Scandal Mark Bomber Thompson Raided By Vic Police (Update pg 66: Charged with possession and trafficking)

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What Bomber said reeks of bull. This guy rocked up to my house uninvited, I let him in cause I was lonely, we struck a friendship, I let him move in and then I had an intuition that he was a drug taker also.

I have no doubt that he was using some... clearly he was. But he was involved in the trafficking, no matter how small his percentage of the cut was... if it be 10% or 25%. Sometimes you just want to be the man.
In my opinion the AFL have endorsed drug taking with the 3 strike policy and the Broom, Sweep, Rug policy when a player is caught, but as i say that's my opinion.

Not just your opinion. AFL love to think they're the moral compass to the world, but the moment a real issue raises its' head, they run and hide.

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Yep. I know of players who have taken the field high as kites.
Mate this is the scandals board. Give us some names or keep your "i know someone who did something" crap to yourself.
What Bomber said reeks of bull. This guy rocked up to my house uninvited, I let him in cause I was lonely, we struck a friendship, I let him move in and then I had an intuition that he was a drug taker also.

I have no doubt that he was using some... clearly he was. But he was involved in the trafficking, no matter how small his percentage of the cut was... if it be 10% or 25%. Sometimes you just want to be the man.

Yep - do you think Bomber Thompson would want to be out on the streets buying his gear and being recognised. Nope - better off having your own live-in drug dealer

"You keep me supplied and you can live here for free".
If he is found guilty of dealing then Seeya Mark.

However if he is just a user then I have sympathy for the man. Depression is a desperate, hideous thing and a curse that no amount of money can resolve. To me he always seemed a reasonably genuine bloke; a fine player and an excellent, innovative coach. I genuinely believe that the Essendon saga has had a nasty toll on his well being and I hope that somehow he can pull himself through this.
if he does then it will be a joke.. what he chooses to to put into his body is his choice

jail should be for murderers, rapers, pedos, thieves and thugs

yeah, nah.

That works ok in theory, but everyone else ends up paying for the after effects of drug use, especially meth.

Besides, does anybody buy it was really just personal use????
if he does then it will be a joke.. what he chooses to to put into his body is his choice

jail should be for murderers, rapers, pedos, thieves and thugs
Yeah I'm all for freedom of choice, but trafficking ice..?

Fair to say that stuff can turn people in to rapers, murders, thieves etc...
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Just another shit bloke in the AFL system that the 'boys club' industry tries to cover up for. No sympathy whatsoever. Had it all and screwed it all up because of ego, arrogance, entitlement and invincibility. Just because he is an AFL legend doesn't make him an automatic 'good bloke' who made a 'mistake' and deserves 'another chance'. Anyone who believes the crap excuses given in court is living in fairyland. Plenty of arseholes, liers, hustlers, scumbags, rorters in AFL land.

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probably been mentioned but I remember his regular appearances on fox footy..He would talk absolute nonsensical gibberish

thinking back now it makes sense

That clip of him on 'On The Couch' where he's all fidgety and then 'jokes' that he should sell 'frozen water' lol.

This was ages ago i remember he was wearing a Geelong polo. Also Hird was one of the hosts of the show at the time.

I thought, where have I seen this skit before and then it dawned on me.
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Well you seem like a bit of a joker but let’s see where you’re mettle is?
Can you explain how you got to Shaun Micaleff? Who is by learning a trained lawyer and probably won’t represent you?
That clip of him on 'On The Couch' where he's all fidgety and then 'jokes' that he should sell 'frozen water' lol.

This was ages ago i remember he was wearing a Geelong polo. Also Hird was one of the hosts of the show at the time.
That’s scurrilous bullshit and inuendo that can be knocked on the head toot sweet.
Well you seem like a bit of a joker but let’s see where you’re mettle is?
Can you explain how you got to Shaun Micaleff? Who is by learning a trained lawyer and probably won’t represent you?
Calm down Petal.
You know, ole Milo the trained lawyer had to resort taking the piss out of certain stereo types.
It might be a bit of a shock to you snowflake but that was normal in Australia a few years ago.

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Scandal Mark Bomber Thompson Raided By Vic Police (Update pg 66: Charged with possession and trafficking)

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