Malthouse prevented player revolt in 2011

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Look at the way Buckley berates his own players from the box when they stuff up. You think they don't see that. Classic example of a very talented figjam player who will NEVER make it as a coach, even inheriting a premiership side at the best resourced club in the comp.

Because Mick treated the players with respect [!]:

"Five minutes before halftime we were three goals up. One blatant error where a backline player, Tarrant didn't take the ball over, and a boundary umpire got it wrong when Jolly punched the ball out. It hit the line, that's not out, and they are within one goal.

"We were eight points down at three-quarter time, not 10 goals down, for those who want to say the game style fell apart."

"I can't help it if Dane Swan got one kick in the last quarter. Dane Swan is a Brownlow medallist."

"Maybe I am patting myself on the back. The game structure was good. If it was no good, I am sorry, we did our best."
Just because FA signings happened before trades began doesnt mean things worked in that order. Collingwood signing Lynch could of easily been because Dawes had already indicated he wanted out.

That's great, point is he clearly won't be missed if they didn't bat an eyelid to keep him

No resistance showed whatever the circumstances
It wouldn't surprise me if Collingwood employed a behavioral psychologist to keep tabs on Buckleys interactions with the players.

Eddie identifies strongly with Buckley because they are both zealots. This is never going to transfer broadly to a group of 18-30 year old males.

I heard Brad Scott once say the reason he'd been able to build a bond with his players quickly was because in his own career, he'd faced pretty much everything a player could: he'd been delisted, he'd been traded, he'd played in a very poor side, he'd won flags ...

So if a kid who was on the rookie list came to see him and said they were struggling, he could look them in the eye and say "I got delisted by Hawthorn, played a season in the 2s then got re-drafted". At the same time, he can look at a champion like Boomer Harvey, who is actually older than him, knowing that they've both been at the very top.

Buckley has been a self interested flog from day one who has always, via his vaulting ego, managed to cost himself success by hunting glory. Had he stayed at Brissy or honoured his agreement to go to North, he would have won flags as a player.

Now, instead of having some integrity and building something at North as a coach, he thought he'd take the easy road and take over the thing Mick built at Collingwood. But the fates do not like such hubris.

Buckley will see no success coaching Collingwood.

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I hear Brad Scott once say the reason he'd been able to build a bond with his players quickly was because in his own career, he'd faced pretty much everything a player could: he'd been delisted, he'd been traded, he'd played in a very poor side, he'd won flags ...

So if a kid who was on the rookie list came to see him and said they were struggling, he could look them in the eye and say "I got delisted by Hawthorn, played a season in the 2s then got re-drafted". At the same time, he can look at a champion like Boomer Harvey, who is actually older than him, knowing that they've both been at the very top.

Buckley has been a self interested flog from day one who has always, via his vaulting ego, managed to cost himself success by hunting glory. Had he stayed at Brissy or honoured his agreement to go to North, he would have won flags as a player.

Now, instead of having some integrity and building something at North as a coach, he thought he'd take the easy road and take over the thing Mick built at Collingwood. But the fates do not like such hubris.

I think Buckleys issues can be directly traced back to his relationship with his father.

Imagine being a teenage kid and getting critical player reports from your father stuffed in an envelope and then stuffed under your bedroom door?

Buckley will see no success coaching Collingwood.

Collingwood do appear to be entering a 50% top up and 50% rebuild phase. They might luck in to a flag, but Hawthorn are still at their peak and the Norths, Richmonds, GWS's, GC's are looming fast in the rear view mirror. Melbourne and the Dogs will also rebuild quicker than Collingwood.
I enjoy watching Bucks crack the shits in the box. I find it hilarious even though it probably means we're losing. :p
I thought this story did the rounds back in 2011
It did,but Mick has his book to sell now,Just on Mick you would think a coach who has just joined a club would prefer to be with them at trade time but no that explains Micks priorities in one go.

Good luck to Carlton with Mick they will need it and no Collingwood do not have a problem with Mick as he shows constantly it is the other way round.To those people comparing MM with Buckley as a coach they should remember this is Buckley,s 1st year.They should look at how contrasting Buckley and Malthouse conduct themselves personally and I prefer Buckley to MM any day and twice on sunday.
Look at the way Buckley berates his own players from the box when they stuff up. You think they don't see that. Classic example of a very talented figjam player who will NEVER make it as a coach, even inheriting a premiership side at the best resourced club in the comp.

lol this is a joke.

EVERY coach has been scathing at some point during games when their team makes errors or isn't following instructions. The camera catches them all the time.

Mick was actually one of the best of dropping expletives too.

Just enjoy Brad Scott and the impressive finals record you have under him.
But Malthouse won a flag so the players must have been more united if following the PieLebo logic.
Malthouse hadn't won shit while Swan was playing up under him. And players requested trades under Malthouse as well. Both your points are ridiculous.

Look at the way Buckley berates his own players from the box when they stuff up. You think they don't see that. Classic example of a very talented figjam player who will NEVER make it as a coach, even inheriting a premiership side at the best resourced club in the comp.
So Buckley took over Geelong now?

I could make a lovely montage of successful coaches throwing hissy fits in the coaches box.

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Judging by your posts, you couldn't coach an under 12's team to a premiership.

And it's got nothing to do with resources and chequebooks.

Mick, despite all the griping, is a leader of men and he sets very high standards. It's the reason why Eddie recruited him to turn the club around and why players remain so loyal to him. Guys like Brett Heady and Karl Langdon swear by him to this day.

But like I said, it's been 12 months now. It's time for both Mick and Collingwood fans to move on graciously.
Colliingwood would like nothing more than that it is the other party that will not stop,I am not surprised though he does have book to sell.
Eddie and Collingwood made a mistake getting rid of Mick - he will show them up at Carlton

Mick's time at Carlton will be like Malcom Blight's at St. Kilda.

Nathan Bassett, Shane O'Bree and Andrew McLeod refused to take big coin at Carlton as assistant coaches for 1 reason, Mick Malthouse.

You would be extremely nervous if you were a Carlton supporter right now but I suspect more frustrated. Your coach is flogging books in WA whilst you are in the middle of trade week.
To be honest, it was that it happened to Collingwood per se. More that Buckley the figjam again revealed himself to be a figjam flog.

I hate Buckley becase he lied to us and shafted us in the early 90s.

I actually don't miund Ciollingwood overall, got a lot of time for Eddie.
Buckley was made a better offer by Collingwood. I don't see how he shafted you in any way. In any case holding a grudge since 1992 is probably not the best thing to do... Also why wouldn't Buckley want to go back and coach his old club?

You're one of the funniest posters when you bring little insignificant North into conversations of the big clubs. AFAIK Mick never had an affiliation with North, so nobody really cares about North in this thread.

In 5 years time we'll compare Bucks and Scott to see where they are at with their coaching careers. The lists will be pretty much turned over so it will be fair. Buckley will be ahead.
Just enjoy Brad Scott and the impressive finals record you have under him.

I don't think a Brad Scott coached North ever beat a Malthouse coached Collingwood.

Yet we easily acciounted for the Buckley-led Pies.

As for finals coaching records, Buckley's isn't exacty impressive either.
Brad Scott will win flags at North as a coach. FIGJAM won't win one at Collingwood. Sort of like their playing careers.
You didn't even look like winning a solitary final after being given one of the softest draws ever.

The way it stands now Bucks has earned the respect of the Footy public this year while Brad will be remembered for laughable tribunal appeals, players rejecting moves to your club even after barracking for North as kids, getting shafted at the trade table and a shitload of embarrassing whining.
Sort of reflective of our clubs' standings in the scheme of things

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Malthouse prevented player revolt in 2011

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