MRP / Trib. Junior Rioli hit on Jordan Ridley

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Based on the footage I just don’t see how the impact can be graded severe. I know he was concussed, I get that and I am not trying to downplay it, but it is clearly just a glancing blow that must have hit him right on the point to cause a concussion. There is just no way that action can cause a “severe” impact. Not when you see some of the bumps that occur week in week out. Take the impact of the collision between Shiel and rozee. That was significantly higher impact to the head than this one and he bounced straight up. Very unlucky and no way worth 3 weeks.
And yet the rest of your post is dedicated to downplaying it. 😂😂
Couple of port fans trying to question the impact as “severe”.

Google will literally tell you that the definition of “impact” is “have/has a strong effect on someone or something”.
Ridley was literally concussed due to Rioli’s actions, whatever they may have been. That’s where severe “impact” comes from.
Dogs act by Rioli

our most important defender wil now miss against Lions

Do you think it would be helpful if you didn't misspell the first word of your post? Meanwhile the dirtiest act yesterday was whoever put his elbow through DBJ's face and gave away 50m.

pathetic post and exactly what I would expect from an Essendon supporter.

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Do you think it would be helpful if you didn't misspell the first word of your post? Meanwhile the dirtiest act yesterday was whoever put his elbow through DBJ's face and gave away 50m.

pathetic post and exactly what I would expect from an Essendon supporter.

Good to see you’re up in arms and upset over a one-letter typo from “dogs” to “dog”, but seemingly an off-ball cheap shot to concuss an unexpecting player is all fine and dandy with you?

Unfortunately ‘exactly what i would expect from a port supporter’.
Good to see you’re up in arms and upset over a one-letter typo from “dogs” to “dog”, but seemingly an off-ball cheap shot to concuss an unexpecting player is all fine and dandy with you?

Unfortunately ‘exactly what i would expect from a port supporter’.
Leave dogs out of it.
They're far nicer than us
Couple of port fans trying to question the impact as “severe”.

Google will literally tell you that the definition of “impact” is “have/has a strong effect on someone or something”.
Ridley was literally concussed due to Rioli’s actions, whatever they may have been. That’s where severe “impact” comes from.

As long as every case from here on that results in a concussion for whatever reason is rated as severe impact as well then no dramas.

The issue is that that won’t be the case. Still a lottery between what differentiates between high/severe and who it is.

The only determining factor in the impact being rated severe is the fact Ridley went of concussed. So therefor going forward, any action that results in a concussion has to be rated severe as well.
The most distressing thing out of all this is how far Essendon supporters have fallen.
Hundreds of Helen Lovejoys everywhere.
Clumsy by Rioli, not sure it was intentional at all, looks more like his right hand hits Ridleys neck/voice box that caused something painful enough for him to fall straight to the ground where his head hit. Just a really awkward sequence that sucks for both players.
Phew, lucky you’re reluctant to victim blame.

I truly am, but I just can’t see how such mild contact could possibly cause a concussion and the reaction to it is obviously delayed and exaggerated. I think it’s much more likely that he’s accidentally hurt himself when he hit the ground.

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I truly am, but I just can’t see how such mild contact could possibly cause a concussion and the reaction to it is obviously delayed and exaggerated. I think it’s much more likely that he’s accidentally hurt himself when he hit the ground.
It doesn't take much to concuss.
Just catch them right.

Its unfortunate. But as with the tackling this year, if you put the head at risk you're in trouble
Good to see you’re up in arms and upset over a one-letter typo from “dogs” to “dog”, but seemingly an off-ball cheap shot to concuss an unexpecting player is all fine and dandy with you?

Unfortunately ‘exactly what i would expect from a port supporter’.

Absolutely pathetic nuffy territory from you guys. He hardly touched him. He ran a screen to slow Ridley down and it's not even clear from the footage if he hit him, but if he did (personally I think he did), he hardly touched him. To describe it as a 'dog act' for a very clearly accidental and innocuous 'hit' highlights how much of a bunch of meatheads you guys are. I stand by the comment. Whoever put DBJ to the goal line was 10x dirtier than Rioli. The difference is DBJ doesn't have a history of concussion and Ridley does. If you want to post nuffy level comments unchallenged, you can do so on your own board.
Absolutely pathetic nuffy territory from you guys. He hardly touched him. He ran a screen to slow Ridley down and it's not even clear from the footage if he hit him, but if he did (personally I think he did), he hardly touched him. To describe it as a 'dog act' for a very clearly accidental and innocuous 'hit' highlights how much of a bunch of meatheads you guys are. I stand by the comment. Whoever put DBJ to the goal line was 10x dirtier than Rioli. The difference is DBJ doesn't have a history of concussion and Ridley does. If you want to post nuffy level comments unchallenged, you can do so on your own board.

You’ve done well to swing this to port Adelaide somehow being the victim, when one of your players decided to “conduct an action” that ended up taking one of our best players out of the rest of the game. Touché.
As long as every case from here on that results in a concussion for whatever reason is rated as severe impact as well then no dramas.

The issue is that that won’t be the case. Still a lottery between what differentiates between high/severe and who it is.

The only determining factor in the impact being rated severe is the fact Ridley went of concussed. So therefor going forward, any action that results in a concussion has to be rated severe as well.

As I said on our board, I wouldn't have a problem if he got 4 weeks if Franklin and Pickett got that in Rd 1. It would still be unlucky, but it would be consistent. In 8 weeks of football Ryan Burton's got 2 weeks for a tackle that didn't cause injury and was in line with every other 1 weeker, Jonas got a week for a non-bump that didn't cause injury which was a head clash, and now Rioli is going to get stitched up for 4+ for a phantom strike where minimal contact was made. We know that there will be 3-5 incidents late in the year that should be worth 2-4 weeks and they'll get 0-1 to make sure they're still in the running for the Brownlow/ finals. It happens every year, without fail. It's why you can't use precent in the tribunal because the AFL don't want their stupid decisions to be used against them later.
You’ve done well to swing this to port Adelaide somehow being the victim, when one of your players decided to “conduct an action” that ended up taking one of our best players out of the rest of the game. Touché.

Tom Jones Singing GIF
The closer you look at it (in the grainy footage) the more it actually looks like a complete accident and Rioli actually knocked into Finlayson, resulting in his arm flinging back into Ridley.

Frame 1: Clear gap between Finlayson and Ridley in which Rioli is trying to get in between. He’s looking straight at the gap.


Frame 2: It looks like Rioli makes contact with the back side of Finlayson. He’s almost tripped over him looking at how close their feet are between frames. You can also see here that between frame 1 and 2, Finlayson has changed direction slightly on the diagonal which is into Rioli’s arm. That change in direction is as Finlayson is leading at the ball.


Frame 3: Perhaps the most compelling is that Rioli’s right arm and body swings backwards towards Ridley at the exact moment he passes behind Finlayson. It appears here, Rioli has got to close to Finlayson and clipped his backside causing his body to rotate backwards. His whole body has rotated from the moment he passes behind Finlayson.


Frame 4: Rioli has passed Ridley at this point except for his hand/wrist and it that which appears to make a contact still in its backwards motion.


Initially there was a good 1-2m gap between Fin and Ridley. Looks to me that Rioli has just completely misjudged his attempt to get in between, clipped Fin which resulted in his arm swinging behind him.

If Rioli wanted to clean him up, he would have made a B line for him and not ran in the gap and missed him apart from a wrist.
And yet the rest of your post is dedicated to downplaying it. 😂😂
It’s not. What I have a problem with is one week the suspension is outcome based. Has to be severe impact because of concussion. Yet another week, like the Merrett tackle for example, it’s not outcome based. No concussion yet still a suspension. We had the same with Burton. Not outcome based, no concussion but worth 2 weeks. Or Jonas. A head clash where the player he bumped came back on and kicked 4 goals. No concussion. Not outcome based.

My problem is the severity of the impact is very subjective. It’s whatever they want it to be. No one would look at this and think it was severe. It was a glancing blow that had an unfortunate outcome.
The incident was well off the ball so Rioli needs to take full responsibility for the outcome of his actions, regardless of his intent to injure.

AFL will push for intentional because of this. Port will argue careless.

AFL will argue severe impact as it was head high and resulted in the player being concussed. Port will argue high. Tough to debate this one though.

Port will be happy with 2 weeks. AFL will push for 4.
3 weeks is about right.
Clumsy by Rioli, not sure it was intentional at all, looks more like his right hand hits Ridleys neck/voice box that caused something painful enough for him to fall straight to the ground where his head hit. Just a really awkward sequence that sucks for both players.

It does actually look like his hand is propelled after hitting Finlayson’s back. They want to put him away for three + weeks so it will happen anyway.

Ridley was concussed a couple of years back a minor hit too, does he have a history?
The incident was well off the ball so Rioli needs to take full responsibility for the outcome of his actions, regardless of his intent to injure.

AFL will push for intentional because of this. Port will argue careless.

AFL will argue severe impact as it was head high and resulted in the player being concussed. Port will argue high. Tough to debate this one though.

Port will be happy with 2 weeks. AFL will push for 4.
3 weeks is about right.

Does he have a history of being concussed easily?

Also I guess they should cancel the game against Brisbane because without Jordan they can’t win - that’s all I heard on Sunday…. Give everyone a spell. Just hand Brizzy the 4 points.

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MRP / Trib. Junior Rioli hit on Jordan Ridley

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