Lloyd gone.

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The view from behind the goals is the least conclusive, actually, because it doesn't show at all the speed with which Lloyd ran off the centre square line directly at the man. In fact, that angle lulls you into a false sense of thinking that he wasn't moving much at all. Actually, if you had the view from the wing, as the usual member's side cameras did and I did at the game from the opposite wing on the southern side, you would see that Lloyd has run full tilt off his line to impact the contest.

Now, you can say that he had no way of knowing that Sewell would be there when he set off, so it's hard to prove premeditated "intentional conduct", as per the rule, despite the facts that Sewell had dominated in the first half and the TV had just shown Lloyd revving up the boys after the half time break with a big spray. Nevertheless, it is reckless, at the very least, to run full pelt like that into a pack where most players are looking at the ball.

The level of contact is where he might be able to argue. If the MRP do go with "severe contact", Lloyd might be able to plea-bargain down to high. If that happens, it's a six-weeker with a plea down to four. Anything lower than that would be a complete travesty.

I wouldn't agree with this as it is the only view that shows Lloyd thrust his right shoulder out.

Anyway, whatever his intentions, Hawthorn's season is over and Lloyd's actions changed the game and got his team into the finals. Took one for the team knowing the likely outcome, great captaincy.
I think everyone needs to get a grip..

Buddy got weeks, Lloyd will get weeks, because the AFL is intent on taking out the contact of our sport.

Thats the real issue, that our game has been screwed over by Vlad and his cohorts. Its a contact sport ffs, now players dont know what do in a contested situation with about 2 milliseconds of thinking time. Tragedy.

And sniping someone, thats what Brodie Holland did to Willo about 6 years ago, 50 metres off the ball. Ditto Barry Hall. You can hardly snipe someone when the ball is right there. Snipers are now dead and buried because off the ball incidents rarely happen.

Batemans wasnt a snipe, but a cheap shot. Stupid actually, one of thier best will miss a couple early next year.

The AFL are worried about the image of the game, yet most people now call it GayFL because its turned so soft. What if parents dont let their kids play the game because its considered a girls game? Will Vlad be happy then?

Leave the game alone for Gods sake..
Gee where are all the threads about Campbell Brown having a sook after the game. Seems people only got on this when it is a collingwood player who says comments post game but anyone else well that's fine.

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This incident is infinitely worse than Buddy's.

Lloyd was running full speed and attacked a player who did not have the ball and in fact was bending forward to collect it. It was a dirty act by a dirty sniper and he deserves the maximum punishment that the law can throw at him.

Buddy on the other hand had two feet planted on the ground and he was more or less stationary. And his opponent actually had the ball and wasnt bending over to pick it up.
Gee where are all the threads about Campbell Brown having a sook after the game. Seems people only got on this when it is a collingwood player who says comments post game but anyone else well that's fine.

Gee, every paper has a picture of Lloyd with the word 'sniper'.
Mud sticks and he'll need to play next year to lose the tag.
Can't recall but did Llyod run off the square at a centre bounce to clean up Sewel?

If so this incident was far more "intensional" than what Buddy did it was premeditated.:thumbsdown:

Could last night have been Llyods last game? Quite a send off!;)
Is it just me or does quaterbrain sum up the typical hawthron supporter.

He was crying last week, doing everything he possibly could to shove his opinion down our throats that there is no way Franklin should go, it was a fair hit ect, even when cousins was down.

Yesterday on the other hand, he was yelling thats not on... bla bla bla. He then went on to almost barack for hawthorn for the next 5 minutes.

Channel 10 could do worse than standing him down and bringing back underwood.

At least we dont have to listen to him calling Hawks games ever again in 2009.
I just love the way some mental deficients in here are accusing Hawthorn fans of hypocrisy. All we are doing is reacting to the justice (or lack thereof) for Buddy Franklin the week before. If Franklin's actions were seen as punishable, then we want Lloyd dealt with as well.

If anyone can be guilty of hypocisy, it's the Essendon fans. All of last week they were so set in their argument that the AFL got it right and deserved matches, and now they are trying to mount an argument for Lloyd's innocence.

Lloyd should get 4 matches, and it will be a fitting end to his sniping, diving, lying, cheating career.

It's going to be so nice sitting back next week and watching the Crows pull Essendon apart like some rusty decaying old car. I may even go to the game to enjoy it even more.
Campbell Chicken-shit Brown said:
I was out there and I thought it was pretty similar (to Lance Franklin's clash with Ben Cousins)

Yet Lloyd is somehow a 'sniper'.

Not only a chicken shit coward, but he's also a bloody hypocrite.

Personally I reckon the AFL should fine him for bring the game into disrepute. Fancy allowing such a coward to play at the elite level of a body contact sport.
Can't recall but did Llyod run off the square at a centre bounce to clean up Sewel?

Yes he did. People who think it was in anyway similar to Franklins split second decision to bump instead of tackle dont understand the game.

Lloyd deliberately and with considerable momentum lined up a much smaller player who was unprotected trying to pick up the ball.

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I just love the way some mental deficients in here are accusing Hawthorn fans of hypocrisy. All we are doing is reacting to the justice (or lack thereof) for Buddy Franklin the week before. If Franklin's actions were seen as punishable, then we want Lloyd dealt with as well.

I get that. But then dont call him a dirty sniper. Last week it was a great bump. This week its a cheap shot. Cant have it both ways. Thats what we mean by hypocrisy. :thumbsu:
Yet Lloyd is somehow a 'sniper'.

Not only a chicken shit coward, but he's also a bloody hypocrite.

Personally I reckon the AFL should fine him for bring the game into disrepute. Fancy allowing such a coward to play at the elite level of a body contact sport.

I think we can all spot a few differences between Franklin and Lloyd's bump.

I've seen Campbell Brown play enough football to know he's no coward, but who knows what you base your rantings on. Is this just an opportunity for you to kick Hawthorn? Say it aint so, Jeff.

And as for disrepute, this is the guy who lied to the tribunal about Judd eye-gouging him to help him out. When he admitted he lied, Judd threw him under the bus and Brown got fined for his troubles. I think he favour giving days are over.
I get that. But then dont call him a dirty sniper. Last week it was a great bump. This week its a cheap shot. Cant have it both ways. Thats what we mean by hypocrisy. :thumbsu:

They are different incidents.
So we can add liar to the list of personality traits? :)

He followed the old tribunal "code".

So why do you hate Hawthorn so much, Jeff? Big kid in a Hawks jumper take your lollipop?
They are different incidents.

What about your captain in last years grand final?

Hawthorn have been the worst in the AFL at sniping and cheap shots. They have Lewis, Brown, Hodge, McGlynn and Mitchell. They cannot take the moral high ground on this one.

I think they were unlucky yesterday, and prob deserved to win, but spare me the Lloyd is a sniper crap, and grow some balls and realise you won a flag doing that sort of stuff. You just never connected as well as he did yesterday.
They were totally different incidents. This week its a cheap shot. Last week it wasnt.


Lloyd had clear intent to cause maximum damage. He ran straight off the line and was still travelling at full pace in a straight line when he hit Sewell. He made zero effort to miss Sewell's head - and didn't even make contact with Sewell's body.

Franklin's was a body hit with incidental high contact.

Anyways, doesn't really matter to the hawks what happens. Essendon are a worse team with the sniper playing - hope he goes on.
Yes he did. People who think it was in anyway similar to Franklins split second decision to bump instead of tackle dont understand the game.

Lloyd deliberately and with considerable momentum lined up a much smaller player who was unprotected trying to pick up the ball.

Thats what I thought, much, much worst that the Buddy hit.

Higher impact as he was running at a player bending over (Buddy was standing still)

Intentional almost premeditated and opposed to a split second decision and recklace conduct.

Two totally diffent shirt fronts. 3 weeks min with a guilty plea IMO.

Stupid act Matty with finals next week.
What about your captain in last years grand final?

No contact. If he had connected it would have been a bad incident and he would have gone for 8-10.

Hawthorn have been the worst in the AFL at sniping and cheap shots. They have Lewis, Brown, Hodge, McGlynn and Mitchell. They cannot take the moral high ground on this one.

Have a go at providing me a detailed example of each players sniping. Go on.

I think they were unlucky yesterday, and prob deserved to win, but spare me the Lloyd is a sniper crap, and grow some balls and realise you won a flag doing that sort of stuff. You just never connected as well as he did yesterday.

Just repeating the BF line are you? It's lazy stuff and factually incorrect.

Lloyd's got form but dances between the raindrops. One of the guys he got was Campbell Brown (Brown done for retailiating), broke Thurgood's jaw with his arm guard (no case to answer). Add the "simulations" to it and you have a good player who's reputation exceeds his deeds.

If Franklin is now the yardstick, all hawks fans want is Lloyd to get his fair whack too.

Lloyd had clear intent to cause maximum damage. He ran straight off the line and was still travelling at full pace in a straight line when he hit Sewell. He made zero effort to miss Sewell's head - and didn't even make contact with Sewell's body.

Franklin's was a body hit with incidental high contact.

Anyways, doesn't really matter to the hawks what happens. Essendon are a worse team with the sniper playing - hope he goes on.

What rubbish. He ran straight at the contest to give an aggressive physical presence. Good on him. But he couldn't predict 5 seconds in advance where that would be, who would have the ball and where Sewell's head would be. There's no a whole lot that separates a fair bump from one that injures someone. Buddy's was no different.

Someone got hurt and it happened to be one of you players. It's part of the game, suck it up. "Intent to cause maximum damage?" You've been watching too much Judge Judy
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