Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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Exactly how have your "Human Rights" been grossly breached?
Bumpswithagrin is a QANON follower. Got completely sucked in by it.

They’re going to just parrot all the crap from deadshits in the US.
Bumpswithagrin is a QANON follower. Got completely sucked in by it.

They’re going to just parrot all the crap from deadshits in the US.

As funny as that appears I reckon old Jeffrey's latest tweets have been skating on the edges of QAnon conspiracy and its certainly no secret that is how many on the conservative side of politics roll these days. Could be time for the club to ask him to step down while he gets himself sorted. There isn't an organisation (private or public) in the country that would let him get away with what he is doing. Except political organisations. I reckon that is where we are at and the club needs to act. As far as I am concerned Kennett has made his choice.

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For mine, the issue isn’t about Dan Andrews, continued lockdowns, etc. and whether you agree or don’t agree. The issue is that Jeff is THE top dog of the club and at times when he is giving his “opinion” he does so with Hawk memorabilia clearly in place, wearing hawk colours and introduced at times as Hawthorn President. His twitter profile clearly displays who he represents (even if it does appear we are a distant thought), so it’s not a long bow to draw, that his views could also be interpreted to be the that of the HFC given the silence from the club.

Why do we think Beyond Blue are distancing themselves from his comments.

I’m sure this wouldn’t be sitting well internally and looking at his subsequent tweets, he has been told, but who is it with any real authority or even a voice strong enough to be listened too that will tell him to STFU or stand down so that he can stand on his soapbox all day and sprout whatever flipping bullshit he likes.

Being smug and asking for membership numbers during a threepeat may have seen him getting away with not giving two ****s about membership numbers, but when you are two years into a pandemic, paying for something you aren’t getting value from and finishing in the bottom half of the ladder for consecutive years, is not a good time to be testing your market. Time will tell I suppose.

He is divisive and that’s not what you want or need from a President during a time when everyone should be working together in trying to work out an outcome that works for all parties rather than politicising the issue at every opportunity
This pretty much sums up the problem from my perspective. He now seems to be saying that if you don't like him and his carrying on then you can basically get stuffed. Not just anybody but club members. Is he suggesting that he is bigger than the club and that he and he alone says what goes at the club? That he can do as he likes because he is not accountable to anyone? Does he think he owns the club? Everyone at HFC just follows his orders? Because it does look like the bigger problem at the club is a cultural one.

For mine, the issue isn’t about Dan Andrews, continued lockdowns, etc. and whether you agree or don’t agree. The issue is that Jeff is THE top dog of the club and at times when he is giving his “opinion” he does so with Hawk memorabilia clearly in place, wearing hawk colours and introduced at times as Hawthorn President. His twitter profile clearly displays who he represents (even if it does appear we are a distant thought), so it’s not a long bow to draw, that his views could also be interpreted to be the that of the HFC given the silence from the club.

Why do we think Beyond Blue are distancing themselves from his comments.

I’m sure this wouldn’t be sitting well internally and looking at his subsequent tweets, he has been told, but who is it with any real authority or even a voice strong enough to be listened too that will tell him to STFU or stand down so that he can stand on his soapbox all day and sprout whatever f*n bullshit he likes.

Being smug and asking for membership numbers during a threepeat may have seen him getting away with not giving two fu**s about membership numbers, but when you are two years into a pandemic, paying for something you aren’t getting value from and finishing in the bottom half of the ladder for consecutive years, is not a good time to be testing your market. Time will tell I suppose.

He is divisive and that’s not what you want or need from a President during a time when everyone should be working together in trying to work out an outcome that works for all parties rather than politicising the issue at every opportunity
Geez, the vitriol is quite disgusting really but social media allows it all.
His legacy may of been tarnished but when we were a rudderless train wreck he helped the club big time.
Sure, his time is done but for ffs give him some

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Let’s just suggest, had he not endorsed his mate, highly incompetent Essendon supporting former HFC auditor Richard Garvey in the first place, we would not be in this position.

The self appointed king of good governance, would not have had to change the constitution to allow him a second term.
No this is an usual unbalanced view about Jeff where everything he does at the hfc boils down to only the things that you observe about him outside of the hfc. There are plenty of members that are neither strongly behind or strongly against him that support the way the hfc is being run
More is the pity. Those quiet Australians, sorry HFC members, get what they deserve !!!!

Again I say, I dont care if a former Labor Premier was in Kennett’s position, his actions are clear breaches of the conflict of interest philosophy. The HFC should not be his play thing, he has far greater responsibility to it.
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He’s not speaking as club president. He’s speaking as a private citizen. You’re a club member. Does that mean you no longer have the right to speak?

Awfully convenient rules, if not.

You all have no idea what I’ve lost to this lockdown. No idea what my children have lost. You have no idea of my and my family’s exposure to covid. If there is one man in this state with the courage to speak against the insanity we face from 18 months of a one month emergency order then I’m utterly thankful there is at least one.

He gets to speak his mind. He never brings hawthorn into the discussion. Trying to silence him and condemning large parts of Victoria to utter misery is disgraceful.
And similarly you have no funking idea what the rest of us may have been going through.

My pregnant daughter is locked down in NSW, away from family and unable to access many of the usual supports like mums groups, etc.

But I'm 100% supportive of how the Vic government is handling things atm.

And if Andrews was our prez, I'd be pissed if he undermined the health messaging and policies of the government.

So go fiddle yourself.
Hawthorn have a new GM of Corp Affairs who is out of Andrews office as well - I'd hope he's got the heft or the backing to tell Jeff to shut up or at the very least not just post random stuff on Twitter
Hawthorn have a new GM of Corp Affairs who is out of Andrews office as well - I'd hope he's got the heft or the backing to tell Jeff to shut up or at the very least not just post random stuff on Twitter
We don’t need any more ex pollies
More is the pity. Those quiet Australians, sorry HFC members, get what they deserve !!!!

Again I say, I dont care if a former Labor Premier was in Kennett’s position, his actions are clear breaches of the conflict of interest philosophy. The HFC should not be his play thing, he has far greater responsibility to it.
Or alternatively maybe they are both patient and secure in the knowledge he is moving on at the end of next year anyway and the value in agitating for change is non-existent (or quite possibly doing more harm than good to the club). Look to the future and find the right successor rather than gather the masses and pitchforks for a good old public lynching. Fwiw my view on Kennett is very similar to what my view on clarko was, we are due for change.

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  • Roles Within a Club - Chairperson / President

An effective chairperson/president needs to be:
  1. Well informed on all club activities: for example, know about the club's current financial position, each of the programs run by the club, who is in charge of them and the number of teams within the club.
  2. Aware of the future directions and plans of the club: for example, to build new amenities.
  3. Have a good working knowledge: familiarity with the constitution, club rules and duties of office bearers and committees.
  4. Manage committees and/or executive meetings: ensure that all matters are discussed and the best decisions made, without lengthy meetings. See more about Meetings.
  5. Chair the club's annual general meeting: see that the agenda is followed, all business is completed, awards or presentations made and speakers welcomed.
  6. Represent the club at local and regional levels: for example, a meeting called by your league or council.
  7. A supportive leader for all club members: listen to other people's suggestions (not just the committee members) and act on them.
  8. A facilitator for club activities: encourages and motivate members to ensure that planned activities go ahead.
  9. Prepared to ensure planning and budgeting occurs: planning and budgeting for the future should be carried out in accordance with the wishes of the club members. See Club Planning and Finance.
A good chairperson should be able to:
  • Lead without controlling
  • Involve club members in decisions that affect them
  • Stimulate balanced discussion
  • Time meetings to finish on time
  • Encourage focused discussion and keep meetings on track
  • Negotiate successfully between members and LISTEN
Whether or not you agree or disagree with Jeff's positions on the things he comments about outside of football, it is now to the point that it's making his position as president untenable. I was happy for him to have his two lives, politics and presidency, but it's not befitting of the club president to have those lines intersect as often as they do.
All I hope is that there is someone or a group of someone’s putting together a candidate for dec 2022

and what do they have to do to get it moving? Jeff is a master manipulator with lots of media puppets, or the media are very wary / scared of him. He will play dirty and will come out swinging if someone / group try’s to kick him out, but it must be done.
Next post in this thread about Liberal or Labor policy in government will see red without any further warning.

Enough is enough.
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Can we just wheel out an ex Hawthorn player to get the ball rolling ?

I norminate Dermie for president :p

High profile, switched on Hawthorn supporter would be good. I don't think we should go down the path of ex players, especially if they're active in the media.
Would Geoff Harris come back as president. He was Vice President at one point.

I'm not sure why he moved on, he did donate a swag of money for Dingley, too.
Crikey, he’s worth $851 million

He should buy Dingley as his play thing!

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Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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