neglected background a long way away, off the rookie list with just 50 games under his belt, but has played every game this season, kicked more than 40 goals, was in AA contention at one stage, has chased and tackled like a maniac, has a highlights reel that most would die for...

and people are debating his form? Yes its down from its freakish heights of the first half of the season, but I'd still pick him ahead of any other small forward in the league, except Eddie (that's a tie.)

Stoked they signed him because we have seen how good he can be, and the best is yet to come.
Geeze we are hard markers.

and people are debating his form? Yes its down from its freakish heights of the first half of the season, but I'd still pick him ahead of any other small forward in the league, except Eddie (that's a tie.)

You're right, we are hard markers. That's AFL footy.
I think they are intimidating him and he's letting it affect him, so, like Yarran used to, he doesn't go as hard at it as he could, but instead relies on his speed and skill to enable him to get it on the outside.

Maybe big setanta needs to be back in the side to give some protection to jeffy and co.
I am with you Sim, I dont for a moment think his form is down or his confidence. His numbers are down a little but there are myriad possibilities that might explain that and the truth is we dont really know. It could be as simple as the ball just hasnt been bouncing for him in the last few games. It happens. He sits inside the top 10 goal kickers for the year, is 4th for goal kicking accuracy in the comp (and has hit the post about 5 times in the past month) iamnm he is inside the top 10 for tackles inside 50 for the year and all of this from under 50 AFL games.

If you take a small enough sample you can decide what you like. 4 games is a very small sample. Lets take 2 benchmarks as an example,

his goal average for the year is 2.04 (43 from 21) and from the past 4 games is 6 so averaging 1.5, a massive 25% drop in efficiency (actually a 50% drop in 2 of the 4 games and 100% on average for the other 2 but why quibble) but if he were to say kick 4 against the Saints.....he is back to average over the 5 weeks, way above (a massive 100% above) average for the single game or ahead of average on just a 4 week rotating you see pretty meaningless stuff and 4 weeks is not in any way enough data to assess form because 1 good game turns it all on its head.

Same applies to takle count. He had 81 for the year at an average of 3.85 per game. In the past 4 games he has had 6, 4, 2, 2, for 14 or an average of 3.5. If he has 6 tackes against the Saints his 5 week average is ahead of season average but his 4 week rolling average remains at 3.5 or below season average despite near doubling it on his latest outing.

So to suggest he is down on confidence because he fumbled a ball or went to dish off 15m out then thought better of it or because he has hit the post a few times more than usual, pretty silly stuff really. Form and stats are like the stock market, ignore the small ups and downs and look for long term trend lines. His are at about 45 degrees up.
If you take a small enough sample you can decide what you like. 4 games is a very small sample...
So to suggest he is down on confidence because he fumbled a ball or went to dish off 15m out then thought better of it or because he has hit the post a few times more than usual, pretty silly stuff really. Form and stats are like the stock market, ignore the small ups and downs and look for long term trend lines. His are at about 45 degrees up.

Very well thought out post. :thumbsu:

What's the old adage? Lies, damned lies and statistics...

Most small forwards are in and out of the game with bursts of impact. Jeffy's bursts are longer, more frequent, more explosive and more damaging than any other in the AFL right now. I still reckon he should be AA.
People are speculating over a downturn in numbers or maybe a few fumbles here and there, but I don't see anybody marking Garlett hard. Definitely seems to be more of an observation and discussion rather than any ill will towards him.

It would be much better if these more moderate observations could be discussed in terms of what you agree with and what you disagree with, without comment on how silly a poster has been. Save those comments for those that talk about our players spudding it up, not being up to it, being a disgrace to the jumper, or needing to be dropped without articulating why. Otherwise, it just turns into a tense thread with people looking to feel superior to each other.

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ODN, I have never apologised for being pedantic, acerbic or abrasive. I wear such terms as a badge of honor. And if one was to rate my performance I reckon I have pulled up short in this thread. I didnt call the poster silly, I call the criteria for drawing the conclusion that Jeffs form or confidence is down silly. Such things that have so many meanings attributed to them that are unmeasurable. The game at Jeff speed is lightning, at times he will fumble, at times he will make the wrong call, at times he will miss from 15m out. So what? But keep apologising for people that find the need to read stuff (that in all probabilities isnt there and even if it was how would any of us know) into everything will only encourage them to do so. The very best psychology is borderline voodoo babble at best so allowing posters to indulge in it is, for me, open season. I say lets debate real stats, real happenings, real events not rubbish. But like I said in a previous post, "its your world boss".

Personally I think he has pulled his deltoidicus phalange....shocker.
ODN, I have never apologised for being pedantic, acerbic or abrasive. I wear such terms as a badge of honor. And if one was to rate my performance I reckon I have pulled up short in this thread. I didnt call the poster silly, I call the criteria for drawing the conclusion that Jeffs form or confidence is down silly. Such things that have so many meanings attributed to them that are unmeasurable. The game at Jeff speed is lightning, at times he will fumble, at times he will make the wrong call, at times he will miss from 15m out. So what? But keep apologising for people that find the need to read stuff (that in all probabilities isnt there and even if it was how would any of us know) into everything will only encourage them to do so. The very best psychology is borderline voodoo babble at best so allowing posters to indulge in it is, for me, open season. I say lets debate real stats, real happenings, real events not rubbish. But like I said in a previous post, "its your world boss".

Personally I think he has pulled his deltoidicus phalange....shocker.

Not everybody is prone to assessing the ramifications of each turn of phrase before pressing submit, and there is no particular high brow directive on these boards that force them to do so.

We have set the bar at a certain level and you think it should be set higher. Many others think it should be set lower.

We certainly don't want to be exclusive here and we don't want posters who are well intentioned, to be belittled because some posters would not express themselves in that way.

I hold the opinion that there was nothing derogatory or mischievous about the poster's observation, and as such there is no need to get into a big to and fro about their right to hold that opinion. Everybody is entitled to disagree with any post however, but they should be playing the ball, not the man.

We get accused of censoring negative posters and we get taken to task for allowing negative posts. I wonder how much intelligence it takes for posters to realise we can not please you all, and that we are trying to strike a balance, partly from our own experiences and partly from the wishes of BigFooty overall? At which point do posters just concentrate on the material and accept that some calls will go for them and some will go against them, and highlighting every single one of them, doesn't necessarily make them 'internet forum smart'?

We spend far too much time discussing structure of posts, and it takes away from actual discussion. If anybody has an issue with an opinion expressed, we are only too happy to take a look at it and provide a response via PM if it is asked for.

Contrary to popular belief, we are not serving ourselves here. Just constantly refining and evaluating the interests of the forum.

Many of the things we allow or don't allow do not necessarily match our opinions as posters. Very little is arbitrary and we discuss amongst ourselves regularly.

Can we move on now or is the thread a total bust?
ODN, I have never apologised for being pedantic, acerbic or abrasive. I wear such terms as a badge of honor.

The very best psychology is borderline voodoo babble at best so allowing posters to indulge in it is, for me, open season. I say lets debate real stats, real happenings, real events not rubbish. But like I said in a previous post, "its your world boss".

Personally I think he has pulled his deltoidicus phalange....shocker.

With comments like that I can't see any honor associated with your "badges".
I sure hope I don't receive any of them in my members pack in a few years when, I too become a 40 year member
Well knock me over with feather. I can't believe a comment suggesting that I thought that he was second guessing himself has changed the landscape of the thread.

Having played the majority of my time as a footballers as a forward pocket, second guessing yourself comes not in facial expressions (therefore I can not provide you 40YearBlue with pictorial evidence), but in actual fact decision making. Do I hit the pack front and square, do I think the fall of the ball will be to the side of the contest, behind the contest, do I take a shot instinctively, do I look to pass off first at every opportunity, do I take the initiative and lead first or will I get in the way of another forward? And as such an observation that I have made on Buzz is exactly that above.

You would have to be silly not to see that Buzz isn't showing that same zest that he was showing when in AA form pre Collingwood game. Hey I'm not suggesting that his current output is Bullants grade, rather just below what we have seen from him this year.

You don't have to dissect like a rat in a science class every comment I make for the sake of pushing your own agenda. You know exactly what I meant and if you don't like it, don't read it & move on.

Anyway, I just to bring this back to normality if I can, I am super pleased with the news about Buzz.
ODN, I have never apologised for being pedantic, acerbic or abrasive. I wear such terms as a badge of honor. And if one was to rate my performance I reckon I have pulled up short in this thread. I didnt call the poster silly, I call the criteria for drawing the conclusion that Jeffs form or confidence is down silly. Such things that have so many meanings attributed to them that are unmeasurable. The game at Jeff speed is lightning, at times he will fumble, at times he will make the wrong call, at times he will miss from 15m out. So what? But keep apologising for people that find the need to read stuff (that in all probabilities isnt there and even if it was how would any of us know) into everything will only encourage them to do so. The very best psychology is borderline voodoo babble at best so allowing posters to indulge in it is, for me, open season. I say lets debate real stats, real happenings, real events not rubbish. But like I said in a previous post, "its your world boss".

Personally I think he has pulled his deltoidicus phalange....shocker. are those axis 2, cluster B personality traits working our for you then? :eek:
I'm the camp that says he's lost that loving feeling. He looks a bit shaky to me, and I think that's mostly down to additional attention. From a team perspective, the focus on Jeff has freed up Eddie, so it's all evened out really.

Good news that Garlett will be around for years to come. I think he's a player who can continue to improve by adding size, fitness and confidence. His defensive pressure is fantastic, and keeps him relevant in the game even when the ball isn't bouncing his way.
I'm the camp that says he's lost that loving feeling. He looks a bit shaky to me, and I think that's mostly down to additional attention. From a team perspective, the focus on Jeff has freed up Eddie, so it's all evened out really.
Three of those little paddle, rove and snap goals would fix that right up. ;)
Three of those little paddle, rove and snap goals would fix that right up. ;)
It will happen. He's thereabouts. He had that nice one handed gather and goal against the Hawks in the last quarter.
It will happen. He's thereabouts. He had that nice one handed gather and goal against the Hawks in the last quarter.
He always looks dangerous, and has had a fair bit of bad luck come his way.

Certainly not panic stations yet.
Garlett's new goal
''It's good to have the contract all done. To have it for another three years gives me a good opportunity to make something good happen here,'' said Garlett, who has spent brief stints higher up the ground this year.

''I love the forward line and I'd love to stay there, but I'm also trying to change my game up. I need to probably start to get up on a wing or make myself more of a midfielder, just to mix it up and have the knowledge in me so that when they need me there I naturally know what to do.

''To have the opportunity to spend more time in there would be good, but I've got to get used to different opposition, the bodies, and just getting first hands to the ball - and endurance, I have to get my endurance up and be able to run games out better, just like all the midfielders do.''
Garlett's new goal
Yaz on one wing, Jeffy on the other?

Excuse me for a moment.


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News Jeff Garlett has re-signed for 3 years

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