Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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I do find it funny that this was selectively forgotten:

That's very interesting, and something I dont think I have ever seen in AFL before (I certainly cant remember something like that). It does suggest that this particular security official is unaware of the "rules and norms" of the sport and an AFL match.

I wonder what instruction this official was given, and by whom?
I see how you claim it is racist, but you're wrong. His argument isn't that the colour of their skin (ie, "brown people can't make good decisions because they are brown") makes them unable to police footy crowds skilfully but that their newness to the country and the game means they are unprepared. His argument is that they are not in a position to judge crowd behaviour because they are unexperienced in Aussie, specifically game day footy, culture.
Carl, how does he know that they are new to the country? Because they look a particular way?

Are you getting it yet?

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Judge to Jeff. You have been somewhat hazardous in you comments do you have any evidence to back up your crudely spoken claims?

Jeff. I present exhibit A.

What are you questioning?

That I'm judging Jeff?

That I'm judging the security guards?
The life of a Hawks supporter since Friday


lol. Yep. Hasn't been that great, but things will improve.


The political correctness defence is the standard up yours that we hear from the right wing crusaders. From miserable One Nation politicians to the vile Newscorp haters and outrage peddlers. This response only confirms who and what Jeff Kennett is and he can't have it both ways. You are either a miserable right wing hate monger or you are president of a professional football club that has its foundation in community and inclusiveness. He needs to resign.
Pointing out the double standard which is pretty important given both Kenett and Headlands positions and the issue at hand, I thought you and Abasi stand against racism or is that only racism when you can collect good boy points?
Whitefella hasn’t been used as a term of dehunanisation in any of my dealings with people who use the word, so I moved on when I read your post.

“Hey, you’re white!”
The connotation of good health, great job prospects and good life expectancy doesn’t exactly yell “dehumanization” to me.

Now, if you’d used the word “gubba” I’d think it was to be taken as negative as it is often delivered with a negative slant.
Hope you guys don’t mind the intrusion but Jeff’s comment is dissapointing considering how professional and successful your club is run.

Hopefully he either made aware of the damage his comments can make to not only to the community but to his own players for racially profiling others.

Anyway good luck for the rest of the year it’s good to see that Jeff is being called out here despite being your president ...something the Collingwood supporters could learn from with Eddies behaviour over the years.
Stupid, stupid, stupid by Jeff.

Regardless if his comments were intended to derogatory or not, some people found them to be racist - end of matter.

Conversely, pragmatically/rationally/logically, his point (I believe) was to address, perhaps the lack of training, or nous? ...from the security team, which is a valid issue. Making a generalisation based on race was the incorrect way to go about it, from the president of our club, in the forum he chose to declare his opinion in. There was a much more tactile approach Jeff should of adopted.

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No, I was just using the vision to back Jeff's claim however crudely as they were made.

shouldn't have involved you.:thumbsu::rainbow:

Ah ok

Yes there are two separate issues here

The issue of the security guards & What Jeff said about the security guards
I'm sure Jeff didn't want his comments to be viewed as racist, and is distressed by the issue regarding how crowd behaviour is currently being policed, but if you have enough awareness to preface what you want to say with "I’m not being racist when I say this", then maybe you should completely revisit how you are going to argue your point.

It isn't acceptable for our club president to vilify a whole group of people based off of an unfounded assumption. He could have simply argued his point without bringing assumed race into it just by stating, it appears those employed as behavioural awareness officers lack an awareness or feel for what the atmosphere and acceptable behavioural practices are at AFL matches.
I had an aboriginal partner for almost 10 years. I watched as she was treated like a second class person time and time again in a lot of different scenarios.

I despise racism, and I'll call it out when I see it.

I live a minority life. Does my grievance armour trump yours? Or does the fact you once had a girlfriend illegitimise my opinion formed in the face of direct experience?

I like how this forum likes to throw around cards stamped with “ultimate moral authority” in order to squash debate and rebuttal. I’m perfectly satisfied that my card is satisfactory to justify my participation.
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And this is the broader societal impacts that Jeff’s comments have. Hence my disappointment.

I'm sure Jeff didn't want his comments to be viewed as racist, and is distressed by the issue regarding how crowd behaviour is currently being policed, but if you have enough awareness to preface what you want to say with "I’m not being racist when I say this", then maybe you should completely revisit how you are going to argue your point.

It isn't acceptable for our club president to vilify a whole group of people based off of an unfounded assumption. He could have simply argued his point without bringing assumed race into it just by stating, it appears those employed as behavioural awareness officers lack an awareness or feel for what the atmosphere and acceptable behavioural practices are at AFL matches.

It’s pretty easy nowadays to recklessly condemn someone as racist just because they may have used race as a means to distinguish.

I’m Asian and I couldn’t care two hoots. I think several of you need to jump off the hyper-PC bandwagon and lighten up a little ... or a lot.
If you can't see it by now, then you most likely never will.

What you just tried to argue as the reason why he didn't say anything racist, was actually a racist remark. To assume that someone is "unexperienced in Aussie" because they appear to be ethnic or have dark skin is a racist thing to say because you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that these people are any more or less Aussie than yourself. You are simply assuming that they aren't because of their appearance.

Now let me be clear, I have not called anyone a racist. I have simply said that they have made racist comments, in Jeff's case this problem can be fixed by apologizing to the security guards and to our fans and players, admitting that what he said was wrong and never doing it again to show that he learns from his mistakes.

If he fails to do this, then I think the club should take appropriate action. As at the very least he is being detrimental to our institution.

How do you think Coniglio would feel about Jeff's comments today? Being someone of Italian background, I think he would be questioning the values of our club if we don't call it out. Now that it could impact our ability to land a gun FA does it suddenly change the severity of the matter for you?

To what do you attribute my ignorance? My own immigrant status? Perhaps my half-immigrant children cloud my judgement.

I can now see a whole lot of reasons that all your assumptions about me completely outweigh my actual experience and beliefs. God, how did I ever come to a different opinion about bigotry and its affect on me? I’m such a fool.

Thanks for belittling me into a better place. Us immigrants are ignorant. It’s good you’re speaking for Cognilio as well and assuming his beliefs based solely on his name. I didn’t realise there was so much runway in ignorance and hypocrisy. I should have been listening to these arguments years ago rather just standing on my own feet and doing my best.

I’m such a fool. Thanks a million.

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Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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