Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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Then why say anything?
As I’ve said, I want him gone
But when he says nothing, posters on here whinge that we don’t get updates, when he says ‘something’ posters on here whinge that he says too much.

**** me, someone whinged a little while back about no Dingley updates. A couple of days later there was an update telling us where we were at & the same poster then whinged that ‘Jeff’ hadn’t delivered on ‘HIS’ promise of Dingley, expecting ‘Jeff’ to build Dingley in the middle of a global pandemic.

This poster wasn’t on his own with his/her thoughts.
Fcuking sheep

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As I’ve said, I want him gone
But when he says nothing, posters on here whinge that we don’t get updates, when he says ‘something’ posters on here whinge that he says too much.

fu** me, someone whinged a little while back about no Dingley updates. A couple of days later there was an update telling us where we were at & the same poster then whinged that ‘Jeff’ hadn’t delivered on ‘HIS’ promise of Dingley, expecting ‘Jeff’ to build Dingley in the middle of a global pandemic.

This poster wasn’t on his own with his/her thoughts.
Fcuking sheep
So just because some folk can't prosecute a decent argument or have a vendetta we should absolve Kennett from all his sins?

Get real mate - your "I want Kennett gone" sounds very much like "I'm not a racist but.."

People (they are not ****ing sheep) need to wake up to the fact that the President is costing the club millions of dollars each year.

He is no longer the Emporer who who wore no clothes, he worked that out some time ago - he has stared us down and we are too embarrassed to call out his substantial shortcomings.
He has made himself an easy target.
He’s an old fool that needs replacing.

But you can’t deny that sheep are jumping over each other to post more sh*t than what’s actually occurred

Someone reads more into it than what was actually said & posts about it, let’s follow em

Stop calling your fellow supporters sheep, it's a shit attitude. People are allowed to agree with each other.
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As I’ve said, I want him gone
But when he says nothing, posters on here whinge that we don’t get updates, when he says ‘something’ posters on here whinge that he says too much.

fu** me, someone whinged a little while back about no Dingley updates. A couple of days later there was an update telling us where we were at & the same poster then whinged that ‘Jeff’ hadn’t delivered on ‘HIS’ promise of Dingley, expecting ‘Jeff’ to build Dingley in the middle of a global pandemic.

This poster wasn’t on his own with his/her thoughts.
Fcuking sheep

Yeah I’m such a sheep mate. Much to the contrary of your whinging about whinging without context - I posted a lengthy post a few weeks back with a decent list of Jeff’s failures that I’m get to get any well thought out rebuttal to.

Pretty sure our back and forth was also with me providing context to my point with, you know, facts and things. But now you just get to characterise our dialogue as me being a sheep. You ended this dialogue with something along the lines of ‘okay then’ - so you just end the dialogue with a pithy reply and come here weeks later to play the ‘he’s a sheep’ card - haha, **** off. If you can’t finish an argument feel free not to start it.

Dingley was announced in late 2016 - it’s now 5 years later and state government funding hasn’t been secured. How is that not a failing of the present president?

You can stamp your feet about Covid all you want - Covid is ~18 months old. At this point Dingley was still well behind in both funding and build progress in early 2020.

I pointed you in the direction of Fremantle’s new facility that was not quite as large but certainly nearly as expensive as our project that was announced in late 2012 and Fremantle moved into in early 2017. This is when you shut down any response only to call me a sheep weeks later.

Dingley has almost always been behind schedule. Dingley still isn’t funded, including state government funding. The local government funding is also tied to approval of state government funding. Also love that you’re content of an update being a throwaway line in an email. ‘When it is built in 2023’ - oh, well I’m sold. Jeff said it in an email so it must be going to happen! I mean he laid out a vision saying we’d have 100,000 members and 2 more flags at the end of next year and look how well that’s going! Glad you’re so keen to take him at his word - sadly I judge his actions and that’s not as good an appraisal for Jeff as his abundance of words.
Dingley in itself is reason enough to question the performance of jeff and the board. His criticism of the govt has 100% compromised our chance of accessing funding.

I know this space intimately - you need all the stars aligned to have success in accessing funding. You can comply with all the bureaucratic processes around applications but if you don’t have broad ministerial support (incl. the premier) you are dead in the water.

There are so many different priorities for govt that they are looking for a reason to knock requests back. Something like dingley would be viewed as discretionary compared to say covid recovery, mental health, education etc.

does he think the govt will change next year and we will have a different outcome or does he just not prioritize hawthorns interests? Even if the govt changed (50/50) I reckon, the libs will be reining in expenditure and we will be in a worse position.

I think Jeff knows he is hurting our interests and just doesn’t care. Is our board so spineless or impotent that they can’t rein him in? Are we as members happy to accept this?

I liked Jeff 1.0 as president. This time around it’s all about him.
He’s running a business that I’m sure you would like to see turn a profit.
Not from pokies
He's whinging during a pandemic that he hasn't been able to fleece people for the benfit of a multi million dollar Sport club
As I’ve said, I want him gone
But when he says nothing, posters on here whinge that we don’t get updates, when he says ‘something’ posters on here whinge that he says too much.

fu** me, someone whinged a little while back about no Dingley updates. A couple of days later there was an update telling us where we were at & the same poster then whinged that ‘Jeff’ hadn’t delivered on ‘HIS’ promise of Dingley, expecting ‘Jeff’ to build Dingley in the middle of a global pandemic.

This poster wasn’t on his own with his/her thoughts.
Fcuking sheep
If Tassie Cryptic thinks Nash gets 'hate' he should visit this thread for some real perspective.
Hopefully my ‘intrusion’ can be taken for the good spirit intended. I thought I would provide some thoughts and an outsiders perspective.

Up front, I declare I’m a conservative voter and vote Liberal. I was a supporter of Jeff (the Premier) and initially believed he took up the reigns from great previous Presidents in Dicker and Bewbold with relative success.

However I must concur with the majority view here on the Kennett performance over the past 2-3 years.

Hawthorn are a great club. No question. 3 years ago they were highly successful and the competitions yardstick. Winning premierships, boasting 80,000+ members and growing, delivering huge profits with a landmark strategic plan to build a massive facility at Dingley, setting up this club as the AFL leader. It appeared ready to capitalise on its onfield success by converting to huge ongoing growth in its fanbase, led by its mantra as ‘the family club’ playing at the MCG.

However, in my view the club has to a degree has lost its way and is squandering this unique opportunity to capitalise on its on field success.

Unfortunately Jeff appears to be a central figure in its plight. His confrontational nature appears to have hurt the clubs relationship with HQ. This has led to an unfavourable fixture which has hurt its efforts to generate huge crowds at the MCG and grow its fanbase. It’s Tassie relationship now appears strained and short term, having Essendon turn UTAS Stadium into a sea of red and back last June a defining moment for the Hawks. Whilst it delivers great sponsorship and membership income, the growth and future playing games in Tassie now arguably contradicts the bigger strategic opportunity of becoming a ‘big 4/5’ club at the MCG.

The Dingley HQ now appears a financial albatross for the club now questioning whether the sheer scale of the project is going to be worth it. It will unlikely deliver a financial ROI, its location isn’t fan friendly and the size and scale of the facility contradicts what is generally accepted as needed in the current AFL environment. As a reference, Melbourne just win the flag without a home base! Extreme example but certainly noteworthy. The days of clubs seining their d…s over the size and cost of their facility may be now past, as Peter Jackson indicated last year..

Interesting times for the Hawks. It just removed the best coach in the AFL in a move that still could be proven to be correct. However, at best it was mishandled and certainly not handled in the manner we expect from Hawthorn.

It needs to be honest about the Dingkey base and what it should look like or it could become the greatest misuse of funds in the clubs history. And in my view, it needs to end the Tasmanian project and try and get back to growing its grass roots support at the MCG.

Some thoughts only. I may be wrong however there’s certainly enough there for a good discussion about where Hawthorn goes from here.

Back to Jeff. The club isn’t tracking well to its current strategic plan. Given this, along with the above issues emerging and becoming a weight on the clubs in and off field prospects, maybe it’s time the club expedited efforts to find the next Chaurperson to ensure this great club gets itself back on track and acting like the Hawthorn we’ve grown accustomed to.
Hopefully my ‘intrusion’ can be taken for the good spirit intended. I thought I would provide some thoughts and an outsiders perspective.

Up front, I declare I’m a conservative voter and vote Liberal. I was a supporter of Jeff (the Premier) and initially believed he took up the reigns from great previous Presidents in Dicker and Bewbold with relative success.

However I must concur with the majority view here on the Kennett performance over the past 2-3 years.

Hawthorn are a great club. No question. 3 years ago they were highly successful and the competitions yardstick. Winning premierships, boasting 80,000+ members and growing, delivering huge profits with a landmark strategic plan to build a massive facility at Dingley, setting up this club as the AFL leader. It appeared ready to capitalise on its onfield success by converting to huge ongoing growth in its fanbase, led by its mantra as ‘the family club’ playing at the MCG.

However, in my view the club has to a degree has lost its way and is squandering this unique opportunity to capitalise on its on field success.

Unfortunately Jeff appears to be a central figure in its plight. His confrontational nature appears to have hurt the clubs relationship with HQ. This has led to an unfavourable fixture which has hurt its efforts to generate huge crowds at the MCG and grow its fanbase. It’s Tassie relationship now appears strained and short term, having Essendon turn UTAS Stadium into a sea of red and back last June a defining moment for the Hawks. Whilst it delivers great sponsorship and membership income, the growth and future playing games in Tassie now arguably contradicts the bigger strategic opportunity of becoming a ‘big 4/5’ club at the MCG.

The Dingley HQ now appears a financial albatross for the club now questioning whether the sheer scale of the project is going to be worth it. It will unlikely deliver a financial ROI, its location isn’t fan friendly and the size and scale of the facility contradicts what is generally accepted as needed in the current AFL environment. As a reference, Melbourne just win the flag without a home base! Extreme example but certainly noteworthy. The days of clubs seining their d…s over the size and cost of their facility may be now past, as Peter Jackson indicated last year..

Interesting times for the Hawks. It just removed the best coach in the AFL in a move that still could be proven to be correct. However, at best it was mishandled and certainly not handled in the manner we expect from Hawthorn.

It needs to be honest about the Dingkey base and what it should look like or it could become the greatest misuse of funds in the clubs history. And in my view, it needs to end the Tasmanian project and try and get back to growing its grass roots support at the MCG.

Some thoughts only. I may be wrong however there’s certainly enough there for a good discussion about where Hawthorn goes from here.

Back to Jeff. The club isn’t tracking well to its current strategic plan. Given this, along with the above issues emerging and becoming a weight on the clubs in and off field prospects, maybe it’s time the club expedited efforts to find the next Chaurperson to ensure this great club gets itself back on track and acting like the Hawthorn we’ve grown accustomed to.
Some good points and I agree with almost all of it, except for the comments regarding Dingley. Yes, costs may seem extravagant, however this is a facility that is preparing us for the next 20+ years in an area of continued growth. The business plan stacks up. There are challenges now but I’m confident it will pay dividends.
Yeah I’m such a sheep mate. Much to the contrary of your whinging about whinging without context - I posted a lengthy post a few weeks back with a decent list of Jeff’s failures that I’m get to get any well thought out rebuttal to.

Pretty sure our back and forth was also with me providing context to my point with, you know, facts and things. But now you just get to characterise our dialogue as me being a sheep. You ended this dialogue with something along the lines of ‘okay then’ - so you just end the dialogue with a pithy reply and come here weeks later to play the ‘he’s a sheep’ card - haha, fu** off. If you can’t finish an argument feel free not to start it.

Dingley was announced in late 2016 - it’s now 5 years later and state government funding hasn’t been secured. How is that not a failing of the present president?

You can stamp your feet about Covid all you want - Covid is ~18 months old. At this point Dingley was still well behind in both funding and build progress in early 2020.

I pointed you in the direction of Fremantle’s new facility that was not quite as large but certainly nearly as expensive as our project that was announced in late 2012 and Fremantle moved into in early 2017. This is when you shut down any response only to call me a sheep weeks later.

Dingley has almost alwa

Hey, Ned, you speak with some authority, so let me add something from my own experience

I’ve been involved in 2 large property developments, and have a third in the pipeline. My clients are not clubs but companies with substance, and have employees with expertise.

1. The CEO is the person with the responsibility for the project, not some part-time, unpaid president.

2. No project starts without detailed expert reports from town planners, surveyors, various types of engineers, architects, accountants and lawyers BEFORE it starts. And each of them is continuously involved throughout the project afterwards.

3. There is no limit on the number of problems you strike as it progresses. You have to deal with local councils, state and federal government agencies, and local community groups. Somehow, none of these organisations seem to appreciate the importance and urgency of your project.

4. Then you have delays in approvals, environmental problems, objections, legal challenges, VCAT hearings, etc, etc. I won’t go into the full boring details.

The projects I did took 4 & 5 years respectively, the second finished in 2019 just before Covid hit. The 3rd has been totally bogged down for 2 years now, we’re just waiting for the lockdown to end to progress.

I want Jeff gone, if there was a way to backdate his sacking to 2018, I’d be happy.

But I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.


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1. The CEO is the person with the responsibility for the project, not some part-time, unpaid president.

2. No project starts without detailed expert reports from town planners, surveyors, various types of engineers, architects, accountants and lawyers BEFORE it starts. And each of them is continuously involved throughout the project afterwards.

3. There is no limit on the number of problems you strike as it progresses. You have to deal with local councils, state and federal government agencies, and local community groups. Somehow, none of these organisations seem to appreciate the importance and urgency of your project.

4. Then you have delays in approvals, environmental problems, objections, legal challenges, VCAT hearings, etc, etc. I won’t go into the full boring details.

The projects I did took 4 & 5 years respectively, the second finished in 2019 just before Covid hit. The 3rd has been totally bogged down for 2 years now, we’re just waiting for the lockdown to end to progress.

In defense of Ned, I do know a bit about property development and the pitfalls of project completion.

At the risk of stating the obvious: you're in private enterprise working with high level professionals. Now imagine your client was run by Jeff, who appears to be something of a control freak with some serious political baggage and the wrong kind of media profile. He also has a well documented history of conflict, in a lot of different directions.

So if you think things can go sideways organically during a development, imagine operating with that in the mix while you're navigating so many interest groups and beauracracies.

FWIW I think Ned is right, and that he doesn't have to know the particulars to arrive at his conclusion.
As I’ve said, I want him gone
But when he says nothing, posters on here whinge that we don’t get updates, when he says ‘something’ posters on here whinge that he says too much.

fu** me, someone whinged a little while back about no Dingley updates. A couple of days later there was an update telling us where we were at & the same poster then whinged that ‘Jeff’ hadn’t delivered on ‘HIS’ promise of Dingley, expecting ‘Jeff’ to build Dingley in the middle of a global pandemic.

This poster wasn’t on his own with his/her thoughts.
Fcuking sheep

Maybe he could just give a Dingley update and shut up about list management.

He is giving Cochrane a run for his money.
Hopefully my ‘intrusion’ can be taken for the good spirit intended. I thought I would provide some thoughts and an outsiders perspective.

Up front, I declare I’m a conservative voter and vote Liberal. I was a supporter of Jeff (the Premier) and initially believed he took up the reigns from great previous Presidents in Dicker and Bewbold with relative success.

However I must concur with the majority view here on the Kennett performance over the past 2-3 years.

Hawthorn are a great club. No question. 3 years ago they were highly successful and the competitions yardstick. Winning premierships, boasting 80,000+ members and growing, delivering huge profits with a landmark strategic plan to build a massive facility at Dingley, setting up this club as the AFL leader. It appeared ready to capitalise on its onfield success by converting to huge ongoing growth in its fanbase, led by its mantra as ‘the family club’ playing at the MCG.

However, in my view the club has to a degree has lost its way and is squandering this unique opportunity to capitalise on its on field success.

Unfortunately Jeff appears to be a central figure in its plight. His confrontational nature appears to have hurt the clubs relationship with HQ. This has led to an unfavourable fixture which has hurt its efforts to generate huge crowds at the MCG and grow its fanbase. It’s Tassie relationship now appears strained and short term, having Essendon turn UTAS Stadium into a sea of red and back last June a defining moment for the Hawks. Whilst it delivers great sponsorship and membership income, the growth and future playing games in Tassie now arguably contradicts the bigger strategic opportunity of becoming a ‘big 4/5’ club at the MCG.

The Dingley HQ now appears a financial albatross for the club now questioning whether the sheer scale of the project is going to be worth it. It will unlikely deliver a financial ROI, its location isn’t fan friendly and the size and scale of the facility contradicts what is generally accepted as needed in the current AFL environment. As a reference, Melbourne just win the flag without a home base! Extreme example but certainly noteworthy. The days of clubs seining their d…s over the size and cost of their facility may be now past, as Peter Jackson indicated last year..

Interesting times for the Hawks. It just removed the best coach in the AFL in a move that still could be proven to be correct. However, at best it was mishandled and certainly not handled in the manner we expect from Hawthorn.

It needs to be honest about the Dingkey base and what it should look like or it could become the greatest misuse of funds in the clubs history. And in my view, it needs to end the Tasmanian project and try and get back to growing its grass roots support at the MCG.

Some thoughts only. I may be wrong however there’s certainly enough there for a good discussion about where Hawthorn goes from here.

Back to Jeff. The club isn’t tracking well to its current strategic plan. Given this, along with the above issues emerging and becoming a weight on the clubs in and off field prospects, maybe it’s time the club expedited efforts to find the next Chaurperson to ensure this great club gets itself back on track and acting like the Hawthorn we’ve grown accustomed to.

100 per cent spot on.

Unfortunately this version of Jeff has been pretty consistent since about 2010.

He was a fabulous President up until the 2008 premiership but since then his proven track record (including choice of CEOs and directors) has led a lot to be essired
Some good points and I agree with almost all of it, except for the comments regarding Dingley. Yes, costs may seem extravagant, however this is a facility that is preparing us for the next 20+ years in an area of continued growth. The business plan stacks up. There are challenges now but I’m confident it will pay dividends.

Where is our ROI at Dingley?

Is it alarming that we purchased the land parcel with no development expertise in the executive or on the board?
100 per cent spot on.

Unfortunately this version of Jeff has been pretty consistent since about 2010.

He was a fabulous President up until the 2008 premiership but since then his proven track record (including choice of CEOs and directors) has led a lot to be essired
I agree he's got much worse in recent years and the management side of the club has been much poorer. Irrespective of whether you think he's a di*khead or not, one of the major problems with Jeff is that he is a wrecking ball, that's what he does best. His political career showed he can only scramble eggs, never make an omelet. Our club needs a less divisive, more constructive leader. I hate having to cringe all he time when he says stupid sh*t in the media.
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Mark Hawthorne, the spokesman for the group pushing the board challenge, “Hawks for change,” said: “We respect what Jeff Kennett has done for the Hawthorn Football Club, but after four years of his second presidency we are no longer close to finding his successor and could not be further from a premiership.

At the same time, we need to rebuild our relationships with the AFL, the state government and many of our past players,

“It’s for this reason we support board renewal at Hawthorn.″⁣

They’re not try to spill the board.

I like it.

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Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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