Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 27 Colonnade - ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ TANDY S27 MATEFLON WINNER ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ

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i aM preoCCUpIEd wiTh oTHer mATTers riGHt nOW. PLeASe coNTiNue taLKIng aMONgst yoURseLVes.
Is this a standard message for all Gumbies threads?

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Milestone Monday! On a Tuesday! With less cool stats! :(

Upcoming Milestones
Fizzler is 2 games away from 100 career games.
RookiePick is 2 games away from his 100th game for the club and 100th career game
reggie is 4 games away from his 200th career game
hilly is 5 games away from his 150th game for the club
Matera92 is 8 games away from his 150th game for the club
LeverPuller is 8 games away from his 100th career game
Its Manbearpig is 9 games away from his 50th game for the club and 50th career game
Tommycash is 9 games away from his 50th game for the club
LeverPuller is 12 games away from his 50th game for the club
kane249 is 13 games away from breaking the club games record
Miguel Sanchez is 14 games away from his 150th game for the club

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Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 27 Colonnade - ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ TANDY S27 MATEFLON WINNER ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ

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